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Autumn 2003 | Volume 26, Number 4 | Footnotes



STAN BOSTROM helped establish and direct Christian servicemen’s centers in Germany from 1954 to 1960. He has retired from a marriage-and-family-counseling practice but maintains a 30-year-old, home-based nutrition business. He is also writing and preparing a collection of short, personal life stories for his children and grandchild. Stan and his wife, Gaylon, live in University Place, Washington.

Doorbelling for Evangelistic Crusade Leads to Marriage of Two Alums
When BRUCE MCCARTNEY '59 was ringing doorbells in Bellevue, Washington, to invite residents to the upcoming Puget Sound Festival with Luis Palau in August 2002, he didn't expect the task to change his life. But he rang the doorbell of BETTY GRAHAM KOETJE '61.

Betty was traveling in China at the time, but Bruce left her a brochure and a note. When she returned home, she called.

The two discovered their ɬÀï·¬ Pacific connections, mission connections - and even Palau connections. (Bruce had been a classmate of PAT SCOFIELD PALAU '59 at SPC. Betty attended church with the Palaus in her hometown of Portland, Oregon.) One thing led to another, and on June 28, 2003, Bruce and Betty married. "The principal attraction for both of us was an interest in missions," says Betty. "We want to serve the Lord in some capacity as long as we can - and, of course, we found other things in common as well."

A widowed mother of four, Betty was planning retirement from her 16-year teaching career in the Bellevue School District and exploring mission opportunities. In 1997, Bruce, a divorced father of three, had taken early retirement from Farmers Insurance Co. to begin short-term missions. "I've been to 17 countries in the last six years," he says.

Now married and living in Puyallup, Washington, the couple will take a trip to Honduras and Costa Rica in January 2004. Bruce will again be visiting a Honduran Christian school to bring supplies. And they'll visit a missionary-friend of Betty's in Costa Rica.

Says Bruce about their unexpected romance: "I had no idea what would happen when I went up to that door."


HARVEY TAYLOR and his wife, Nina, have spent 23 years in China and currently serve as the Yunnan-area “member care couple” for the Jian Hua Foundation (JHF). JHF helps aid development in China through education, and medical and social services. Making their home in Kunming, Yunnan, the Taylors visit Yunnan JHF associates “to offer listening ears, caring hearts and maybe tales of how over the years we made it through similar difficulties.” Harvey, who has a Ph.D. in Asian linguistics, also travels to the Tibetan areas of Zhong Dian and DeQin to work on English teacher arrangements in a more remote village.


SHARON BAKKE BENSON operated a private preschool in her Bow, Washington, home for 21 years. She has now moved the school to Bethany Covenant Church but continues to direct it. Sharon’s husband, Jerry, is in the grain business. The couple runs a bed and breakfast called Benson Farmstead in their large restored farmhouse. They have four grown sons.


FRANK VIDIN is the senior training consultant for ING, a financial services company. In his position, Frank trains financial professionals across the country on technical and practical issues facing consumers. He is also president of Effective Development Training, LLC, a company that provides consulting and training to nonprofit organizations, including the United Way of America. His wife, PHYLLIS LONG VIDIN ’67, recently retired from the Special Education Department of the Lake Oswego (Oregon) School District. The Vidins make their home in Camas, Washington.


ALVIN DE JONG, a professor of biological sciences at California Polytechnic State University (Cal Poly), received the University’s 2002–2003 Distinguished Teaching Award in June 2003. Students and alumni nominate faculty members for the award, which is Cal Poly’s highest teaching honor. Alvin has taught at Cal Poly since 1973, his courses ranging from freshman biology to senior-level physiology. His scientific papers have been published in the journals Condor and Physiology and Behavior, and he has written laboratory manuals for introductory courses in zoology and biology. Alvin currently lives in San Luis Obispo, California.


JOHN WILLSON and KATHY HOFF WILLSON led the Lighthouse Centennial Celebration Committee to plan the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Admiralty Head Lighthouse, located on Whidbey Island in Washington. The staff at SPU’s Casey Conference Center, including Guest Group Program Coordinator MITCH RICHARDS ’87, partnered with Friends of the Admiralty Head Lighthouse to put on the celebration in August 2003. DAN KERLEE ’82 was instrumental in arranging for a commemorative poster to be produced. John, Kathy and Mitch live on Whidbey Island. Dan lives in ɬÀï·¬.


DANIEL ADAMS is the author of two recent books: Christ and Culture in Asia: Explorations From Korea (New Day Publishers, 2002) and The Word in the World (Shin-A Publishing Com-pany, 2003). Dan and his wife, Carol, are professors at Hanil University and Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Jeonbuk, Korea. In May 2003, Dan gave a series of lectures at Kobe Chinese Reformed Presbyterian Church in Kobe, Japan, and this month, he will give the Mackay Memorial Lectures at Taiwan Theological College in Taipei, Taiwan. In December and January, Dan and Carol will both serve as visiting professors at Yangon Graduate School of Theology in Yan-gon, Myanmar (Burma). The couple makes their home in Jeonju, Korea.

BARBARA SAMPSON STILLMAN and her husband, Jim, began serving as missionaries in Zaire in 1971. Barbara worked in a health center and promoted community health in surrounding villages. Jim served as an electrician and jack-of-all-trades. The Stillmans were evacuated from Zaire in 1991 due to political instability and, in early 1992, worked at the Kibuye Hospital in Burundi. When war broke out there in 1993, they stayed on, working under the Red Cross flag and then in a mission hospital until war started in Rwanda in 1994. They were instructed to leave, but returned to Zaire in 1996, just in time for conflict to break out there again. Since 1997, the Stillmans have served in Tanzania. They minister among 43,000 Congolese and Burundian Free Methodist refugees, and 3,000 Tanzanian Free Methodists. Barbara and Jim have two children.


CAROL EASTON GRANT lives in Marysville, Washington, where she has taught piano for the past 12 years. Her husband, David, was youth pastor and then pastor at the First Baptist Church in Marysville for 19 years, and is now serving as pastor of the Northshore Christian Church in Everett. The couple has three children and three grandchildren.


MARGARET MACK NELSON and her husband, Jim, have worked with the Free Methodist Church in Cambodia since October 2002. Part of a multicultural team, they help with administrative work, including correspondence in English and bookkeeping. They had hoped to teach English to university students, but current responsibilities have not given them the time to run a full-time English school. Writes Margaret, “We’re still struggling to learn the Khmer language and to adjust to hot, humid weather all year.”


RICK STARK is a Baptist General Conference missionary in Brazil, where he is involved in church planting and teaching. His wife, Carol, is a nurse and works among the poor near Rio de Janeiro.


KAREN STRAND WINSLOW earned a Ph.D. in Near and Middle Eastern studies at the University of Washington in ɬÀï·¬ in June 2003. She is now an associate professor at Greenville College in Greenville, Illinois, where she teaches biblical, Jewish and women’s studies. Karen, who taught at SPU from 1987 to 1999, is also an ordained elder in the Free Methodist Church. Her husband, DALE WINSLOW ’73, is superintendent of the Gateway Conference of the Free Methodist Church. Previously, he served as pastor of the Shoreline (Washington) Free Methodist Church for 16 years and the Sweet Home (Oregon) Free Methodist Church for nine years. The Winslows have three children, including KARMELLE WINSLOW ’00.


DALE AMUNDSEN has accepted the position of director of community education for Bothell Funeral Home, located in Bothell, Washington, and its parent company, Evergreen-Washelli in ɬÀï·¬. He is also the service celebrant for both funeral homes. Dale lives in Monroe and continues to co-pastor Anderson Island Community Church in Pierce County.


CAROL AGNOR HUG and her husband, Kent, moved to LaGrande, Oregon, in 1987 to start New Hope Christian Church, and they are still active in this ministry. The Hugs have seven children between the ages of 10 and 25, three of whom are adopted.


BOBBI MAICHEL YOUNG is vice president of program management at Integrex Inc. in Bothell, Washington. She has spent more than 17 years in program, contract and materials management in the medi-cal, commercial and military manufacturing industries. In 1986, Bobbi received her M.B.A. from Pepperdine University. She lives in Mill Creek with her husband, Brad, and their two children. Bobbie has four nieces and nephews who currently attend SPU: ELIZABETH CORNUTT, KENNY CORNUTT, STUART CORNUTT and RACHEL WOODBROOK.


DANIEL ICHINAGA was named to Washington Law and Politics’ annual list of “Washington’s Best Lawyers.” A partner at Ellis Li & McKinstry in ɬÀï·¬ since 1990, Daniel’s practice focuses on business, finance and employment. He is also a playwright and holds a third-degree black belt in the martial art, kendo kai. He serves on the Bailey-Boushay House Advisory Board and is on the board of directors of ɬÀï·¬ Kendo Kai. Daniel resides in ɬÀï·¬.


JAMES HASHMAN was named the Department of Defense Overseas Schools Japan District Teacher of the Year for 2003. Since 1998, James has worked to expand the instrumental and choral aspects of the school music program at Matthew C. Perry High School in Iwakuni, Japan. He also instructs video communications classes, where students use professional video equipment to produce “Samurai News.” In the community, he works to bridge the gap between Americans and Japanese through combined concerts at local venues. Prior to teaching in Japan, James taught for many years in Panama. While in Panama, he received the Panama Canal Honorary Public Service Award for his musical contributions to the surrounding community. He and his wife, Marcia, have two children.

MARK TEAGLE serves as the director of music ministries at First Presbyterian Church in Santa Cruz, California. He is also active as an umpire for Little League baseball and softball, and as a volunteer leader for 4-H clubs. Mark lives in Santa Cruz.


JOANNA BAKER is teaching in Gloucester, England, for the 2003–2004 school year through the Fulbright Teacher Exchange Program. Living in Cheltenham, she writes, “Visitors welcome!”

BARBARA DEAN GROFFMAN works as a part-time pharmacist at Hall Health, the student health clinic on the University of Washington campus in ɬÀï·¬. Her husband, Marcus, works as a nurse practitioner at the Urgent Care Clinic at Harborview Medical Center. They are involved at First Free Methodist Church in ɬÀï·¬ and St. Mary’s Catholic Church, where Marcus is a member. In November 2002, the couple traveled to Haiti with Haiti Medical Teams for a two-week medical mission trip. Although this was their first mission trip together, Barbara had gone alone in 2000. She writes that they hope to make more such trips in the future. The Groffmans have one daughter and live in Shoreline, Washington.


CHRISTINE JACOBS graduated from the California Highway Patrol Academy in August 2001. She is a road patrol officer out of the Santa Rosa, California, office of the Highway Patrol. “It is a great job,” she writes, “and you meet lots of ‘fascinating’ ɬÀï·¬.” Christine makes her home in Rohnert Park, “in the heart of wine country in Sonoma County.” She actively participates in youth and women’s minis-tries at Gateway Christian Church, where she has been a member for seven years.


DUSTIN REMINGTON has been a real estate broker for 12 years with RE/MAX Northwest in Bothell, Washington. In 1998, he hired SPU alumnus CARMEN “C.C.” CRISPENO ’91 (married to KIM FINCH CRISPENO ’91) to be part of his team. Recently, Dustin also hired ANDY O’SHEA ’90 (married to MICHELLE AUTREY O’SHEA ’91). “It shows that who you meet at SPU could be with you forever,” writes Dustin. “We all three met and married SPU grads as well. So, in total, that’s one business, three business partners, six SPU grads and 11 children (future SPU students?) between us all!” Dustin and his wife, CINDY ELLISON REMINGTON ’91, live in Bothell with their four children.

LISA MCCHESNEY SIEDENBURG is a math teacher at Sylvester Middle School in the Highline (Washington) School District. She has also spent two years as a teacher in Nicaragua with Mission Aviation Fellowship. Lisa and her husband, John, live in Tukwila, Washington.


LORNE RICHMOND is co-owner of Richmond Public Relations in ɬÀï·¬. In September, he and his partner, Louis Richmond, attended the Juve-nile Diabetes Research Foundation donor appreciation cruise on the Radisson Seven Seas cruise ship. Lorne resides in ɬÀï·¬.

MARTIN STILLION has released his first CD, “Notorious,” the original soundtrack to A Most Notorious Woman, a play in which he’s performed with playwright Molly Lyons. The production has toured throughout the United States and Ireland. Writes Martin, “Roughly half the pieces are my own compositions; the other half are mostly traditional tunes, or at least very old ones.” The music is primarily Celtic in style, and on the CD, Martin plays fiddle, mandolin, viola, octave mandolin, mandocello and resophonic tenor guitar. Martin and his wife, Sarah, reside in Edmonds, Washington.


LEANNE COOPER has traveled to 31 countries since graduation. Nine of those countries were in South America, where she traveled solo for 18 months. She plans to continue traveling and would like to become a travel writer and motivational personal/professional coach and speaker.


MARK BARNES teaches eighth-grade English at Wellington Junior High in Wellington, Colorado. His wife, KIMBERLEE CROCKER BARNES ’95, teaches health education part-time at Poudre Valley Hospital in Fort Collins, Colorado. They have a baby daughter and make their home in Fort Collins.


JEFF BRADY and SARAH BEAN BRADY ’93 live in Maple Valley, Washington, where Jeff teaches math and coaches track and cross country in the Tahoma School District. Sarah taught for eight years in the Kent School District before the birth of their son and daughter. In addition to staying busy with their family, friends and church, the Bradys lead Young Life at Tahoma High School.


RYAN BEST recently joined the Spokane, Washington, offices of Paine, Hamblen, Coffin, Brooke & Miller LLP as an associate. His law practice will be in litigation, emphasizing tort defense and personal injury. Prior to joining Paine Hamblen, Ryan was a research assistant for a law professor at Baylor University School of Law, where he earned his J.D. He and his wife, MICHELLE GREEN BEST ’96, live in Spokane.

JANELL TOPPEN-RYAN was promoted to senior recruiter at the Microsoft Corporation in Redmond, Washington, in January 2003. Janell, who celebrated five years with Microsoft in August 2003, lives in Bothell.


ANYA RARDIN began serving in the Peace Corps in Madagascar in July 2003. She will be there for two years, teaching English to 170 Malagasy-speaking sixth graders in four classes. Before she entered the Peace Corps, Anya worked for a year at Disneyland in costume as Disney characters such as Winnie the Pooh and Mickey Mouse. One highlight during her Disneyland experience was spending time with a chronically ill child visiting with the “Make a Wish Foundation.” That child’s dream had been to meet Winnie the Pooh, and Anya was dressed as Pooh that day.


KARMELLE WINSLOW is a nurse at St. Joseph’s Hospital in Bellingham, Washington. Previously, she worked at St. Francis Hospital in Santa Barbara, California, and the Sports Medicine Clinic in ɬÀï·¬.


Young Alums Continue Their Education at Harvard Law, Boston Medical
ɬÀï·¬ is making its presence felt at Harvard Law School: NICK GLANCY '02 and MATT COOPER '99 are now first-year students at the prestigious school. Although other SPU graduates have attended Harvard Law in the past, this may be the first time that two alumni have been classmates.

To top it off, Matt's wife, LISA MALMIN COOPER '98, is nearby, serving her medical residency at Boston Medical Center. "I'm very thankful that Matt and Lisa are both in Cambridge [Massachusetts]," says Nick. "It has definitely helped with the transition, and it's fun to share that connection with them in a new environment."

Already, the trio has found its preparation at SPU invaluable. "SPU's professors … cared about my development as a student, a person, an athlete and a Christian," says Matt. "I'm certain that few, if any, other institutions could have prepared me as well, from a whole-person perspective." Lisa agrees: "SPU gave me excellent preparation for a medical career, both in terms of academics and in helping me to understand how to integrate my faith with society."

Although the first-year class at Harvard Law includes 560 students, Matt and Nick have found themselves in the same daily classes. At Boston Medical Center, Lisa works 12-hour shifts in the emergency room. All three will complete their programs in 2006.

Lisa plans to continue emergency medicine. Matt, who just completed four years in the Air Force, plans a career as a government prosecutor. Nick hopes to work in international human rights advocacy.


INGRID BOSTROM leaves in November 2003 to live for six months in Sweden, where she will study art and culture, and connect with extended family. Her younger brother, BJORN BOSTROM, is now a freshman at SPU.

ALAYNA SCHWARTZ passed her nursing board examinations and joined the U.S. Navy. Now Ensign Schwartz, she went through officer training in Rhode Island and is currently stationed in San Diego, California.

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