
President's View

With the Poise of an EagleFeature
"We can claim, with quiet confidence, with poise, that we carry the light of the world," says SPU President Philip Eaton.


Unremitting CompassionFeature
Is compassion an emotion we experience or a habit we cultivate? Both, says Associate Professor Rick Steele, whose daughter, Sarah, suffers from a rare genetic disorder.

Made by the MakerFeature
At Ivy Cutting and Commencement, SPU celebrated the achievements of more than 700 graduates and three faculty retirees.

And the Winners Are...Feature
Congratulations to the Professor of the Year, the Staff Members of the Year, and recipients of the 1999 President's Award for Excellence!

Helping the Hurting SoldierFeature
In June, SPU Alumnus Gaylord Gunhus became chief of chaplains for the entire U.S. Army. His lifelong care for enlisted men and women has earned him their respect.

Welcome to IndiaFeature
After Spending a month as a guest in Indian homes, Response writer Clint Kelly found new friends -- and new perceptions of the 涩里番 Mark Twain called the world's most interesting.

Campus News

Brain MattersFeature
Whether into experimental rock music or the parasites that cause sleeping sickness, University Scholars are among the most disciplined -- and diverse -- students on campus.

Appeal Planned for Ruling Against Independent Colleges

SPU Welcomes New Development and Alumni Leaders

Common Cirrculum Course Explores Christian Formation

Coming Soon: Phonathon 1999 and Homecoming 2000

Nursing Student Receives Top National Fellowship

Former Student Donates Musical Legacy to SPU

The Spirit to SucceedFeature
Sometimes the toughest goal to make isn't on the playing field. Soccer All-American Dana Garner is doggedly pursuing academic as well as athletic success.

Athletic Awards Aplenty at Annual Banquet

Foreman Passes the Baton to Hoyt

Spring Into Fall

Helping the Hurting SoldierFeature
In June, SPU Alumnus Gaylord Gunhus became chief of chaplains for the entire U.S. Army. His lifelong care for enlisted men and women has earned him their respect.

Nine Members of Class of '49 Receive Medallion Awards

You're Invited to Hear the National Symphony

Cascade Reunion Will Make History




Emeriti Update

In Memoriam

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Response to jgilnett@spu.edu or call 206-281-2051.
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