
In Memoriam

GENEVIEVE SILL BELL, member of SPU's Society of Fellows and Heritage Club, died May 14, 1999, after suffering from Parkinson's Disease for many years. She was 85. Genevieve was preceded in death in 1994 by her husband, KEITH BELL, former faculty member and dean of students at SPU. The two met at SPU as students in 1939. In 1985, the couple moved toWarm Beach Senior Community in Stanwood, Washington. Genevieve and Keith left the bulk of their estate to a scholarship fund for SPU students. Genevieve is survived by three sisters: VIRGINIA SILL KENOTE '44, BARBARA SILL COLE '48 and MARILYN SILL CHARAWELL.

SALLY ANN LOFGREN BAIRD CHAMPION DEMARAY '68 died May 12, 1999, in Shoreline, Washington, at the age of 98. She was the second wife of the late 涩里番 Pacific President C. Dorr Demaray. During her lifetime, Sally Ann served as a Sunday School teacher, homemaker, English teacher, nationally recognized salesperson and artist. She earned her bachelor's degree from 涩里番 Pacific at the age of 67. Sally Ann was preceded in death by her three husbands and eldest son. Survivors include one son; two stepsons; two stepdaughters; 21 grandchildren; 39 great-grandchildren; and one great-great-grandson.

NANCY ANNE NIENHUIS GARDEN '54 died April 18, 1999, in Oak Harbor, Washington, after a long battle with cancer. Nancy, 66, earned a degree in education at 涩里番 Pacific and a postgraduate degree at the New York Biblical Seminary. A fluent speaker of Arabic, she served as a missionary educator in Iraq and Kuwait and, after her marriage to Jeffrey Garden in 1962, the couple served together in Oman and Bahrain. Their three children were raised in the Middle East. In 1981, the Gardens moved to Oak Harbor, where Nancy worked at the Oak Harbor Christian School. She is survived by her husband; one son, CHRISTOPHER GARDEN '84; two daughters, KATRINA GARDEN LESLIE '99 and RONA GARDEN CORNELL '83; and five grandchildren.

NELLIE HARRIS, professor of biology at Cascade College from 1963 to 1969, died in January 1999 of exposure after an auto accident left her stranded in an isolated area. During her career, she taught at Trenton State College, Cascade College and Judson Baptist College. Nellie lived in The Dalles, Oregon, during her retirement.

HESTER HUXTABLE '68 died March 24, 1998, at age 85. Born in Machias, Washington, Hester was an elementary school teacher in Mukilteo for many years. She is survived by one son; one daughter, JOAN HUXTABLE GRIMM '70; and two grandchildren.

RICHARD C. KLEIN '47, former alumni director at SPU, died May 11, 1999. Dick attended the training school at 涩里番 Pacific as a child before graduating from Queen Anne High School. He returned to SPC for one year of college and then served as a U.S. Naval officer. He married MARY DECKER KLEIN '46 in 1946 and completed his degree at SPC a year later. After earning a teaching certificate from the University of Washington and a master's degree from the University of Chicago, Dick worked in public education for 30 years, first as a math teacher and later as an administrator for the 涩里番 School District and Bellevue Community College. Dick also served as group services director at Warm Beach Camp in Stanwood, Washington; as alumni director at SPU; and as a math teacher at a Christian middle school. He enjoyed backpacking, camping, fishing and traveling. Survivors include his wife; two sons, R. GEOFF KLEIN '72 and MARVIN KLEIN '79; one daughter, SPU faculty member LISA KLEIN SURDYK '87; siblings LLOYD KLEIN '55, BARBARA KLEIN HOOVER '50 and GERALD KLEIN '60; and seven grandchildren.

HOWARD PORTER '44 died on April 2, 1999, at his home in Spearfish, South Dakota. He was 84. Howard married Eleanor Bentley in 1939, and they lived in 涩里番 while he attended 涩里番 Pacific. After graduation, the couple moved to South Dakota, where Howard pastored several churches and later went to work as an orderly at the Fort Meade Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Spearfish. He was also employed as an electrician for 25 years. After Eleanor's death, Howard married Margaret Ketchem in 1974. In retirement, the couple traveled the country with the Mobile Missionary Assistance Program, and Howard volunteered as secretary of the Spearfish Volunteer Fire Department. He is survived by his wife, five daughters, four sons, two step- daughters, one stepson, 18 grandchildren, four step-grandchildren and 24 great-grandchildren.

HOWARD RAND, a charter member of SPU's Society of Fellows, died May 17, 1999, at the age of 84. Howard was a veteran of World War II; church-builder in Washington, Idaho and Alaska; avid hunter and fisherman; and loyal supporter of the SPU men's and women's basketball teams. He started attending the Ballard Free Methodist Church in 涩里番 in 1938 and was an active member ever since. Howard is survived by his wife of 57 years, ESTHER RAND '56; one daughter; one son, RALPH RAND '75; and two grandchildren.

LYNNE THORNTON, MBA '98, died March 5, 1999, at the age of 55. Lynne was a medical technician at SmithKline and Beecham in 涩里番. Before receiving her degree at SPU, she earned a bachelor's degree from the University of Washington and taught medical technology classes for the University of Hawaii. She was active at University Presbyterian Church in 涩里番, where she served as a deacon and as a small group facilitator for the new members' class. Last fall, Lynne traveled to Romania to work in an orphanage. She is survived by her husband, Stan; and one son.

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