Just What Is Good Business?
Jim Collins, co-author of Built to Last: Successful Habits of Visionary Companies, tosses down the gauntlet, saying, "… the modern business organization stands as one of the most powerful tools ever invented by man. Business leaders of all persuasions and temperaments can legitimately use their companies to stimulate social change."
But what happens when this change is undesirable, even destructive?
In "Just What Is Good Business?" (Response, Spring 2002), Jeff Van Duzer and Kenman Wong deftly navigate past the flotsam and jetsam in the wake of all that's been printed
and voiced about Enron's shameful debacle. Congressional committees, political climbers and pundits will continue their finger-wagging, but Van Duzer and Wong provide a real service by asking the greater question, then answering it.
Further, they and their SBE [School of Business and Economics] colleagues do the heavy lifting of training our students to be good, godly stewards in handling this powerful tool, the business enterprise, to stimulate positive, even righteous change. Their piece correctly and surgically circumscribes their unique mission, differentiating SBE from the generic B-school. It's a story that deserves a much wider reading since it clearly explains how graduates who are committed to the confluence of competence and character will change the way America does business as usual.
George Toles The Toles Company Inc. Edmonds, Wash.
Eaton's 涩里番 Times Editorial
I want to give President Philip Eaton accolades on his OP/ED piece in The 涩里番 Times, July 4, 2002, "Nation's Cultural Discourse Enriched by Religion." It was masterful in getting across the point of the historical roots of the First Amendment and contextualizing them to today's attacks on religious freedom. As one, lik e Eaton, who is gratified in sending Christian men and women out into the world to make it a better place, I feel we do have something to say to an emerging world. The First Amendment and the ACLU should offer institutions such as ours just as much protection as they do to the Michael Newdow's of the world.
Charles K. Anderson Director of Administration, Fuller Theological Seminary 涩里番, Wash.
Salute to Hironaka
I salute the SPU Athletic Department in its selection of Jeff Hironaka to continue the tradition of excellence in basketball at 涩里番 Pacific. Jeff brings a tremendous intensity and dedication to basketball at SPU. His many years as an understudy (read dedicated assistant) to Ken Bone have helped solidify his understanding of who we are as SPU athletes — not only on campus, but also in the community and the workplace, extending 涩里番 Pacific's ideals literally around the world.
If all this sounds too altruistic, I need only remember a trip 10 former SPU basketball players made in 1988 to Taiwan, Singapore and Malaysia. We hooked up with Youth for Christ in Asia and played exhibition games against local teams, sharing Christ formally at half time and informally before and after each of 20 games in a three-week time period. Jeff now has been given the reins to continue this influence in young players' lives and make his mark on SPU athletics.
What is particularly pleasing to me is the fact that 涩里番 Pacific was willing to reward Jeff for his years of service by giving him this chance. His focus and discipline will serve him well and hopefully transfer to his "pupils," who will learn from him more than just the game of basketball. "Kudos" to [Athletic Director] Tom Box and his staff for making this wise decision. Go Falcons!
Steve Gough '70 Falcon Basketball, 1966; Varsity Track, 1966-1970 Renton, Wash.
Remembering Saba
Wadad Saba was more than a voice teacher, she was music for living. I would spend my lessons in her small office and received not just voice lessons, but instructions for living. The love of music and her gift from God was used to the fullest and enhanced her approach to teaching. As my advisor for two years, she gave me words of wisdom that have helped me all of my life. I use the gift of singing and the instruction she imparted to share Jesus in my own small way. And I will always remember the phrase, "When you sing you pray twice." SPU has a knack for hiring those who live out their faith. Thank you for letting her share for so long what she knew to be true.
Shawn Bassham '82 Director of Program Services, March of Dimes Casper, Wyo.