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Spring 2003 | Volume 26, Number 2

The Medallion Award

For more than 25 years, The Medallion Award has recognized competence and character in the lives of SPU Alumni.

ɬÀï·¬ alumni live diverse lives. And twice a year — at Homecoming in February and the 50-Year Class Reunion in June — SPU presents Medallion Awards to some of the alumni who have served the University and the community with particular distinction.

In recent years, honorees have included educators, scientists, missionaries, coaches and pastors. One helped establish the Zimbabwe public school system; another is a playwright whose work has been recognized by The Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. Still others include a translator of Islamic texts, a surgeon in the African bush and an expert in diseases of the central nervous system. “Each one has an amazing story,” says Alumni Director Doug Taylor. “Together they represent the many other SPU alumni who demonstrate both competence and character in their lives.”

Nominated by fellow alumni, recipients of the Medallion Award are loyal supporters of ɬÀï·¬ Pacific and true to its ideals, standouts in their chosen professions, contributors to the welfare of the community and active participants in their churches. This year, Medallion Awards were presented at Homecoming to Bruce Palmer ’79, Karen “Billie” Tadema Palmer ’81 and Nancy Murphy ’90, individuals who are making a significant difference in the healing and support of families. More alumni will be honored in June.

Call the Alumni Center at 206/281-ALUM to nominate someone for a Medallion Award.

1976 | John Beare ’53, Stephen Gough ’70
1977 | Robert Dixon ’50, Daniel Monzingo ’68
1978 | F. Carlton Booth ’25
1979 | Dorothy Boyd Kreider ’33, Pam Bailey Nolte ’76, Scott Nolte ’76
1980 | Donna Searight Jornlin ’76, Lillian Probstfeld Smith ’26
1981 | George Delamarter ’47, Vivian Larson*, Wayne McCown ’64
1982 | Andrew Foster ’56, Roger Schoenhals ’61
1983 | John Williams ’64, Joy Wilson Staley ’66
1984 | Barbara Paulson Cook ’61, Jerry Cook ’61, Dan Fordice ’69
1985 | Lorna Griffin ’78, Doris Brown Heritage ’64, Pam Spencer Marquez
          ’ 80, John Terwilliger ’81
1986 | Ken Foreman*, Eva Reddick Rogers ’46, Laurel Anderson Tindall ’75
1987 | June Habbestad ’56, Robert McFarlane ’50
1988 | Mary Nell Harper ’48
1989 | Justin Longenecker ’39, John Oas ’69, Onas Scandrette ’39
1990 | 500 Alumni of a Growing Vision In 1990 and 1991, 1,000 alumni
          were honored as part of SPU’s Centennial celebration.
1991 | 500 Alumni of a Growing Vision
1992 | Nancy Blaskowsky Anderson ’67, Wesley Anderson ’67, Janet
          Burns Buck ’55, Rick Delamarter ’77, Mel Foreman ’42, Sylvia
          Ahnlund Foreman ’46, Don McCullough ’71, Chuck Sides ’74
1993 | Jennifer Johnson Gilnett ’81, Kim Gilnett ’74, Karl Krienke ’53, Wesley
          Lingren ’52, Frances Barbezat Reynolds ’49, Jim Reynolds ’50
1994 | Gordon Anderson ’57, Teri Anderson ’65, Howard Brant ’71, Jo-Ann
          Hoffman Brant ’70, Ronald “Tic” Long ’74, Frank Ogden ’57, Maxine
          Harer Ogden ’56, Darwin Wisdom ’64, Frank Yen ’58
1995 | Timothy Hanstad ’85, Robert Haslam ’50, Lora Jones ’43
1996 | Lois Burley Hall ’53, Vernon Hall ’52
1997 | Ralph Gwinn ’47, Tillman Houser ’47, Peggy Wright Johnson ’52,
          David Quall ’61
1998 | Jeff Barker ’76, Eugene Parkins ’57
1999 | Donald Atkinson ’49, Cynthia Reynolds Kenagy ’65, Donna Schneiter
          Kenagy ’59, Jerome Kenagy ’56, John Kenagy ’73, Stephen Kenagy
          ’ 64, Henry Littlejohn ’49, Valenda Pletzer Lockard ’72, Wes Lockard
          ’ 72, Virgil Raley ’49, Horace Thuline ’49
2000 | Beverly Smith Anderson ’65, June Mitchell Beckwith ’50, Wendell
          Beckwith ’50, Norma Howell Cathey ’50, Robert Cathey ’50, Charles
          Chinn ’68, Gordon Cochrane ’50, Robert Crandall ’50, Suzanne
          Emery ’89, Judy Entwistle ’58, Roy Entwistle ’59, Leona Bownes
          Fear ’50, Bernard Hansen ’50, Ruth Denison Hansen ’50, Wesley
          Johnson ’50, Allen Nelson ’50, Robert Nelson ’50, E. Dale Parker ’50,
          Norman Zook ’50
2001 | Bernard Buck ’51, Bud Bylsma ’51, Thomas Cooper ’51, Leonard
          Ensign ’51, Marti Oaks Ensign ’51, Frank Furtado ’61, Sarah Adams
          Furtado ’53, Donald Kerlee ’51, Ivy Coxson Kerlee ’51, Andrew
          Montana ’51, Dale Ramerman ’64, Margaret Valley Rayburn ’51, Carol
          Hunter Taylor ’51, Audrey Tjepkema Thorsen ’51, Forrest Walls ’60,
          Viola Dyck Walls ’61, Dennis Yule ’64
2002 | Donald Bilderback ’69, Gerald Klein ’60, James Leierer ’52, V.O.
          “ Bud” McDole ’52, E. Robert McDowell ’52, Ross Shaw ’52, Grace
          Cheung Sun ’61

*Emeriti Faculty Members

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