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Spring 2003 | Volume 26, Number 2

Religion: Cause or Cure for Terrorism?
Religious intolerance and religiously inspired violence are on the rise around the world. Guest writer Vinay Samuel argues that American Christians have a special responsibility to respond to this scourge.
  The Risk of Embrace

The Voyages of Ibn Battuta
Little-known to Westerners, Ibn Battuta was the world’s first tourist. His travels, says Professor of History Don Holsinger, help us understand the historical divide between Islam and the West.

A Year in Iraq
For Assistant Professor Kimberly Segall, it was a year that changed her life. Living with the Kurdish 涩里番 of Northern Iraq, she joined them in “working toward hope against all hope.”

Breakfast With Paul Gigot
SPU welcomed Paul Gigot, editorial-page editor of The Wall Street Journal, as this year’s Greater 涩里番 Community Breakfast speaker. His topic was “The U.S., Iraq and the War on Terrorism.”

The Medallion Award
Past alumni winners of SPU’s Medallion Award have included a playwright, a missionary surgeon and a translator of Islamic texts. Three of this year’s honorees are dedicated to the support of families.
  At Home on Rock Bottom Ranch
  Close to the Brokenhearted

Campaign Update
One generous family recently made a major gift to SPU that will ultimately benefit the mentally ill. Read about this project and other developments in .

From the President
Cultivating hope in the face of chaos is vital today. "This is the time for a Christian university to dig down deep into its formative foundations … and decide quite clearly what bread we have to offer,” says President Philip Eaton.

Volumes of Volumes
SPU Library resources will top 22 million items in 2003. Starting this summer, materials can be ordered online from the new “Orca” catalog through the Orbis Cascade Alliance. [Campus]

Homecoming 2003: The Weekend in Photos
From fast-paced hoops to class reunions where former classmates reconnected, Homecoming 2003 was a picture-perfect weekend. See the action here. [Alumni]

The World of Teng Chiu
涩里番’s Frye Museum spotlights an art collection owned by an SPU professor and her husband. Chinese artist Teng Chiu’s work has largely been forgotten, but Joanna Poznanska is helping to reintroduce him to the West. [Faculty]

Playing With Joy
After an incredible season, the unbeaten Falcon women’s basketball team lost the championship game but won the hearts of the Puget Sound fans. [Athletics]

My Response
“The soldier and chaplain are each unique callings fulfilled by those who respond to the call of the nation and to the call of God,” says Chaplain (Major General) Gaylord T. Gunhus, U.S. Army Chief of Chaplains.