TRE 1110: The Theatre Experience (5)
The basic encounter in theatre is the exchange between the audience and everything that happens onstage. In this course, we will discover the creative components of drama and the artists that make theatrical productions possible, from the viewpoint of the audience. We will analyze and discuss the varied forms of theatrical medium as means of artistic communication. We will explore our relationship with theatre and consider broader questions about our personal aesthetics, moral beliefs and how we engage those aspects of ourselves in our cultural community. This course includes required play attendance. Additional fee for events.
Attributes: WK Arts
TRE 1200: Theatre as Vocation (1)
Encourages students, through readings, reflection, and community conversations, to connect their present and future theatrical practice with their emotional, spiritual, and intellectual identities.
Restrictions: Theatre Majors, Minors, Concentrations only. Senior students are excluded.
TRE 1340: Acting Fundamentals I (5)
Designed for intended theatre majors or minors or others with extensive acting experience. Prepares students for dramatic performance through intensive work in Realism, observation skills, and the active pursuit of an objective. All work is designed with the express goal of learning to "live believably in imaginary circumstances." Develops ensemble relationship through improvisation and scene work.
Attributes: WK Arts
TRE 1710: Introduction to Theatre Technology (3)
An introduction to the varied technologies used in the theatre, including traditional scenic technologies, costume technologies, lighting and sound equipment, and show controls, as well as emergent technologies. Must also register for TRE 1931, 2931 or 3931 for practice of stagecraft skills. Typically offered: Autumn.
TRE 1720: Stagecraft (5)
An introduction to the backstage crafts of theatrical production and management, intended to give the student a broad understanding of the basic principles and technical procedures used in theatrical production management and the design and production of scenery.
TRE 1750: Introduction to Theatre Design (5)
An introduction to the elements and principles of design as they relate to theatre. Emphasis will be placed on development of foundational proficiency in understanding, identifying, and applying solutions for design problems in scenery, costume, and property design.
Restrictions: Costume Design, Family and Consumer Sciences, Theatre, Visual Arts Majors, Minors, Concentrations only.
TRE 1930: Performance Practicum (2)
Offered for performance or directing-related activity associated with approved theatrical productions. May be repeated an unlimited number of times.
Attributes: WK Arts
Restrictions: Junior, Senior students are excluded.
TRE 1931: Production Practicum (2)
Offered for design, technical theatre, or management activity associated with approved theatrical productions. May be repeated an unlimited number of times.
Restrictions: Junior, Senior students are excluded.
TRE 2220: World Theatre Literature (5)
World Theatre Literature is a contemporary exploration of the diverse theatre practices, performance traditions, and dramatic forms from across the globe. This course examines the relationship between scripts and embodied practices, globalization and colonialism, and broader themes across case studies to understand our place as Westerners in viewing, understanding, and supporting global theatre.
Attributes: Cultural Understand&Engagement, WK Arts
TRE 2320: Stage Movement (3)
Specialized movement for the actor including work in physical flexibility, balancing, movement-for-character, and dance.
TRE 2330: Stage Combat (3)
Develops a basic proficiency in the performance of unarmed and armed stage combat. Rolls, falls, slaps, punches, kicks, chokes, and other techniques taught using guidelines of the Society of American Fight Directors.
TRE 2340: Acting Fundamentals II (5)
Improvisation and scene work exploring the problems of characterization as developed through both internal and external performance techniques. Special attention is paid to Instinct, Emotional Preparation, and Imagination. Typically offered: Autumn.
Prerequisites: TRE 1340: C- or better
TRE 2350: Theatre Voice (3)
A study of vocal production as related to the actor's craft. Analysis and exercises designed to promote relaxation, natural breathing, organic vocal production, articulation, phrasing, and projection.
TRE 2360: Improv (3)
Improvisation exercises, useful for physicalization, spontaneity, intuition, and transformation of the actor are practiced in this course. Performative Improv, as well as Rehearsal Improv, will be explored.
TRE 2450: Analyzing and Interpreting Theatre (5)
Foundational approaches to reading, interpreting, and writing about theatre, including scripts and performances. Provides practice with script analysis tools from the perspective of performer, writer, dramaturg, director, and designer.
Attributes: WK Arts
TRE 2710: Computer Aided Design for the Theatre (3)
This course will introduce students to two-dimensional and three-dimensional CAD drafting and model-building for the theatre. Detailed topics will include: USITT industry standards, scale factors, text, dimensioning, layout, and printing.
Prerequisites: TRE 1710: C- or better
AND TRE 1720: C- or better
TRE 2720: Drawing for the Theatre (3)
This studio course is an exploration of various drawing and rendering modes, techniques, and materials applicable to design for the theatre. Emphasis is placed on practice and skill development.
Prerequisites: TRE 1750: C- or better
TRE 2733: Scene Painting (3)
Instruction in the basic scene painting practices and techniques for the stage. Includes blending, spattering, wood, brick, marble, stenciling, and foliage, as well as surface-material preparation. Typically offered: Alternate Years. May be repeated for credit 2 times.
Restrictions: Theatre Majors only.
TRE 2751: Stage Management (3)
Provides an introduction to the roles and duties of the stage manager from pre-production through rehearsal and performance phases of a theatrical production.
Prerequisites: TRE 1710: C- or better
AND TRE 1931: C- or better
TRE 2931: Production Practicum (2)
Offered for design, technical theatre, or management activity associated with approved theatrical productions. May be repeated an unlimited number of times.
Prerequisites: TRE 1931: C- or better
TRE 2950: Special Topics in Theatre (1-5)
Topic and credits to be announced in Time Schedule when offered. Topics offered usually only once, and only upon evidence of significant student interest. Possible topics include great themes of drama, medieval drama, the Asian theatre, theatre architecture, technical theatre, contemporary playwrights and the like. May be repeated for credit up to 10 credits.
Restrictions: Non-Matriculated are excluded.
TRE 3331: Auditioning (3)
Offers practical instruction on preparing for a professional audition. Includes strategies for monologue, prepared, and cold reading presentation, and resume preparation, as well as on-camera and musical theatre auditioning. Assumes a fundamental understanding of scene preparation and research techniques.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Prerequisites: TRE 1340: C- or better
TRE 3340: Acting III: Styles (5)
Explores analysis and performance techniques for plays of specialized historic and stylistic genre, including scene work drawn from classical, Brechtian, musical theatre, television, and other dramatic materials. Typically offered: Alternate Years.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Prerequisites: TRE 1340: C- or better
TRE 3350: Acting Shakespeare (5)
This course prepares actors to deal with the specific challenges of playing Shakespeare, including the technical particularities of approaching and embodying poetic text. Set speeches, using the verse, language and character, and stylistic components are all explored. Typically offered: Alternate Years.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Theatre Performance Majors, Minors, Concentrations only.
Prerequisites: TRE 1340: C- or better
TRE 3360: Actors Lab (5)
Actors Lab is a deeper dive into the practice of techniques studied in Fundamentals of Acting I and II, with a particular emphasis on Realism. May be repeated for credit 2 times.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Theatre Performance Majors, Minors, Concentrations only. Junior, Senior students only.
Prerequisites: TRE 1340: C- or better
AND TRE 2340: C- or better
TRE 3500: Dramaturgy (5)
Introduction to the analysis and writing skills of the dramaturg in the theatre. Includes practical, in-depth projects working with full plays.
Attributes: Upper-Division, Writing "W" Course
Restrictions: Junior, Senior students only.
Prerequisites: TRE 1200: C- or better
AND TRE 2450: C- or better
TRE 3600: Theatre Literature and Theory (5)
Different topics offered on a rotational basis may include such genres as Tragedy and Comedy; theories such as feminism, existentialism, or critical race theory; and such styles as commedia, documentary theatre, or musical theatre. Whatever the topic, each section will consider the dominant voices in relation to patterns of inequity and difference in past and present societies. May be repeated (with different topics) for credit 2 times. May be repeated for credit 2 times.
Attributes: Cultural Understand&Engagement, Upper-Division, Writing "W" Course
Restrictions: Junior, Senior, Sophomore students only.
Prerequisites: TRE 2450: C- or better
TRE 3710: Play Directing (5)
Consideration of the aesthetics and techniques of directing through exercises in achieving visual, auditory, and kinesthetic effects. Includes play selection, organization, casting, and rehearsing. Practical application.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Freshman, Sophomore students are excluded.
Prerequisites: TRE 2450: C- or better
TRE 3720: Stage Makeup (3)
An introduction to the techniques and application of stage makeup for character and corrective applications, old age character, fantasy, special character effects, and crepe hair techniques. May be repeated for credit 2 times.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Costume Design, Family and Consumer Sciences, Theatre Majors, Minors, Concentrations only.
TRE 3733: Scenic Design (5)
An exploration of scene design with emphasis on script analysis, ideation, research, project planning and the developmental process of design. Includes applied projects in rendering, drafting and model building.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Theatre Production Majors, Minors, Concentrations only. Junior, Senior, Sophomore students only.
Prerequisites: TRE 1710: C- or better
AND TRE 1750: C- or better
TRE 3737: Lighting Design (3)
Exploration in lighting design and production for live theatre, including ideation, research, concept development, documentation, and organization of design ideas through industry standard paperwork. Typically offered: Alternate Years.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Prerequisites: (TRE 1710: C- or better
AND TRE 1750: C- or better)
TRE 3740: Sound Design (3)
Explores sound production and design for live theatre. Students develop skills necessary to create sound designs for full productions. Typically offered: Alternate Years.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Junior, Senior, Sophomore students only.
Prerequisites: TRE 1710: C- or better
AND TRE 1750: C- or better
TRE 3750: Costume Design (5)
An introductory costume design course with emphasis on analysis and interpretation of the script for costume plot, designer's sketches, and presentation. Also includes an introduction to period styles of costume and its application to costume design.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Junior, Senior, Sophomore students only.
Prerequisites: TRE 1750: C- or better
TRE 3760: Theatre Management (3)
Introduction to the economic, personnel, and management activities necessary to produce theatre.
Attributes: Cultural Understand&Engagement, Upper-Division
Restrictions: Art, Business Administration, Communication, Theatre Majors, Minors, Concentrations only. Junior, Senior, Sophomore students only.
TRE 3800: Theatre Education (3)
Explores contemporary methods and trends concerning the role of theatre in elementary teaching. Attention is given to National Arts Standards and Washington Essential Academic Learning Requirements in the Arts.
Attributes: Upper-Division, WK Arts
Restrictions: Freshman students are excluded.
TRE 3930: Performance Practicum (2)
Offered for performance or directing-related activity associated with approved theatrical productions. May be repeated an unlimited number of times.
Attributes: Upper-Division, WK Arts
Restrictions: Freshman, Sophomore students are excluded.
TRE 3931: Production Practicum (2)
Offered for design, technical theatre, or management activity associated with approved theatrical productions. May be repeated an unlimited number of times.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Prerequisites: TRE 2931: C- or better
TRE 4700: Portfolio Development (2)
A guided experience in portfolio development and presentation, with practical emphasis on preparation. The application of strategies for theatre design students interested in preparing for UR/TA auditions or launching a professional design career post-graduation.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Prerequisites: (TRE 3733: C- or better
OR TRE 3737: C- or better
OR TRE 3740: C- or better
OR TRE 3750: C- or better)
TRE 4760: Playwriting (5)
Seminar discussion and conferences in the writing of actual playscripts. Typically offered: Alternate Years, Spring.
Attributes: Upper-Division, Writing "W" Course
Restrictions: Theatre Majors only. Freshman, Sophomore students are excluded.
Prerequisites: TRE 2450: C- or better
TRE 4899: Theatre Capstone (2)
The capstone course in theatre provides majors with opportunities for reflection on their development as Christian artists and scholars. The course culminates in the creation of a Senior Project Proposal. Typically offered: Spring.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Theatre Majors only. Junior, Senior students only.
Prerequisites: TRE 1200: C- or better
TRE 4900: Independent Study in Theatre (1-5)
An independent study plan approved by theatre faculty. May be repeated for credit up to 15 credits.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Freshman, Sophomore students are excluded.
TRE 4911: History of the Theatre I (5)
Survey of the history of the theatre from preclassical times to 1600, tracing the development and changes in theater architecture, social purpose, the role of the theatre artist and the nature of theatrical experience. Typically offered: Alternate Years.
Attributes: Upper-Division, Writing "W" Course
Restrictions: Junior, Senior, Sophomore students only.
Prerequisites: TRE 2450: C- or better
TRE 4913: History of the Theatre II (5)
Survey of the history of the theatre from the 1600s to contemporary times, tracing development and changes in theater architecture, social purpose, the role of the theatre artist and the nature of theatrical experience. Typically offered: Alternate Years.
Attributes: Upper-Division, Writing "W" Course
Restrictions: Junior, Senior, Sophomore students only.
Prerequisites: TRE 2450: C- or better
TRE 4930: Theatre Practicum (1-3)
For advanced students who wish to assist as peer academic mentors in WRI 1100 courses. May be repeated for credit up to 6 credits.
Attributes: Upper-Division
TRE 4931: Audition Practicum (2)
A guided experience of moving into professional auditions, with practical emphasis on preparation. The application of strategies for monologue, prepared, and cold reading presentation, and headshot/resume preparation, as well as song preparation and execution.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Senior students only.
Prerequisites: TRE 3331: C- or better
TRE 4932: Dramaturgy Practicum (1-5)
Self-designed, faculty-supervised project preparing dramaturgical analysis and protocol for a full production. May be repeated for credit up to 5 credits.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Theatre Majors only. Junior, Senior students only.
Prerequisites: TRE 2450: C- or better
AND TRE 3500: C- or better
TRE 4933: Design Practicum (1-5)
Individual, faculty-supervised project creating one or more design elements for a full production. May be repeated for credit up to 5 credits.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Theatre Majors only. Junior, Senior students only.
Prerequisites: TRE 1750: C- or better
TRE 4934: Directing Practicum (1-5)
Individual, faculty-supervised project directing a fully-produced play as part of the University Theatre Season. May be repeated for credit up to 5 credits.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Theatre Majors only. Freshman, Sophomore students are excluded.
Prerequisites: TRE 3710: C- or better
TRE 4943: Theatre Internship (1-5)
Supervised application of theatre skills in professional theatre contexts. May be repeated for credit up to 10 credits.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Theatre Majors only. Freshman, Sophomore students are excluded.
TRE 4950: Special Topics in Theatre (1-5)
Topic and credits to be announced in Time Schedule when offered. Topics offered usually only once, and only upon evidence of significant student interest. Possible topics include great themes of drama, medieval drama, the Asian theatre, theatre makeup, theatre architecture, technical theatre, contemporary playwrights, advanced stagecraft and the like. May be repeated for credit up to 10 credits.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Theatre Majors only. Freshman, Sophomore students are excluded.
TRE 4951: Special Topics in Theatre (1-5)
Special Topics in Theatre
Attributes: Upper-Division
TRE 4961: Senior Project in Theatre (1-3)
Individual research, practice, and conferences in area of specialization within theatre, culminating in the presentation of a project in that specialization area. May be repeated for credit up to 3 credits.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Theatre Majors only. Junior, Senior students only.