If you have accepted an offer of admittance to ɬÀï·¬ for Autumn Quarter, you will complete New Student Advising in early summer before Autumn Quarter, and attend Orientation in the days prior to the beginning of the academic year.
Both the New Student Advising session and the Orientation event are required and provide you with the essential information for a successful transition to University life. If you have been admitted for Winter or Spring quarter or for Summer Sessions, visit the website for the information you need.
New Student Advising
All new undergraduate students, including transfer students, receive initial advising and register for classes as part of New Student Advising (NSA) before the first quarter of matriculation.
All students will complete a New Student Advising Survey. You can then choose to have SPU register you for courses, based on the preferences and interests expressed in the survey, or to schedule a one-on-one appointment to register with a faculty advisor or academic counselor.
Once you have completed the NSA program, you will be prepared to go through Orientation in the autumn.
Autumn Quarter Orientation includes five days of orientation to the academic and social community of SPU. Brief orientation sessions are offered Winter Quarter and Spring Quarter.
In addition to the Orientation program for all new students, new international students are required to participate in International Student Orientation.
All these sessions are designed to help you prepare for the academic, spiritual, and social life at SPU. They also offer opportunities for you to become better acquainted with the University and its programs of study, and to meet faculty and classmates.
International Student Orientation
All students attending SPU on an F-1 visa are required to attend International Student Orientation. This orientation is typically held during the week prior to the beginning of the new quarter. New students will be notified via their SPU email of the date and time of this orientation.
Undergraduate international students new to SPU are required to attend the all-student orientation in addition to International Student Orientation. Information will be provided to new students by the Office of Student Involvement and Leadership regarding the date, time, and location of all-student orientation.