PPHS 1200: Introduction to the Health Professions (1)
This seminar course provides students with a framework for exploring careers in the professional health sciences, including dentistry, medicine, occupational therapy, optometry, pharmacy, physical therapy, physician assistant, public health, veterinary medicine, and other fields. As part of their preparation for admission to graduate programs, students receive guidance about choosing undergraduate courses and arranging job shadowing and community service. Guest speakers, readings, and class discussions focus on the importance of holistic preparation, with a pathway and timeline that are unique for each student. Typically offered: Winter. May be repeated for credit 1 time.
PPHS 1800: Health Care Career Seminar (1)
This seminar course is designed for continuing PPHS students to deepen their sense of vocation for a health science profession. Guest speakers, readings, and class discussions focus on current trends in areas such as racial bias, health insurance, end-of-life care, and medical ethics. Emphasis is placed on writing thoughtful reflections as a way for students to identify their progress in preparing for admission to professional schools. PPHS 1800 is a prerequisite for PPHS 3400 and is required for students planning to apply to medical or dental schools with the aid of an in-house committee interview and committee letter of recommendation. Typically offered: Spring. May be repeated for credit 1 time.
Restrictions: Freshman students are excluded.
Prerequisites: CHM 1211: C- or better
OR BIO 2101: C- or better
OR (BIO 2129: C- or better
AND BIO 2130: C- or better)
PPHS 3400: Application Workshop (2)
This workshop course focuses on preparing students for graduate training in health care. PPHS 3400 helps students navigate the application process for professional schools of dentistry, medicine, occupational therapy, optometry, pharmacy, physical therapy, physician assistant, public health, veterinary medicine, and other fields. Practical topics include scheduling and preparing for admissions tests, writing personal statements, obtaining letters of recommendation, and developing interview skills. In addition, PPHS 3400 offers students opportunities to read, discuss, and write about issues they will face as health care providers, such as the role of faith, racial inequities, patient-centered care, economic factors, and current events. PPHS 3400 is required for students planning to apply to medical or dental schools with the aid of an in-house committee interview and committee letter of recommendation. PPHS 3400 is recommended but not required for students planning to apply to other types of professional schools. Students who have not completed the course pre-requisites may enroll after obtaining instructor permission. Typically offered: Autumn. May be repeated for credit 1 time.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Prerequisites: PPHS 1800: P or better
AND (CHM 3371: C- or better
OR PHY 1101: C- or better
OR PHY 1121: C- or better)
PPHS 3980: Preprofessional Health Science Field Experience (1-2)
A health care experience course arranged by the student and agreed upon by the instructor on an individual basis. This course is optional but should be done in the junior or senior year. It includes several components: an actual field experience as "an invited guest observer" in a professional work setting to see a variety of health care activities and to talk formally and informally to professionals who are in various stages of training and practice; a journal of these experiences; a final paper or project on the profession to be submitted to the instructor; and readings on ethical dilemmas in the field. May be repeated for credit up to 4 credits.
Attributes: Upper-Division
PPHS 4600: Contemporary Issues in Medicine (3)
Drawing on literature from social epidemiology, health policy, bioethics, government agencies, and mainstream media sources, this course investigates the ethical implications of the social determinants of health for providers and structural issues influencing social justice.
Attributes: Upper-Division, Writing "W" Course
Restrictions: Freshman, Sophomore students are excluded.
Prerequisites: BIO 3615: C- or better
PPHS 4900: Independent Study (1-5)
Independent study. May be repeated for credit up to 5 credits.
Attributes: Upper-Division