

HIS 1357: The Game of Life: World War II (5)


In this class, students design a game board of “Life” that covers World War II. Along with writing the history of World War II into the game board and drafting a pool of “Chance” cards that reflect everyday life, students create a person to live through the events and traverse the game board. Students compose a diary or autobiography of their person using primary and secondary sources to flesh out their story. Typically offered: Winter.

Attributes: WK Social Sciences

HIS 1490: Life and Death in World Cities (5)


Why do more ɬ﷬ across the globe live in cities than not? What made this change possible? What makes the city so attractive to ɬ﷬ around the world? Is the city a human “good”? To answer these questions, we explore the rise of the modern city from its inception with the Industrial Revolution through the current day. We consider how the city has offered opportunities: for those seeking a “better” life, for political figures using urban space to enhance their power, and for urban planners hoping to create a healthy environment for all residents. The latter part of our class is devoted to life and labor in megacities and slums and the dignity of the underclasses. Typically offered: Autumn.

Attributes: WK Social Sciences

HIS 1734: War on Terror: History of Our Lives (5)


The US War on Terror began in 2001 and continues without a definitive ending in sight, meaning that students have lived most of their lives in a world shaped by the aftermath of 9/11. This class will cover the history and ethical implications of topics like the attacks of September 11th, the US wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, terrorism, and drones. Students will also consider the continuing impact of the War on Terror on everyday life in the US and globally. Students will learn the basic tools and methodologies of historical inquiry by studying the events of their own lifetimes, better understanding both themselves and the world they live in. Typically offered: Winter.

Attributes: WK Social Sciences

HIS 2417: Religious Traditions of Asia (5)


This course will investigate major religious traditions of Asia including Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Daoism and Shintoism from an historical and doctrinal standpoint. Students will be introduced to the major thinkers and philosophical/theological developments of each tradition. Primary texts will be used to introduce students to how the tradition defines and understands itself. Through specific course requirements including site visitations, students will gain exposure to the practices and doctrines of each faith studied while considering the cultural context and current trends of the tradition. Students will be asked to apply the practical knowledge gained during the course toward informed dialogue and sensitive but critical engagement with the non-Christian traditions studied.

Equivalents: ASIA 2417 Attributes: Cultural Understand&Engagement, WK Social Sciences

HIS 2418: Modern Expressions of Asian Religions (5)


“Modern Expressions of Asian Religions" will investigate the modern development of religious expression regionally through India, China, Korea and Japan. The course will thematically investigate questions stemming from classic areas of religious concern in Asia including: the female and the divine (goddess traditions in India and female shamanism in Korea), mind-body unity (Tendai Buddhist “marathon monks” of Mt. Hiei and the Shugendo tradition in Japan), messianic movements and healing (Chinese Falun Gong), peace and prosperity (Soka Gakkai Buddhism) and apocalyptic “new new” religions (Aum Shinrikyo/Aleph).” Typically offered: Winter.

Equivalents: ASIA 2418 Attributes: Cultural Understand&Engagement, Ways of Engaging

HIS 2491: Origins of Western Science (5)


Explores the unfolding of the Western scientific tradition and its cultural significance from ancient times to the era of the Scientific Revolution. Examines the development of physical science (especially astronomy and cosmology) within the context of traditions and sources from the ancient through early modern periods, culminating in the life and work of Isaac Newton.

Attributes: WK Social Sciences

HIS 2492: The Founding of Modern Science (5)


Analyzes the growth of science and technology in the West from the 17th through early 20th Centuries. Studies the concepts, methodology, and cultural implications of developments in the physical and biological sciences from the Scientific Revolution to the era of Einstein and relativity.

Attributes: WK Social Sciences

HIS 2502: The United States to 1876 (5)


Surveys the development of the American nation from the earliest colonial settlements through the Reconstruction period. Emphasizes institutions, issues, ideas, and individuals. Focuses on basic trends such as industrialization, patterns of thought and values, political development, social change, and sectional conflict. Readings also explore everyday social experience of minority and mainstream groups.

Attributes: WK Social Sciences

HIS 2503: The United States Since 1876 (5)


Continues the emphasis of HIS 2502: Surveys the emergence of contemporary American life and culture from the 1870s to the present; focuses on American power at home and abroad, the rise of today's mass consumer society, and the emergence of new values. Readings also explore aspects of modern popular culture.

Attributes: WK Social Sciences

HIS 2857: Historiography: World Historians (3)


This course explores the discipline of history as it developed through time and across cultures. Students will gain 1) an understanding of where and how the practice of history developed over time 2) a familiarity with differing approaches to the study of the past and the techniques and tools that accompany them 3) an ability to articulate important debates within the discipline, and 4) a grasp of the ways in which Christian faith and values inform the study of the past.

HIS 2870: Introduction to Museum Studies and Public History (5)


This course explores the many ways historians research, preserve and present historical topics to public audiences in historical sites, archives, and especially museums. It explores both the theories and practice of providing history for public audiences. It introduces the history of museums and debates on the philosophical nature of museums. It covers the types and definitions of museums, traces the history of museums, discusses contemporary practice in museums, and examines current issues in the profession. The course explores museums’ missions and their roles in society through case studies and through visits to local museums.

HIS 2881: Careers in History: What to Tell My Parents (1)


Many history majors want to turn their love of history into a career. Now they can! This course introduces at least ten history careers, through readings, guest speakers, field trips, and hands-on projects. Practical topics about each career are covered, such as the type of education needed, places where one might work, and how to secure a history job. Careers such as the following are included: museum curator, archivist, historic preservationist, living history interpreter, historical author/editor, archaeologist, state/federal historian, exhibit designer, high school teacher, and college professor. Typically offered: Winter.

HIS 2950: Special Topics in Historical Study (1-5)


Explores selected topics in History. May be repeated for credit up to 15 credits.

Restrictions: Undergraduate only.

HIS 3100: Ancient Civilization (5)


Surveys Mediterranean history from early Egypt and Mesopotamia to the rise of the Roman Empire with emphasis on the Bronze Age. Enables the student to understand the world of the Old Testament.

Equivalents: CLA 3100 Attributes: Upper-Division

HIS 3170: Classical Civilization (5)


Explores history, literature, and society of classical Greece and Rome, stressing contributions to modern Western civilization.

Equivalents: CLA 3170 Attributes: Upper-Division

HIS 3200: Ancient and Medieval Worlds (5)


Surveys the period from the rise of Greece and Rome, with some reference to pre-classical cultures, to about 1500. Emphasizes the role of Greco-Roman and Judeo-Christian cultures in the shaping of institutional, artistic, and cultural values that distinguish our Western culture from others, as well as the unique features of classical-medieval culture and their relevance today.

Attributes: Upper-Division

HIS 3320: History of England: Roman Britain to Elizabeth I (5)


A survey of Great Britain from the Anglo-Saxon period to the Elizabethan monarchy. The course emphasizes the emergence of cultural, social, and ecclesiastical institutions and movements.

Attributes: Upper-Division Restrictions: Freshman students are excluded.

HIS 3331: History of Spain: Roman Hispania to World Empire (5)


Traces the origins of the Iberian Peninsula from the Roman era to the discovery of the New World in 1492. Emphasizes cultural, social, and ecclesiastical institutions and movements.

Attributes: Upper-Division Restrictions: Freshman students are excluded.

HIS 3345: Russia and Central Asia: From Empire to Nation States (5)


Surveys history, geography, politics, and economies of Russia and its southern periphery. Examines impact of tsarist and Soviet legacies on today's Russian federation and eight countries that make up the newly independent states of the Caucasus and Central Asia. Special focus is given to Russia's role in international geopolitics and the global economy.

Equivalents: POL 3345 Attributes: Upper-Division Restrictions: Freshman students are excluded.

HIS 3356: The Holocaust (5)


This course examines the Holocaust in historical context. Why did it happen? Who was responsible? How did victims respond? How has the Holocaust been remembered and misremembered? Students will have the opportunity to explore such topics and reflect on what it means to be human in light of the Holocaust.

Attributes: Cultural Understand&Engagement, Upper-Division Restrictions: Freshman students are excluded.

HIS 3357: Europe Since 1945 (5)


What does it mean to be European, and who can be a European? This class explores these questions in a postwar Europe that has been haunted by the legacies of World War II. It examines the rise of popular culture, mass media, and the welfare state, and the way these developments have shaped European values and expectations. This class forefronts the political and social ramifications of the Cold War, shifting ideas of gender, sexuality and race, and the social impact of mass migrations of ɬ﷬ into and between European countries. As the course unfolds, we will consider if Europe can be best described as a “post-Christian” society.

Equivalents: EUR 3357 Attributes: Upper-Division, Ways of Engaging, Writing "W" Course Restrictions: Freshman students are excluded.

HIS 3358: Race, Sexuality, and Religion in Postwar Europe (3)


What does it mean to be European, and who can be a European? Such questions of citizenship and belonging are ones that have been especially fraught for racial, sexual, and religious minorities. This class explores these questions in a postwar Europe that has been haunted by the legacies of World War II and colonial empires. In this junior-level research seminar, students will read broadly on the subject, discuss historical scholarship, conduct original research, and write a persuasive paper on their findings. Typically offered: Alternate Years.

Attributes: Upper-Division, Writing "W" Course Restrictions: Freshman students are excluded.

HIS 3366: The Holocaust in Prague: Jewish Experiences (5)


The Holocaust, the murder of six million Jews by Germans and their collaborators in Nazi-occupied Europe during World War II, is one of the most central events in modern history. Studying the Holocaust in Prague offers students keen visuals and experiences to understand the magnitude and specificity of this genocide. This course focuses primarily on Jewish culture and life before, during and after WWII. We will examine anti-Semitism in Nazi ideology, life under Nazi rule, and the machinery of the modern state in implementing the murder of Jews. The main thrust of our study will consider Jewish experiences and forms of resistance inside and outside the concentration camps, and the ways the victims worked to maintain their humanity. The final week of the class highlights the struggles Jewish survivors faced as anti-Semitism remained entrenched into the early years of the Cold War, particularly in the Soviet-dominated East. Note: This study abroad course is not equivalent to HIS 3356 “The Holocaust.” Typically offered: Alternate Years.

Attributes: Cultural Understand&Engagement, Upper-Division, Ways of Engaging Restrictions: Freshman students are excluded.

HIS 3382: Crusades, Jihad, and Holy Wars: 1095-1492 (5)


This course uses religious conflicts in Spain from 1095-1492 to help understand the many dimensions of religious conflict today and also to explore Christian responses to military conflict. The historical case study is the Crusades and Holy Wars in Spain 1095-1492, studied in their social, political, and religious contexts. Topics include the Crusades, pogroms against Jews, suppression of heresy, the use of torture, the development of the western ideas of the Just War and Pacifism, Christian missions to Muslims, Christian-Muslim theological debates, the development of the Islamic idea of Jihad, the Reconquest in Spain, and the corollary issues that flow from all of these as they apply to contemporary religious and military conflicts.

Attributes: Upper-Division, Ways of Engaging

HIS 3387: Christianity in Asia (3)


This course explores the rise of Christianity in Asia as it grew exponentially with the advent of European Christian missions in the fifteenth century. This course examines the ways that Asians have seen Christianity as a foreign religion affiliated with imperial powers and conversely as a universal religion that has been associated with modernity and transformative social institutions. Typically offered: Winter.

Attributes: Upper-Division, Writing "W" Course Restrictions: Freshman students are excluded.

HIS 3395: European Intellectual History: from Anselm to Marx (5)


Surveys major thinkers and intellectual movements from scholasticism to Marxism, with emphasis on the historical context. Includes directed readings in primary sources.

Attributes: Upper-Division Restrictions: Freshman students are excluded.

HIS 3401: From Apostles to Cathedrals: Ancient and Medieval Christianity (5)


A survey of Christianity from its post-apostolic origins to the end of the Middle Ages. Evaluates the formation of orthodoxy, the challenge of heterodoxy, early monasticism, and missions to Western Europe; then explores the achievement of the Medieval church through a study of the papacy, scholasticism, the Crusades, and Eastern Orthodoxy.

Equivalents: THEO 3301 Attributes: Upper-Division Restrictions: Freshman students are excluded.

HIS 3402: Reformation and Modern Christianity (5)


A survey of Christianity from the reformations of the 16th century to recent times. Focuses on Luther, Calvin, and the Anabaptists; Anglicans and Puritans; the Council of Trent; 17th-century orthodoxy, rationalism and pietism; the beginnings of Christianity in America; and the Great Awakening, and Wesleyan revival of the 18th century.

Equivalents: THEO 3302 Attributes: Upper-Division Restrictions: Freshman students are excluded.

HIS 3403: A Vexing Question: Jesus: Myth, Failed Messiah, or Son of God (3)


The course examines the how historians, theologians and scholars of other disciplines have attempted to deal with the most vexing figure in human history, Jesus Christ. Was he a Myth created by his earlier followers, was he a failed Messianic fraud or is he what the New Testament proclaims him to be, Messiah and God Incarnate? To do so we will examine these questions from Early Christianity, to the Enlightenment, and the current debate that rages from the halls of academia, to the pulpit, and popular media. Students will be challenged to explore this vexing question through critical thinking and select reading of texts. Typically offered: Autumn.

Attributes: Upper-Division

HIS 3405: The Scientific Revolution and Christianity in the Reformation Era in Europe, 1500-1700 (5)


Surveys the dramatic changes in science, philosophy, and Christianity in the Western tradition 1500-1700. This is the era of the contemporaneous events we call "The Scientific Revolution" and "The Reformations." This course is a selective historical tour of the maturing of physical science (especially astronomy and cosmology) in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries and the parallel developments in Christianity as the new Protestant denominations were breaking away from the historic Catholic Church. We will investigate and evaluate connections, interactions, and influences between science and religion.

Equivalents: THEO 3305 Attributes: Upper-Division, Ways of Engaging Prerequisites: UCOR 2000: C- or better

HIS 3406: Christianity in America (5)


A survey of the development of American Christianity from the 17th century to the present. Explores the many expressions of Christianity that have taken root in American soil, with an emphasis on the interplay between Christianity and American culture. Particular attention will be given to the contemporary religious landscape, that is, to the varieties of American church life today.

Equivalents: THEO 3303 Attributes: Upper-Division, Ways of Engaging, Writing "W" Course

HIS 3435: Marxism: 20th Century Theory and Practice (3)


Examines the development of varieties of Marxist theory and practice in the 20th century. Compares the Soviet, European, Chinese, and Latin American experiences with Marxist thought and practice. Typically offered: Alternate Years.

Equivalents: ECN 3435, POL 3435 Attributes: Upper-Division Restrictions: Freshman students are excluded.

HIS 3440: War, Peace & World Order (5)


A study of conflict and conflict resolution in the international system, drawing upon resources from negotiation theory, peace studies, biblical models, international law, and international organization, with analysis of varying world-order models.

Equivalents: POL 3440 Attributes: Upper-Division, Ways of Engaging Restrictions: Freshman students are excluded.

HIS 3444: Humanitarianism: Promises and Problems (5)


While Jesus taught his followers the importance of compassion in his parable on the Good Samaritan, it was not until the “modern” era that public concern for others outside one’s local area emerged. This class explores modern humanitarianism from its inception with the British antislavery movement to the rise of the technocratic expert and the globalization of development. The course examines the roles of paternalism, politics, and power in past humanitarian schemes and responses to them, and the enduring value of Christian faith in extending aid.

Attributes: Cultural Understand&Engagement, Upper-Division Restrictions: Freshman students are excluded.

HIS 3445: Genocide: A Comparative Study (5)


Mass violence has occurred on an unprecedented scale over the past two centuries. This course examines one of the most horrifying forms that this violence has taken: genocide, the attempt to eradicate an entire group of ɬ﷬. We comparatively study the causes and outcomes of particular episodes of genocide, including the Herero, Armenian, Cambodian, Rwandan and the Holocaust, and weigh reconciliation efforts and preventative measures that we have taken to eliminate this iniquity.

Attributes: Cultural Understand&Engagement, Upper-Division Restrictions: Freshman students are excluded.

HIS 3446: Life in the Cold War (5)


During the Cold War (1946-1991), the democratic West and the Communist East competed not only for world dominance, but they also battled over which side delivered the “good life.” This course focuses on life in a Europe characterized by the threat of nuclear war and the rise of the welfare state, popular media, and youth culture. It focuses on a divided Europe and features popular protest and gendered politics. While the formal war concluded relatively peacefully, this class asks if the dividing line simply moved east with tensions remaining between the European Union and Russia. Typically offered: Alternate Years.

Attributes: Upper-Division, Ways of Engaging, Writing "W" Course Restrictions: Freshman students are excluded.

HIS 3448: Human Trafficking, Slavery, and Refugees: History of Forced Migration (5)


Human trafficking, slavery, and asylum-seeking: all three of these are forms of forced migration that have posed moral, legal, and logistical challenges in modern world history. This course will explore the historic factors that contributed to the rise of these forms of forced migration and how efforts have been to challenge, regulate, or ameliorate the conditions for forced migrants. The course takes a comparative historical approach in examining how the world responded to these three forms of forced migration, and will help students better understand and engage with current-day events on these topics.

Attributes: Cultural Understand&Engagement, Upper-Division

HIS 3495: History of Science Seminar (3)


Upper-division research seminar, stressing analysis of primary sources and advanced integrative historical understanding. Focus may vary from year to year. Sample topics: Galileo and the church; the world of Isaac Newton; Darwin evolution and society; technology and modernity; the Scopes Trial; Women and science. Typically offered: Autumn.

Attributes: Upper-Division, Writing "W" Course

HIS 3496: Darwin, Einstein, and the Reinterpretation of Nature, 1830-1930 (5)


This course examines various interpretative shifts in the physical and life sciences from late eighteenth to the early twentieth century. The backbone of the course will involve a close reading of Darwin's 'Origin of Species' (1859) and Einstein's 'Relativity: The Special and General Theory' (1916) with special attention to the historical developments that led to the publication of these works, as well as their subsequent influence.

Attributes: Upper-Division, Ways of Engaging Prerequisites: UCOR 2000: C- or better

HIS 3501: Colonial and Revolutionary America: Foundations of American Civilization (5)


Surveys the pre-national experience of the United States, in North American and international contexts. Main topics are the European explorations of the 1500s, the colonizing activities of the 1600s, the culture of expanding provincial America in the early 1700s, and the era of the American Revolution. How have America's distinctive institutions, ideas, and values developed-particularly those related to Christianity? In light of the foundations of American Civilization, is at all valid to say, as some insist and others deny, that the U.S. is a "Christian nation?".

Attributes: Upper-Division, Ways of Engaging, Writing "W" Course Restrictions: Freshman students are excluded.

HIS 3565: World War II (3)


Junior-level research seminar, stressing analysis of primary sources and advanced, integrative historical understanding. Studies American experiences at home and abroad during the Second World War, and assesses the impact of the ordeal on contemporary American civilization. Guest presentations supplement instructor lectures and class discussion. Students present an individual oral history project. Typically offered: Occasionally.

Attributes: Upper-Division

HIS 3600: History of the Pacific Northwest (5)


This course offers a freewheeling time of exploration and discovery-in quest of the historic personality of a region. In many ways the course is the student's to create as he or she devises appreciative and creative ways to engage the region's heritage. Above all, this course demands encounters with diverse experiences and resources as a springboard for continuous learning. Student explorations follow three concurrent tracks: classroom presentations, study of a textbook, and independent field experiences.

Attributes: Upper-Division, Ways of Engaging Restrictions: Freshman students are excluded.

HIS 3670: History of United States Foreign Relations (5)


Studies the United States as a participant in the international system, from colonial dependency to superpower. Proposes a theoretical model for interpreting American foreign policy and applies this framework to historical events considered chronologically. Considers questions of morality in relation to foreign policy. Formerly: History of American Foreign Relations.

Equivalents: POL 3670 Attributes: Upper-Division, Ways of Engaging, Writing "W" Course Restrictions: Freshman students are excluded.

HIS 3720: Rise of Islamic Civilization (5)


How did a 6th-century merchant in the Arabian peninsula launch a global religion that changed the way the world eats, speaks, learns, and worships? This course traces the rise and development of Islamic civilization from seventh-century origins to the 18th century, exploring topics such as trade, empire-building, women and society, literature, and science.

Attributes: Cultural Understand&Engagement, Upper-Division, Ways of Engaging, Writing "W" Course

HIS 3725: Women and Gender in the Middle East (3)


This class explores the history of women and gender in the Middle East from the beginnings of Islam to the present day. Using historical sources, students will conduct research on topics including: veiling, marriage, divorce, Islamic Law, colonialism, and women’s movements. This course satisfies a research seminar requirement for history majors, but is open to students from all majors. Typically offered: Winter.

Attributes: Cultural Understand&Engagement, Upper-Division, Writing "W" Course Restrictions: Freshman students are excluded.

HIS 3730: History of the Modern Middle East (5)


This course traces significant changes in the politics, economics, and societies of the Middle East from the 19th - 21st centuries. Students will explore topics such as Western imperialism, the rise of nationalism, the Arab-Israeli conflict, social movements, the geopolitics of oil, and terrorism in shaping the modern history of this world region.

Attributes: Upper-Division, Ways of Engaging

HIS 3750: Latin America (5)


Traces the history of Latin America, with particular attention to the development of political, economic, social, religious, and aesthetic values.

Equivalents: SOC 3750 Attributes: Cultural Understand&Engagement, Upper-Division Restrictions: Freshman students are excluded.

HIS 3765: Family, State and Patriarchy in East Asia (5)


This course explores the making of East Asian family, state and patriarchal traditions from the historical perspective. We will introduce the key belief systems, institutions, and historical developments from classical times to 1800 and how they have shaped the fundamental features of East Asia. The course also examines the ways in which the interactions of family and state were expressed similarly and differently in East Asian countries like China, Japan and Korea.

Equivalents: ASIA 3765 Attributes: Upper-Division, Ways of Engaging, Writing "W" Course Restrictions: Freshman students are excluded.

HIS 3767: Religion, Revolution and Social Changes in China (3)


This course discusses the relation of religion and society in the late imperial China through the examination of historical materials on the subject. It aims to help students understand the role of religion in the discourse of China’s social and cultural transformation on the eve of modernization, responses to the spread of Christianity and Western imperialism, and consequential changes of personal and national identities. As a research seminar, the course stresses analysis of primary sources and advanced, integrative historical understanding. Students will read core texts, analyze primary sources, write reading reflections, and then complete a research proposal. No previous knowledge of this subject is assumed. Typically offered: Spring.

Equivalents: ASIA 3767 Attributes: Upper-Division, Writing "W" Course

HIS 3785: Trade, War, and The Making of East Asian Modernities (5)


What roles did Trade and War play in the rise of East Asian powers? To what extent did they shape their identities and political ambitions? The course traces the history from the Opium Wars to the rise of Asian economic powers within the capitalist world-system. The course helps students to understand East Asia's struggles with the Western imported meta-narratives of progress, revolution, socialism, race, equality and Christianity and search for their modern identities in the past 150 years.

Equivalents: ASIA 3785 Attributes: Upper-Division, Ways of Engaging, Writing "W" Course

HIS 3786: Nation, City and Identity in China: From Opium Wars to Megacities (5)


In the past three decades rapid economic development and modernization programs have significantly altered the traditional urban system in China. The country now has the largest number of megacities but the vast “floating population” of migrants continue to struggle with their lack of residency rights in the cities. This course traces China’s urban development since the late 19th century at the backdrop of China’s re-staging itself as a modern power in a global world. It explores how Chinese cities and its urban system have shaped in ideology and practice, and changes to social life and cultural identity in the modern history.

Attributes: Upper-Division, Ways of Engaging Restrictions: Freshman students are excluded.

HIS 3790: History of Africa (5)


This course studies the history of Africa from the colonial era to the present. It examines cultural, political, and economic changes both within Africa and between Africa and world regions. Typically offered: Alternate Years.

Attributes: Upper-Division, Ways of Engaging Restrictions: Freshman students are excluded.

HIS 3813: History Online (3)


This is a research and writing seminar updated for the digital age. All students of history must learn how to study texts and artifacts from the past. But what about using YouTube videos as a historical source? How will historians of the future study our text messages and decipher our emojis? How can students assess which online content is reliable? This class will help students master the essentials of historical research with a particular emphasis on using online historical sources. Students will then write up and present their research in a variety of online formats: wiki articles, podcasts, blog posts, and more, helping students hone the kinds of practical writing skills that will help them in any future career. Typically offered: Spring.

Attributes: Upper-Division, Writing "W" Course Restrictions: Freshman students are excluded.

HIS 3861: Presenting History (2)


Public speaking is an essential professional skill, especially for students of history. This class will help students take their knowledge of the past and learn how they can create lesson plans for the classroom, give entertaining presentations as interpreters at historical sites or museums, or simply build their confidence and hone their skills in addressing groups of ɬ﷬ in any setting. This class is designed for students who are curious about using their history studies to pursue a career in education or in public history, but it is also beneficial for any students looking to improve their public speaking skills. Typically offered: Alternate Years.

Attributes: Upper-Division

HIS 3871: Archives: History, Theory and Practice (3)


This course introduces students to the archival history, theory and practice. Students who successfully complete this course will: 1) be familiar with standard archival theories and practice; 2) be able to identify basic historical developments of the profession; 3) understand archival terminology; 4) understand each of the 11 elements of the archival cycle; 5) read, comprehend, analyze, and discuss assigned readings on a weekly basis; 6) process a collection in the SPU Archives; 7) create an archival portfolio containing examples of your archival work that can be shown to potential employers; 8) visit a local off-campus archives (e.g., City of ɬ﷬) 9) learn about the archival profession generally and its various employment opportunities.

Attributes: Upper-Division Restrictions: Freshman students are excluded.

HIS 3872: Museum Education (3)


The goal of this class is to prepare students to plan, implement, and evaluate public programs in a museum, park, battlefield or historic site. Students will gain theoretical knowledge about the field of interpretation and education and gain historical perspective about trends in the field. Each student will produce a portfolio to demonstrate class learning and to assist in future job searches.

Attributes: Upper-Division Restrictions: Freshman students are excluded.

HIS 3950: Special Topics in Historical Study (1-5)


Explores selected topics in History. Typically offered: Occasionally. May be repeated for credit up to 15 credits.

Attributes: Upper-Division Restrictions: Undergraduate only.

HIS 4495: History of Science Seminar (3)


Capstone research seminar, stressing analysis of primary sources and advanced integrative historical understanding. Focus may vary from year to year. Sample topics: Galileo and the church; the world of Isaac Newton; Darwin evolution and society; technology and modernity; the Scopes Trial; or women and science.

Attributes: Upper-Division Restrictions: Freshman, Sophomore students are excluded.

HIS 4525: Americans before the Civil War, 1820-1860 (3)


Capstone research seminar, stressing analysis of primary sources and advanced, integrative historical understanding. Studies the interacting impact of religious revivals, social reforms, and cultural romanticism in the context of political realignment and economic transformation, leading ultimately to the Civil War. Students select typical life roles from the period to research and portray.

Attributes: Upper-Division Restrictions: Freshman, Sophomore students are excluded.

HIS 4600: Pacific Northwest Senior Tutorial (5)


An alternative version of HIS 3600. Through guided independent study, the student surveys development of the region encompassing Washington, Oregon, and Idaho from the discovery period to the present. Students engage in readings and field visits, and submit a journal both as a measure of learning progress and as a permanent resource packet. (Post-baccalaureate students should enroll in HIS 5600, a version of the course offered year round.) Typically offered: Summer Quarter.

Attributes: Upper-Division Restrictions: Freshman, Sophomore students are excluded.

HIS 4765: Topics in East Asian History (3)


Capstone research seminar, stressing analysis of primary sources and advanced, integrative historical understanding. Students will read core texts and then complete an original research project, usually a term paper. Region and theme may vary year to year. Sample topics include: modern Japan, state building and nationalism, religion and culture, etc.

Equivalents: ASIA 4765 Attributes: Upper-Division, Writing "W" Course Restrictions: Freshman, Sophomore students are excluded.

HIS 4899: History Capstone (3)


This course provides a summative experience for our History students. In this course, students will write and reflect on the discipline of History, and they will develop a prior research project into a full-length research paper. Typically offered: Winter.

Attributes: Upper-Division, Writing "W" Course Restrictions: Freshman, Sophomore students are excluded. Prerequisites: (HIS 3495: C- or better OR HIS 3725: C- or better OR HIS 3765: C- or better OR HIS 3358: C- or better OR HIS 3813: C- or better)

HIS 4900: Independent Study (1-5)


Student works independently with a faculty member on a mutually agreed upon topic. May be repeated for credit up to 15 credits.

Attributes: Upper-Division

HIS 4905: Museum Appreciation and Critical Encounter (1-5)


This independent study / guided study course will permit an instructor and student to craft a syllabus and course of study for a student's planned "critical encounter" with a museum or museums, especially (but not exclusively) during a study-abroad or study-away opportunity. Typically offered: Occasionally. May be repeated for credit up to 15 credits.

Attributes: Upper-Division

HIS 4920: Readings in History (General) (1-5)


Prerequisites: 15 credits of B work in history. Requires reading and reporting in a designated area of history as arranged between the student and instructor. The student should present a proposal before registering. May be repeated for credit up to 20 credits.

Attributes: Upper-Division Restrictions: Freshman, Sophomore students are excluded.

HIS 4930: Mentoring Practicum (1-5)


Designed to provide an opportunity for academically skilled juniors and seniors to work under faculty supervision providing peer academic mentoring to freshmen and sophomores taking lower-division history and university core courses (e.g., UCOR 2000 The Emergence of the Modern Global System). May be repeated for credit up to 15 credits.

Attributes: Upper-Division

HIS 4940: History Internship (1-15)


Prerequisites: 15 credits of B work in history. Provides opportunities as available for practical application of history skills. See internship coordinator and history chairperson. May be repeated for credit up to 30 credits. May be repeated for credit up to 30 credits.

Attributes: Upper-Division Restrictions: Freshman, Non-Matriculated students are excluded.

HIS 4949: Applied History Internship (1-15)


Prerequisites: 15 credits of B work in history. Provides opportunities as available for practical application of history skills, including museum training. See internship coordinator and history chairperson. May be repeated for credit up to 30 credits.

Attributes: Upper-Division Restrictions: Freshman, Non-Matriculated students are excluded.

HIS 4950: Special Topics (1-5)


Explores selected topics in History. May be repeated for credit up to 15 credits.

Attributes: Upper-Division

HIS 4970: Independent Research (1-5)


Student research and writing on a significant historical topic as arranged with a faculty member. May require a project proposal before registering. Typically offered: Occasionally. May be repeated for credit up to 15 credits.

Attributes: Upper-Division Restrictions: Freshman, Sophomore students are excluded.