
International High School 13th Year

Students who attended high school outside the U.S. and Canada may be awarded credit for external examinations* for advanced high school work equivalent to a 13th year. The decision to award credit is dependent on examination scores and will require faculty review of course syllabi and subjects taken. SPU requires an officially certified copy of exam results showing scores for each exam subject, with an official English translation.  

*Credit for Norway 13th year, for students earning the vitnemål fra den vidergående skolen, will be awarded based on final assessment grades presented on an official graduation certificate, in English, sent directly from the high school. The decision to award credit is dependent on assessment scores and may require faculty review. Detailed transfer information on Norway 13th year is available in the Transfer Course Equivalency Guide, under Testing Programs.

Combined credit for all test programs and 13th year advanced standing cannot exceed 45 quarter credits.