THEO 1201: Hebrew I (4)
Surveys the essentials of biblical Hebrew, including grammar, morphology, syntax, and vocabulary, through the translation of selected Old Testament texts.
THEO 1202: Hebrew II (4)
Continues to survey the essentials of biblical Hebrew, including grammar, morphology, syntax and vocabulary, through the translation of selected Old Testament texts. This course is meant to be taken in a sequence with Hebrew I. If the sequence is interrupted, a placement exam must be passed before the second quarter begins.
THEO 1203: Hebrew III (4)
Continues to survey the essentials of biblical Hebrew, including grammar, morphology, syntax and vocabulary. It seeks to provide a beginning knowledge of the exegetical task and the tools to achieve it. This course is meant to be taken in a sequence with Hebrew I and II. If the sequence is interrupted, a placement exam must be passed before the third quarter begins. Includes a translation of the book of Jonah.
THEO 2400: Seeing God in our World (5)
This course introduces theological thought and practice by exploring three varying models of theological inquiry. Students will examine three significant theologians, their historical context, their relationship to broader Christian traditions, and their significance for Christian theology with attention to how they might inform how we do theology in our world today.
THEO 2620: Introduction to Global and Urban Ministry (5)
This course provides an overview of the city in contemporary society. It introduces the student to the vocabulary, strategies, models, and theological foundations for urban ministry within a global context.
THEO 2710: Foundations for Educational Ministry (5)
Introduces students to the definition, scope, and nature of the Church's teaching ministry. The task of educational ministry is designing teaching/learning experiences and environments that facilitate Christian formation. Students will examine the theological, historical, philosophical, and psycho-social foundations for educational ministry.
THEO 2720: Curriculum and Instruction (5)
Provides a systematic approach to curriculum development and instructional theory for Christian education including theological, sociological, and psychological concerns at each age level. Emphasis is on effective Bible teaching.
Prerequisites: THEO 2710: D or better
THEO 2721: Foundations of the Spiritual Life (3)
This course explores conceptions and practices of Christian Spirituality - the lived experience of faith - from scriptural, historical, theological, and practical perspectives. In it, students will examine diverse expressions of spiritual life from the breadth and depth of the Christian tradition, and have the opportunity to practice and reflect upon devotional exercises that nurture a critically imaginative relationship with God and Neighbor.
THEO 2730: Biblical and Theological Introduction to Christian Reconciliation (5)
This gateway course to the Reconciliation Studies Minor introduces students to the theology and practice of Christian reconciliation. It provides an overview of the biblical and theological foundations of reconciliation with God in Christ, an exploration of the ethical implications of the doctrine, and a survey of it's most prominent historical expressions. The class also helps students to understand the way in which reconciliation studies connect with SPU's mission, history and Wesleyan heritage. Finally, this course will require each student to establish an intended approach to the minor and explain their conception of how it fits with their major.
Attributes: Cultural Understand&Engagement, Ways of Engaging
THEO 2735: Christian Discipleship (3)
The principles of discipleship and spiritual direction to the laity coupled with examples from congregational life will be central to this course. Students will develop ability to articulate their spiritual journey as well as cultivating their attending, discerning and helping skills.
THEO 3100: Community Bible Study (2)
Study of a selected book or particular theme of the Bible. Each quarter a new book or theme will be explored with particular attention given to its part in the formation of Christian life. All members of the SPU community are encouraged to "tune in CBS" (community Bible study)! May be repeated for credit 9 times.
Attributes: Upper-Division
THEO 3110: Torah/Pentateuch: The Old Testament Gospel (5)
This course focuses on the first five books (or scrolls: Pentateuch) of the Bible known as Torah. Sometimes narrowly translated-and narowly understood-as law, torah also means instruction, teaching, story, and narrative. The content of the Torah will be the material used to help students go deeper with what they learned in UFDN 2000. In this course, students will learn how to utilize the various tools and methodologies of academic biblical study to explore the history, literary and theology of the first five books of the Bible.
Attributes: Upper-Division, Writing "W" Course
Prerequisites: UFDN 2000: D or better
OR (UFDN 3001: D or better
OR SPCC LFDN2: D or better
OR SPCC UFDN2: D or better)
OR (SPCC LFDN2: D or better
THEO 3210: Four Gospels and One Jesus (5)
This course is intentionally designed to be an introduction to biblical studies for students seeking to go deeper with what they learned in UFDN 2000. In it students will learn how to utilize the various tools and methodologies of academic biblical study to explore the history, literature and theology of the four canonical gospels.
Attributes: Upper-Division, Writing "W" Course
Prerequisites: UFDN 2000: D or better
OR (UFDN 3001: D or better
OR SPCC LFDN2: D or better
OR SPCC UFDN2: D or better)
OR (SPCC LFDN2: D or better
THEO 3250: Biblical Texts: Old Testament (5)
Text centered analysis of selected books from the Old Testament such as Genesis, 1-2 Samuel, Job, Psalms, and Isaiah. May be repeated for credit 3 times.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Prerequisites: UFDN 2000: D or better
OR UFDN 3001: D or better
THEO 3255: Biblical Texts: New Testament (5)
Text centered analysis of selected books from the New Testament such as Acts, Romans, James, and Revelation. May be repeated for credit 3 times.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Prerequisites: UFDN 2000: D or better
OR UFDN 3001: D or better
THEO 3260: Biblical Topics (5)
Considers a selected topic as it is developed throughout scripture with an eye to its contemporary relevance and the relationship between Scripture and other academic disciplines (e.g. Biology, Business, Psychology). Examples of topics considered include: the Holy Spirit, God the Creator, Political Power, The Dead Sea Scrolls, War, Human Sexuality, The Old Testament Aprocryphal Books, and The Bible and Movies. May be repeated for credit 3 times.
Attributes: Upper-Division, Ways of Engaging
Prerequisites: UFDN 2000: D or better
OR UFDN 3001: D or better
THEO 3301: From Apostles to Cathedrals: Ancient and Medieval Christianity (5)
A survey of Christianity from its post-apostolic origins to the end of the Middle Ages. Initially, the course evaluates the formation of orthodoxy, the challenge of heterodoxy, early monasticism, and missions to Western Europe; then it explores the achievement of the medieval Church through a study of the papacy, scholasticism, and the Crusades.
Equivalents: HIS 3401
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Freshman students are excluded.
THEO 3302: Reformation and Modern Christianity (5)
A survey of European and Latin American Christian history from the 16th century to the present. Attention will be given to the Protestant and Catholic Reformations of the 16th century; the colonization and evangelization of the Americas in the 16th and following centuries; the rationalism, orthodoxy, and pietism of the 17th century; the revivalism of the 18th century; the historicism and liberalism in the 19th century; and the emergence of neoorthodoxy, the ecumenical movement, and liberation theologies in the 20th century.
Equivalents: HIS 3402
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Freshman students are excluded.
THEO 3303: Christianity in America (5)
A survey of the development of American Christian thought and institutions from the 17th century to the present. Representative works by major thinkers of different historical periods and denominational affiliations will be studied. Particular attention will be given to the contemporary religious landscape, that is, to the varieties of American church life today.
Equivalents: HIS 3406
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Freshman students are excluded.
THEO 3305: The Scientific Revolution and Christianity in Reformation Europe, 1500-1700 (5)
Surveys the dramatic changes in science, philosophy, and Christianity in the Western tradition 1500-1700. This is the era of the contemporaneous events we call "The Scientific Revolution" and "The Reformations." This course is a selective historical tour of the maturing of physical science (especially astronomy and cosmology) in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries and the parallel developments in Christianity as the new Protestant denominations were breaking away from the historic Catholic Church. We will investigate and evaluate connections, interactions, and influences between science and religion. May be repeated for credit 2 times.
Equivalents: HIS 3405
Attributes: Upper-Division, Ways of Engaging
Restrictions: Freshman students are excluded.
Prerequisites: UCOR 2000: D or better
THEO 3331: Women in Christianity (5)
This course integrates Church history, biblical study, and Christian theology to develop students' understanding of women in Christianity. The class will include a survey of women of faith in the Bible and in Church history. Students will gain understanding of the philosophical and cultural contexts of biblical references to women and will probe the biblical texts to gain insight into their meaning and their implications for the present. Contributions that selected women have made to the church and the world will be highlighted. Theology, ministry style, community and family dynamics, and challenges faced by women today will be discussed. This course may be taken toward the Women's Studies minor.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Freshman students are excluded.
THEO 3401: Exploring Christian Theology (5)
In-depth study of selected areas of Christian doctrine. Deepens awareness of the biblical and practical roots of Christian doctrinal reflection as well as of the doctrinal consensus and diversity in the Christian tradition. Specific doctrinal focus will vary by quarter. Doctrinal areas regularly offered include God the Father, Christology, Holy Spirit, Trinity, theological anthropology, church and sacraments, and eschatology. May be repeated for credit 2 times.
Attributes: Upper-Division, Ways of Engaging
Prerequisites: (UFDN 3100: D or better
OR SPCC LFDN3: D or better
OR SPCC UFDN3: D or better)
OR (SPCC LFDN3: D or better
THEO 3403: History and Theology of Christian Worship (3)
Worship both reflects and shapes the ways in which Christian convictions are understood, experienced, and embodied by the followers of Jesus in any given historical epoch or cultural context. This course examines representative liturgical practices and worship spaces from different periods, cultures, and branches of the Christian tradition. But it will not only ask how Christians in various times and places have actually worshipped God. It will also ask how Christians ought - and ought not - to worship. It will suggest theological tests for determining when worship has degenerated into emotionalism, formalism or superstition. Students will be expected to attend Sunday worship services at several different churches in the ɬÀï·¬ metro area. This course may, but need not, be taken in conjunction with THEO 4930 Practicum: Christian Worship (2).
Attributes: Upper-Division, Ways of Engaging
Prerequisites: UFDN 3100: D or better
THEO 3500: Christ and Culture (2)
Study of a "hot button" topic of contemporary importance for Christ's ɬÀï·¬ when engaging our culture to change the world. Each quarter a different topic will be studied with attention given to how theological and biblical instruction shapes distinctively Christian responses to the issues staked out. Case study approach with interactive class sessions will be the norm. All members of the SPU community, students, staff, faculty, are encouraged to participate! May be repeated for credit 9 times.
Attributes: Upper-Division
THEO 3501: Christian Ethics (5)
Explores the question, "What does it mean to lead a Christian life?" Discusses the practice of those spiritual disciplines and the cultivation of those moral virtues that properly characterize a follower of Jesus. Addresses several moral issues of special concern to the contemporary church, such as gender relations, sexual conduct, and the accumulation of wealth.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Prerequisites: (UFDN 3100: D or better
OR SPCC LFDN3: D or better
OR SPCC UFDN3: D or better)
OR (SPCC LFDN3: D or better
THEO 3510: Theology, Culture, and Society (5)
Focuses on the public dimension of Christian life. How ought Christians to engage their culture? How do we insure that such engagement is truly Christian? Addresses several social issues of special concern to the contemporary church, such as race relations, war and peace, and the separation of church and state.
Equivalents: SJC 3510
Attributes: Upper-Division
THEO 3540: Creation Care (5)
Humans exist and interact within an ecological theater created by a relational God. Ecotheology explores the biblical and theological imperative to care for the earth leading to a vision for ecojustice and new models of authentic sustainability. This course investigates the ecological implications of Christian faith that confesses a Trinitarian understanding of God as Creator, incarnate Son, and life-giving Spirit. Integral to this study is understanding humanity’s identity and mission within God’s good creation, while applying the ethic of creation care to the Pacific Northwest, especially in light of the implications caused by a burgeoning economy within the fragile Salish Sea region. This course will have special appeal to students with interest in ecology and the environment within the larger interdisciplinary interaction of faith and science.
Attributes: Upper-Division, Ways of Engaging
THEO 3601: Multiethnic Ministry (3)
Studies how the growing multiplicity of cultures affects the fabric of America, provides a theological framework for understanding ethnic differences, prepares students to minister among ɬÀï·¬ different from themselves, and proposes a Christian response to multiculturalism.
Attributes: Cultural Understand&Engagement, Upper-Division
THEO 3610: Living in Another Culture (3)
Addresses practical issues of coping, bonding, lifestyle, family, religions, medical and economic development, evangelism, worship, and team building in another culture. Required for summer ministry teams.
Attributes: Upper-Division
THEO 3630: Holistic Ministry (3)
Assists students in the development of a practical theology of holistic ministry. Insights gained through on-site visits and classroom interviews with practitioners are balanced by theology, missiology, and social theory through analysis, research, and critique.
Attributes: Upper-Division, Writing "W" Course
THEO 3640: Cross-Cultural Ministry (3)
This course focuses on the theology and practice of ministry in a multicultural world. Topics include intercultural competency, case studies in cultural research, and a theology of cultural engagement.
Attributes: Upper-Division
THEO 3710: Human Development and Christian Faith (5)
Studies the integration of theology and life span psychology in an attempt to understand the process of becoming and being Christian. Stage theories of development, human religious experience, and metaphorical and narrative theology are addressed.
Attributes: Upper-Division
THEO 3715: Youth Cultures and Christian Faith (3)
Examines the intersection of theology and culture as expressed among youth today. The course provides a theological critique aimed at a Christian perspective on youth culture and understanding of global culture/s, dynamics of cultural and racial, ethnic and gender differences with particular focus on adolescent sociology and faith. Attention will be focused on popular culture, mass media, fashion, consumerism, film and TV.
Attributes: Cultural Understand&Engagement, Upper-Division
THEO 3722: Christian Disciplines (2)
Course will investigate a Christian spiritual practice central to deep devotional life. Course will address a different discipline each quarter, such as prayer, Sabbath-keeping, and Spiritual retreats. May be repeated for credit 4 times.
Attributes: Upper-Division
THEO 3730: Foundations of Youth Ministry (3)
Provides a comprehensive overview of youth ministry from multiple perspectives. Considers theological foundations undergirding youth ministries, contextual realities surrounding youth ministries, and practical issues engaged within youth ministries. Both church and para-church ministries are examined along with topics such as adolescent development, programming, mentoring, family systems, worship, pedagogy, volunteers, and student leadership.
Attributes: Upper-Division
THEO 3732: Current Issues in Youth Ministry (3)
Analyzes ministry to adolescents in light of contemporary issues from theological, cultural, and practical perspectives. Specific issues will vary, but past topics have included disability, personal and systemic crisis, consumerism, postmodernism, globalization, technology, socio-economic tribalism, and racism.
Attributes: Upper-Division
THEO 3733: Small Group Dynamics (3)
The purpose of this course is to experience the redemptive and formative role of small groups in Christian spirituality.
Attributes: Upper-Division
THEO 3734: Spiritual Friendship (3)
This course will focus on the role of spiritual direction, mentoring and accountability in order to appreciate the role of authentic friendship as a vital aspect of the Christian life. Students will participate in reflective exercises as well as in-depth readings on the nature of authentic friendship.
Attributes: Upper-Division
THEO 3735: Youth Ministry as Mission and Evangelism (3)
Examines youth ministry as a cross-cultural mission to adolescents in which the Body of Christ carries to them the good news of the Kingdom of God. Looks at the theological nature of mission and evangelism and the cultural world of adolescents in order to discern how to engage in this outreach within specific contexts.
Attributes: Upper-Division, Ways of Engaging
THEO 3780: Wesleyan Small Group: New Leader Training (1)
This course is a discussion-based seminar for upper division students who are participating as leaders in the SoulCare: Wesleyan Small Group Program for UFDN 1000. Framed within a theology of reconciliation, the course provides an introduction to small group leadership strategies; theories of group dynamics, leadership, and faith development; and issues that inform group interactions. Course readings will be based on research from the fields of theology and ministry, leadership studies, and education. This course explores the essential elements of listening, identity, Wesleyan Theology, Self-care and self-reflection as means to living out God’s reconciling work in the context of a Wesleyan Small Group. This course is required for all SoulCare Leaders during the first quarter they’re leading a group.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Doctoral, Graduate are excluded.
THEO 4100: Biblical Ethics: How Shall We then Live? (5)
Many of the most compelling and controversial issues facing North American Christians today challenge our longstanding moral convictions as God's ɬÀï·¬-about abortion, gender, human sexuality, war and peace, use of wealth, homelessness, race relations, friendship. This course seeks to address these issues in two ways. First, to help students learn what the Christian Bible teaches us about Christian living-what core beliefs and resurrection practices provide the biblical foundation for a manner of life that truly pleases God. Second, to help students learn how to use Scripture as a resource in making moral choices and when participating in moral debate as God's ɬÀï·¬ are called on to engage the wider culture.
Attributes: Upper-Division, Writing "W" Course
Prerequisites: (UFDN 2000: D or better
OR UFDN 3001: D or better)
AND (THEO 3110: D or better
OR THEO 3210: D or better)
THEO 4290: Biblical Theology: Reading the Whole Bible as Scripture (5)
The Bible is the church's Scripture-a sacred text that communicates a word from the living God for the ongoing ɬÀï·¬ of God. This simple definition provides the course with its essential focus: to train students of Scripture how to interpret faithfully and skillfully the richness of its diverse but integral parts, Old Testament and New Testament, in order to hear a fresh word from God for today. Students of this course will learn the terms of Scripture's authority for believers and will discuss the variety of practical issues staked out whenever the Bible is studied as a witness to the Holy Trinity. Students will study the various attempts, ancient and modern, to integrate the church's theology and its biblical texts in coherent and useful ways.
Attributes: Upper-Division, Writing "W" Course
Prerequisites: (UFDN 3100: D or better
OR SPCC LFDN3: D or better
OR SPCC UFDN3: D or better)
AND (THEO 3110: D or better
OR THEO 3210: D or better)
THEO 4401: Representative Theologies (5)
Considers the work of a major Christian theologian or group of theologians who share a distinctive theological approach. Provides models of the "craft" of theological inquiry and probes the distinctive emphases of various Christian traditions, historical periods, and theological movements. Examples of theologians considered include: the Eastern and Western Christian Fathers and Mothers, Augustine of Hippo, Medieval Theology, Thomas Aquinas, John Calvin, Karl Barth, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, C. S. Lewis and Friends, Lesslie Newbigin, Theology of the Black Church, and Global Theologies. May be repeated for credit 2 times.
Attributes: Upper-Division, Writing "W" Course
Prerequisites: (UFDN 3100: D or better
OR SPCC LFDN3: D or better
OR SPCC UFDN3: D or better)
OR (SPCC LFDN3: D or better
THEO 4402: Wesleyan Theology (5)
Considers the work of one or more major voices in the Wesleyan theological tradition and explores the relevance of the distinctive theological concerns and methods of that tradition for ministry today. Topics may include John Wesley, Charles Wesley, Wesleyan hermeneutics (e.g. Adam Clarke, Albert Outler), the Wesleyan Holiness Movement (e.g. John Fletcher, Phoebe Palmer, B.T. Roberts, Phineas Bresee), and modern Wesleyan theology (e.g. B.P. Bowne, Edwin Lewis, Georgia Harkness). Typically offered: Alternate Years.
Attributes: Upper-Division, Writing "W" Course
Prerequisites: UFDN 3100: D or better
THEO 4602: Issues in Latin American Christianity (3)
This course will deal with contemporary issues facing Latin American Christians, with attention to history, theology, ethnicities, ministry among the poor, and contextualized Christian witness. Hispanics in the Pacific Northwest will also be a focus. Field experience in Spanish-speaking churches in Metro ɬÀï·¬ will be part of the class. Typically offered: Alternate Years.
Attributes: Cultural Understand&Engagement, Upper-Division
THEO 4603: Issues in Asian/African Christianity (3)
This course will deal with contemporary issues facing Asian and African Christians, with attention to history, theology, ethnicities, ministry among the poor, and contextualized Christian witness. Field experience in African and Asian churches in Metro ɬÀï·¬ will be part of the class. Typically offered: Alternate Years.
Attributes: Cultural Understand&Engagement, Upper-Division
THEO 4610: World Religions (3)
Primal religions, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Confucianism, Taoism, and Shinto are explored. Each faith is studied in philosophical and cultural context. Applications for effective Christian witness are developed, showing appreciation for the faiths and contrasts with them.
Attributes: Upper-Division
THEO 4620: Interpreting the City (5)
This course studies the complexity of 21st-Century urban culture, including systems such as health care, media, social services, politics, education, entertainment, business, as well as the influence of various ethnic, religious, and social groups and their values. Students will identify their own cultural biases and assumptions and develop a personal theology of urban ministry. This course is an interdisciplinary course utilizing theology and the social sciences.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Prerequisites: THEO 2620: D or better
AND (THEO 3630: D or better
OR THEO 3640: D or better
OR THEO 4610: D or better)
THEO 4720: Leadership in Ministry (5)
A study of leadership from four perspectives: theological issues in leadership; understanding oneself as a leader; leadership behavior and skills; and leadership in a team context. The course focuses on preparation for a leadership position in educational ministry.
Attributes: Upper-Division, Writing "W" Course
Restrictions: Freshman, Sophomore students are excluded.
THEO 4730: Advanced Topics in Reconcilation Studies (3)
This course provides an opportunity for students in the Reconciliation Studies Minor to encapsulate what they have learned about the discipline of reconciliation in a way that is relevant and applicable to their future vocations. Through a variety of learning activities, students will prepare to be agents of reconciliation in a diverse, global society.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Prerequisites: THEO 2730: D or better
AND (THEO 3331: D or better
OR THEO 3401: D or better
OR THEO 3510: D or better)
THEO 4731: Child Development and Educational Ministry (3)
Studies age-group characteristics, needs and interests of children with special emphasis on program development, and teaching techniques related to program ideas.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Prerequisites: THEO 2710: D or better
AND THEO 3710: D or better
THEO 4733: Adult Development and Educational Ministry (3)
Studies the various periods of adulthood from the standpoint of characteristics, needs, aims, material, and methods of teaching. Emphasizes the teaching process for adults in terms of andragogy (a shared approach to learning) as opposed to pedagogy.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Prerequisites: THEO 2710: D or better
AND THEO 2720: D or better
AND THEO 3710: D or better
AND (THEO 2720: D or better
THEO 4735: Formative Christian Community (3)
This course looks at the vital role that Christian community plays in the faith of a believer. Reflection upon monastic, utopian, and various church models in both practice and principle.
Attributes: Upper-Division
THEO 4736: SoulJourn (3)
Souljourn is a spiritual pilgrimage to a "sacred site". Students travel to the home territory of a Christian saint or ministry. Students will better understand the testimony of a faithful Christian life through readings and a first-hand encounter with the physical context of the person's life and ministry. May be repeated for credit 3 times.
Attributes: Upper-Division
THEO 4780: Leading a Wesleyan Small Group (1)
This course is for SoulCare: Wesleyan Small Group Leaders who have already taken the New Leader Training class. This course is required for all SoulCare Leaders after their first quarter of leading a group. May be repeated for credit 8 times.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Doctoral, Graduate are excluded.
Prerequisites: THEO 3780: or better
THEO 4899: Christian Theology Capstone (2-5)
Incorporates the breadth of the theological disciplines and provides integration of themes for the common curriculum. Reflection on the integration of faith and learning toward vocational goals will also be included.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Christian Theology, Educational Ministry Majors only. Post-Baccalaureate, Senior students only.
THEO 4900: Independent Study (1-5)
Prerequisite: 25 credits of "THEO" prefix coursework and current enrollment as a Theology major or minor, or approval of the Dean of the School of Theology. May be repeated for credit up to 15 credits.
Attributes: Upper-Division
THEO 4911: Worship Arts Leadership Seminar (3)
This course brings together, into cohorts, visual artists, musicians, filmmakers and theatre personnel. Through a theological lens, in the context of spiritual formation and discipline, students will investigate worship arts leadership and liturgics. The course will also explore how reconciliation, prayer, suffering, commitment, growing in wisdom and stature, are aspects of Christian Spiritual Disciplines.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Doctoral, Graduate are excluded.
THEO 4930: Practicum (1-5)
Provides an experiential learning assignment to parallel to a course in which a student is concurrently registered. May also be used for students completing a teaching or research assistantship with a School of Theology faculty member. May be repeated for credit up to 9 credits.
Attributes: Upper-Division
THEO 4931: Worship Arts Leadership Practicum (2)
Through the creation of new artistic performance practice systems, icons, and spaces for leading and designing Congregational Christian Worship, students will learn how to implement a theology of worship arts into both liturgical and non-liturgical contexts. The practicum course will also explore how reconciliation, prayer, suffering, commitment, growing in wisdom and stature, are aspects of Christian spiritual disciplines. May be repeated for credit 1 time.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Doctoral, Graduate are excluded.
THEO 4940: Internship (1-15)
Prerequisites: 25 credits in theology coursework at SPU; current enrollment as a major or minor in the School of Theology, or permission of instructor. May be repeated for credit up to 15 credits.
Attributes: Upper-Division
THEO 4950: Special Topics (1-5)
Provides a focused study of a specific theological topic chosen by the instructor. The study typically explores theological perspectives on a contemporary issue. See current Time Schedule for topic. May be repeated for credit up to 10 credits.
Attributes: Upper-Division
THEO 4995: Thesis (3)
Prerequisite: 25 credits in Theology coursework at SPU. Requires original research conducted under the guidance of a faculty advisor.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Christian Theology Majors only. Freshman, Sophomore students are excluded.