SPN 1000: Latin American Studies Program: Elementary Spanish Language Study (9)
Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Latin American Studies Program. As a Latin American Studies participant, you study Spanish not only in the classroom, but also on the street, in your home, in your service opportunity and during travel throughout Latin America. Students come to Costa Rica with varying degrees of fluency in Spanish, so LASP places you in the Spanish class that corresponds to your level of oral and written proficiency based on the placement exam and interview you will receive during orientation. You will study grammar, conversation and/or literature, based on the results of your tests.
Restrictions: Undergraduate only.
SPN 1100: Elementary Spanish (1-5)
Study Abroad.
SPN 1101: Elementary Spanish I (5)
Develops skill in understanding, speaking, reading, and writing the Spanish language. Investigates Spanish culture and its relationship to the language.
Attributes: Foreign Language Comp
SPN 1102: Elementary Spanish II (5)
Develops skill in understanding, speaking, reading, and writing the Spanish language. Investigates Spanish culture and its relationship to the language.
Attributes: Foreign Language Comp
Prerequisites: SPN 1101: D or better
OR Proficiency Spanish: 18 or better
SPN 1103: Elementary Spanish III (5)
Develops skill in understanding, speaking, reading, and writing the Spanish language. Investigates Spanish culture and its relationship to the language.
Attributes: Foreign Language Comp
Prerequisites: SPN 1102: D or better
OR Proficiency Spanish: 25 or better
SPN 2000: Latin American Studies Program: Intermediate Spanish Language Study (9)
Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Latin American Studies Program. As a Latin American Studies participant, you study Spanish not only in the classroom, but also on the street, in your home, in your service opportunity and during travel throughout Latin America. Students come to Costa Rica with varying degrees of fluency in Spanish, so LASP places you in the Spanish class that corresponds to your level of oral and written proficiency based on the placement exam and interview you will receive during orientation. You will study grammar, conversation and/or literature, based on the results of your tests.
Restrictions: Undergraduate only.
SPN 2100: Intermediate Spanish (1-5)
Study Abroad.
Attributes: Foreign Language Comp
SPN 2101: Intermediate Spanish I (5)
Review and consolidation of first-year Spanish; focuses on grammar and begins cultural readings.
Attributes: WK Humanities
Prerequisites: SPN 1103: D or better
OR Foreign Language Exempt: EXMPT or better
OR Proficiency Spanish: 31 or better
OR Foreign Language Complete: C or better
SPN 2102: Intermediate Spanish II (5)
Builds on SPN 2101; more and longer readings geared toward Hispanic cultures.
Attributes: WK Humanities
Prerequisites: Foreign Language Complete: C or better
OR Foreign Language Exempt: EXMPT or better
OR SPN 2101: D or better
SPN 2103: Intermediate Spanish III (5)
Builds on SPN 2102; focuses on Hispanic cultures through conversation and provides an introduction to Spanish literature through short compositions.
Attributes: WK Humanities
Prerequisites: SPN 2102: D or better
OR Foreign Language Exempt: EXMPT or better
OR Foreign Language Complete: C or better
OR Foreign Language Complete: C or better
SPN 2201: Latin American Civilization and Culture (5)
An overview of Latin American civilization and culture, with emphasis on marginalized populations; focuses also on Hispanics in the United States. Taught in English.
Attributes: WK Humanities
Restrictions: Freshman students are excluded.
SPN 3100: Advanced Spanish (1-5)
Study Abroad.
Attributes: Foreign Language Comp, Upper-Division
SPN 3101: Advanced Spanish (5)
A systematic review of Spanish grammar. May be repeated for credit 2 times.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Prerequisites: SPN 2103: D or better
SPN 3110: Composicion y Conversacion (5)
Focuses on the development of spontaneous conversation skills through news articles, songs and other media. May be repeated for credit 1 time.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Prerequisites: SPN 2103: D or better
SPN 3111: Spanish for Christian Ministry (3)
Develops biblical and theological literacy in Spanish through reading, listening, writing, and cultural practices. Will emphasize basic vocabulary on the books of the Bible, toponyms, Bible characters, and common themes such as salvation, sanctification, and glorification within the broader context of the Bible, and religious syncretism and liberation theology within the cultural context of Latin America. The contributions of outstanding Hispanic Christian leaders, authors, and artists to the missio Dei will be considered, as well as different styles of worship throughout the Spanish-speaking world. Common destinations for occasional mission work in the Hispanic world will be integrated.
Attributes: Upper-Division
SPN 3120: Civilizacion y Cultura (5)
Explores the many facets of Spanish-speaking cultures in the Iberian peninsula and Latin America from a historical perspective. Uses Spanish as the language for research, lecture and discussion. May be repeated for credit 1 time.
Attributes: Upper-Division
SPN 4000: Latin American Studies Program: Advanced Spanish Language Study (9)
Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Latin American Studies Program. As a Latin American Studies participant, you study Spanish not only in the classroom, but also on the street, in your home, in your service opportunity and during travel throughout Latin America. Students come to Costa Rica with varying degrees of fluency in Spanish, so LASP places you in the Spanish class that corresponds to your level of oral and written proficiency based on the placement exam and interview you will receive during orientation. You will study grammar, conversation and/or literature, based on the results of your tests.
Attributes: Upper-Division
SPN 4100: Intensive Spanish (1-5)
European Quarter or Salamanca program only.
Attributes: Upper-Division
SPN 4105: Literature Survey: Golden Age (5)
Focuses on poetry and works by mystics and secular poets; satire and humor of 16th and 17th century Spain.
Attributes: Upper-Division, Writing "W" Course
Prerequisites: SPN 3101: D or better
SPN 4401: Topics in Spanish Literature (5)
Examines canonical texts from a variety of critical frameworks, including form, structure, themes, and discursivity. Emphasis varies from quarter to quarter. Taught in Spanish and occasionally in English. Typically offered: Alternate Years. May be repeated for credit 1 time.
Attributes: Upper-Division, Writing "W" Course
Prerequisites: SPN 3101: D or better
SPN 4501: Topics in Latin American Literature (5)
Examines canonical texts in Latin American literature from a variety of critical frameworks, including form, structure, themes, and discursivity. Emphasis varies from quarter to quarter. Taught in Spanish and occasionally in English. Typically offered: Alternate Years. May be repeated for credit 1 time.
Attributes: Upper-Division, Writing "W" Course
Prerequisites: SPN 3101: D or better
SPN 4899: Latin American Capstone Seminar (3)
This capstone course focuses on issues of language, culture and politics related to the Latin American Studies - Spanish major.
Attributes: Upper-Division, Writing "W" Course
Restrictions: Freshman, Sophomore students are excluded.
SPN 4900: Independent Study (1-10)
Student works independently with a faculty member on a mutually agreed upon topic. May be repeated for credit up to 15 credits.
Attributes: Upper-Division
SPN 4920: Independent Readings Spanish (1-5)
Independent Readings Spanish May be repeated for credit up to 10 credits.
Attributes: Upper-Division
SPN 4930: Spanish Tutorial Practicum (1-6)
For advanced students who wish to assist in 1000-level Spanish classes. May be repeated for credit up to 6 credits.
Attributes: Upper-Division
SPN 4940: Internship (1-10)
Provides opportunity for practical application of Spanish language skills. May be repeated for credit up to 10 credits.
Attributes: Upper-Division