Health and Human Performance
HHP 1100: Outdoor Survival (2)
Basic information for the outdoor leisure courses. Teaches wilderness survival as well as how to recognize wilderness dangers. Course will cover knowledge and skill acquisition concerning safety and injury prevention. Topics covered will include temperature control; equipment selection and maintenance; map reading; compass navigation; and emergency protocol. Extra Fee.
Physical Ed Course Fee (refundable)
HHP 1105: Introduction to Ballet (2)
Introduction to the technique and discipline of classical ballet. The focus of the class will be placed on learning the technique and basic vocabulary through a series of fun and challenging warm-ups, exercises, and movement combinations.
Attributes: WK Arts
HHP 1108: Alternative Methods of Fitness (2)
This course introduces students to alternative forms of fitness activities such as Pilates, yoga, and aerobic dance. The class also provides basic fitness information that emphasizes lifetime health and wellness. Extra Fee.
Physical Ed Course Fee (refundable)
HHP 1109: Weight Training (2)
Explores the fundamentals and concepts necessary for sustained and successful performance in weight training. The course covers the scientific principles of weight training, exercise selection, safety, and techniques in lifting machine and free weights, program design variables, workout monitoring, and personal orientations required for independent weight training.
HHP 1110: Backpacking (2)
Introduces students to backpacking as a leisure activity and provides students with knowledge and skills to safely and enjoyably participate in the sport.
Physical Ed Course Fee (refundable)
HHP 1115: Introduction to Martial Arts (2)
Introduces students to basic techniques of different styles of martial arts. Students will learn basic principles behind various strikes, kicks and blocks. Encompasses differences in body movement, physical body expectations and various philosophies in self defense. The class will show strengths and weaknesses of each system and it will enhance body movement, agility, strength, flexibility, and hand and eye coordination.
HHP 1116: Martial Arts: Tae Kwon Do (2)
Introduces students to the discipline of Tae Kwon Do. Students will learn the basic principles behind strikes, kick and blocks of this martial art.
HHP 1117: Martial Arts: Hapkido (2)
Introduces students to the discipline of Hapkido. Students will learn the basic principles behind strikes, kicks, and blocks of this martial art.
HHP 1120: Hiking (2)
Introduces students to hiking by experiencing Northwest trails and beauty spots on one-day wilderness treks along beaches, forests, or mountain trails. Classes are held on selected Saturdays.
Physical Ed Course Fee (refundable)
HHP 1125: Cross-Country Skiing (2)
Introduces students to cross-country skiing as lifetime activities, and provides students with knowledge and skills to safely enjoy this sport. Extra Fee.
Physical Ed Course Fee (refundable)
HHP 1130: Skiing or Snowboarding (2)
Introduces students to downhill skiing and snowboarding as leisure activities and provides students with knowledge and skills to safely enjoy these sports. Extra Fee.
Physical Ed Course Fee (refundable)
HHP 1135: Rowing (2)
Introduces students to basic rowing techniques, skills, equipment and conditioning for continued involvement in recreational, fitness or competitive rowing.
HHP 1140: Introduction to Rockclimbing (2)
Introduces students to the basics of rockclimbing and bouldering. Primarily indoor experience, with optional outdoor trips (weather dependent). Equipment, safety and trip preparation will be included as part of the class discussion. Extra Fee.
Physical Ed Course Fee (refundable)
HHP 1145: Canoeing and Kayaking (2)
Introduces students to canoeing and kayaking as leisure activities. Emphasis is given to practicing skills on flat water.
Physical Ed Course Fee (refundable)
HHP 1150: Sailing (2)
Introduces students to small-boat day-sailing as a leisure activity and provides students with the knowledge and skills to safely and enjoyably participate in the sport on protected water.
Physical Ed Course Fee (refundable)
HHP 1155: Cycling (2)
Introduces students to the basics of cycling for fitness. Various types of terrain and cycling routes will be included in the course. Additional information on bicycle repair and maintenance is also discussed. Students must provide own bicycle.
Physical Ed Course Fee (refundable)
HHP 1160: Conditioning (2)
Provides students the opportunity to engage in selected activities to increase their level of fitness knowledge and skills for the enjoyment of conditioning as a life-long leisure activity. The activity focus is body weight exercises – students will learn healthy exercises they can perform with no equipment.
Physical Ed Course Fee (refundable)
HHP 1165: Introduction to Dance (2)
Introduces students to basic techniques and rhythms of one of several dance styles including jazz, hip-hop, folk, ballet, improvisational and creative dance.
Attributes: WK Arts
HHP 1166: Dance Techniques: Modern and Jazz (2)
Introduces students to techniques and rhythms of Modern dance and Jazz.
Attributes: WK Arts
HHP 1167: Social Dance Techniques (2)
Introduces students to current social dance techniques such as ballroom, swing and Latin dance.
Attributes: WK Arts
HHP 1175: Fencing (2)
Introduces students to basic instruction in the sport of fencing. Technical emphasis on basic footwork, defensive and parry systems, methods of attack and counterattack, judging and directing standard foil competition.
Physical Ed Course Fee (refundable)
HHP 1180: Golf (2)
Introduces students to the fundamental skills, techniques and rules of golf for enjoyment as a recreational sport.
Physical Ed Course Fee (refundable)
HHP 1185: Badminton and Pickleball (2)
Introduces students to the basic rules, skills and game strategies of badminton and pickleball for enjoyment as recreational sports.
Physical Ed Course Fee (refundable)
HHP 1190: Tennis (2)
Introduces students to the fundamental skills, game strategies, rules and personal orientations required for playing tennis at a beginning level.
HHP 1195: Scuba (2)
Introduces students to skin and scuba diving as leisure activities. Involves the classroom, pool and open-water training required for skin or scuba diving certification.
Physical Ed Course Fee (refundable)
HHP 1199: Leadership Camp (2)
Provides personal growth and self-discovery through a multi-day wilderness experience. Typically offered: September Session.
Physical Ed Course Fee (refundable)
HHP 1200: Softball (2)
Covers the fundamental skills, basic rules, terminology, and gameplay of softball.
HHP 1301: Wellness and Physical Activity (3)
Examines the integrated development of spiritual, social, emotional, intellectual, physical, and environmental well-being with special emphasis given to the relationships of each of these with health, physical activity and fitness. Also provides a brief overview of different areas of study and careers related to physical activity. A wilderness-based section of this course may be offered prior to the start of Autumn Quarter.
HHP 1455: Men's Basketball (1)
Open only to eligible varsity intercollegiate athletes. May be repeated for credit 3 times.
HHP 1456: Women's Basketball (1)
Open only to eligible varsity intercollegiate athletes. May be repeated for credit 3 times.
HHP 1460: Women's Gymnastics (1)
Open only to eligible varsity intercollegiate athletes. May be repeated for credit 3 times.
HHP 1465: Cross Country (1)
Open only to eligible varsity intercollegiate athletes. May be repeated for credit 3 times.
HHP 1470: Men's Soccer (1)
Open only to eligible varsity intercollegiate athletes. May be repeated for credit 3 times.
HHP 1471: Women's Soccer (1)
Open only to eligible varsity intercollegiate athletes. May be repeated for credit 3 times.
HHP 1475: Track and Field (1)
Open only to eligible varsity intercollegiate athletes. May be repeated for credit 3 times.
HHP 1476: Indoor Track (1)
Open only to eligible varsity intercollegiate athletes. May be repeated for credit 3 times.
HHP 1480: Men's Crew (1)
Open only to eligible varsity intercollegiate athletes. May be repeated for credit 3 times.
HHP 1481: Women's Crew (1)
Open only to eligible varsity intercollegiate athletes. May be repeated for credit 3 times.
HHP 1495: Women's Volleyball (1)
Open only to eligible varsity intercollegiate athletes. May be repeated for credit 3 times.
HHP 2128: Functional Anatomy (3)
This hands-on learning course will provide students with an understanding of the structural organization of the human musculoskeletal system at a macroscopic level. The course is designed to provide an understanding of the interaction of the muscular and skeletal systems to produce human motion. This course provides a foundation of human motion for further microscopic exploration in Exercise Physiology, Biomechanics and Applied Exercise Science. The course is strengthened by an emphasis on the relationship between structure and function. In addition, students will become well-versed in anatomical and medical terminology.
Restrictions: Exercise Science, Health and Fitness Education, Music Therapy Majors only.
Physical Ed Course Fee (refundable)
HHP 2185: Health and Fitness Education (5)
Explores overall health and fitness needs, including those of K-8 students. Focuses on age appropriate curriculum and activities with an emphasis on motor skill development and interdisciplinary health and fitness content. On site school observations will be part of the course curriculum.
HHP 2195: Philosophy and Research in Health and Physical Activity (5)
This course explores the philosophy and research in Human Movement Sciences. Students will critically analyze, compile, and synthesize current peer-reviewed literature research methods in the field of health, health and physical activity, and exercise science. Using several frameworks, students will engage in analytical writing and identify strengths and limitations to create new research paradigms. This course will also introduce students to research methods including but not limited to sampling, study design, statistics, measures and pilot study techniques.
Attributes: Writing "W" Course
HHP 2550: Responding to Emergencies (3)
Presents basic skills of accident prevention and emergency treatment of injury and illness in a variety of situations. Topics include legal liability and accident response; respiratory emergencies and rescue breathing; circulatory emergencies and cardiopulmonary resuscitation; hemorrhage control; shock; sudden illness; burns; injuries from exposure to heat and cold; poisoning; drug-abuse emergencies; bone and joint injuries; and rescue and transfer. Accident simulations are staged to gain practice in emergency care.
Restrictions: Freshman students are excluded.
Physical Ed Course Fee (refundable)
HHP 2617: Teaching Health and Fitness (3)
Covers the fundamental skills, planning, terminology, assessments, and teaching techniques necessary to plan and deliver effective instruction in health and fitness activities. The course is centered on the exploration and instruction of body weight exercises. This is a pedagogy class, organized to provide students the opportunity to practice teaching. Students will engage as both an instructor and participant in the activities.
Physical Ed Course Fee (refundable)
HHP 2619: Teaching Leisure Activities, Alternative Games and Sport (3)
Covers the fundamental skills, planning, terminology, assessments, and teaching techniques necessary to plan and deliver effective instruction in selected leisure and alternative games (golf, softball, disc sports, etc.) This is a pedagogy class, organized to provide students the opportunity to practice teaching. Students will engage as both an instructor and participant in the activities.
Physical Ed Course Fee (refundable)
HHP 3000: Uganda: Health and Wholeness (4.5)
See current description at
Attributes: Upper-Division
HHP 3510: Teaching Physical Education (5)
Explores physical education curriculum, activities and teaching strategies for elementary, middle school and high school students. Content includes lesson design, effective leadership and communication strategies, and classroom management principles that promote cooperation and safety. Students will develop skills necessary to integrate physical education into core curriculum subjects. The course provides a controlled and supervised micro-teaching experience, in an active-learning environment. This is a pedagogy class, organized to give students the opportunity to practice teaching. Students will engage as both an instructor and participant in
the physical education activities.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Freshman students are excluded.
Prerequisites: (HHP 1301: D or better
OR PES 1301: D or better)
AND (HHP 2195: D or better
OR PES 2195: D or better)
OR PHY 2567: D or better
Physical Ed Course Fee (refundable)
HHP 3515: Secondary Physical Education (5)
Focuses on appropriate curriculum and teaching methods for secondary physical education. Emphasizes how to develop a successful program including strategies for classroom management, lesson and unit design, fitness promotion and safety.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Freshman students are excluded.
HHP 3545: Programs for Special Populations (3)
Studies disabilities and how physical education and other recreational activities can be matched with disabled and elderly population needs for participation and/or correction.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Exercise Science, Health and Fitness Education, Integrated Studies, Music Therapy, Physical Education Majors only. Freshman, Sophomore students are excluded.
HHP 3555: Methods of Teaching Health (5)
This course identifies major health issues and teaching strategies with a variety of curricular programs through a holistic approach. Topics include community and consumer health, substance use and abuse, lifetime sexuality, child abuse, violence, environmental health factors and communicable disease. Content includes lesson and unit design, effective teaching models for health and presentation management that promotes cooperation and interaction with students of all age levels. Course provides a controlled and supervised micro-teaching experience.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Freshman students are excluded.
Prerequisites: (HHP 1301: D or better
OR PES 1301: D or better)
AND (HHP 2195: D or better
OR PES 2195: D or better)
HHP 3560: Psychological Aspects of Health and Physical Activity (5)
Explores the psychological attributes necessary for sustained and successful leadership in sport and exercise such as motivation, communication, reinforcement, group cohesion, teamwork and trust. The course also examines the implications of performance inhibitors such as anxiety, excessive ambition and aggression, along with intervention strategies such as visualization, arousal control and goal setting. In addition, mental health and wellness concerns pertaining to collegiate student-athletes will be discussed. The course incorporates significant nonfiction material and film to illustrate the content.
Attributes: Upper-Division, Writing "W" Course
Restrictions: Exercise Science, Health and Fitness Education, Physical Education Majors only. Freshman, Sophomore students are excluded.
Prerequisites: (HHP 1301: D or better
OR PES 1301: D or better)
AND (HHP 2195: D or better
OR PES 2195: D or better)
HHP 3570: Biomechanics (5)
This course explores the principles of motion (Newtonian Mechanics) through discussion and laboratory experiments with such topics as gait, nature of forces, work-energy-power, torque, muscle-tendon force dynamics, rheology, aerodynamics/hydrodynamics and offers analyses of selected activities. Students will explore biomechanical concepts using laboratory equipment such as force-plates, isokinetic dynamometers and goniometers.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Freshman, Sophomore students are excluded.
Prerequisites: (HHP 1301: D or better
AND HHP 2128: D or better)
OR (PES 1301: D or better
AND PES 2128: D or better)
OR BIO 2129: D or better
Physical Ed Course Fee (refundable)
HHP 3575: Motor Learning and Development (5)
A study of the principles and practices that affect the learning and development of motor skills; theories of motor learning, motor control, and development; lifespan motor development perspective related to performing motor and sport skills. After a review of the nervous system structure and development, the course examines the various methods of neuromuscular control of movement including proprioception, reflex, information processing, attention, memory, and various forms of rehearsal and practice through lecture and lab experiences.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Freshman students are excluded.
Prerequisites: (HHP 1301: D or better
OR PES 1301: D or better)
AND (HHP 2195: D or better
OR PES 2195: D or better)
Physical Ed Course Fee (refundable)
HHP 3580: Exercise Physiology (5)
Gives in-depth description and explanation of physiological responses and adaptations to various exercise modalities, emphasizing improvement of health and athletic performance. A comprehensive examination of the mechanistic adaptations to various training stimuli will be explored. Topics will explore adaptations to the cardiorespiratory, musculoskeletal and bioenergetic systems. Concepts such as V02 max, aerobic/anaerobic thresholds, body composition, and muscle growth and adaptation will be explored in detail. Course includes laboratory.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Freshman, Sophomore students are excluded.
Prerequisites: (HHP 1301: D or better
OR PES 1301: D or better)
AND BIO 2130: D or better
HHP 3580L: Exercise Physiology Lab (0)
Lab Component of HHP 3580.
Attributes: Upper-Division
HHP 3590: Sport Injury Management (4)
Describes the prevention, recognition and treatment of injuries related to sport activity. Emphasis on recognition and decision making for the immediate care of serious and life-threatening injuries and the immediate and secondary care of common sports related injuries. Describes the development and implementation of comprehensive sport injury management systems.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Freshman, Sophomore students are excluded.
Prerequisites: BIO 2129: D or better
OR (HHP 2128: D or better
OR PES 2128: D or better)
HHP 3942: Internship and career strategies (1)
Assists students in finding an internship and introduces them to different vocations in the HHP field. Students will develop skills in resume and cover-letter writing; identifying and articulating strengths and skills; using resources for finding internships; interviewing and networking; and understanding the requirements for an approved HHP internship. Typically offered: Spring.
Attributes: Upper-Division
HHP 4555: Community Health Promotion (3)
This course introduces students to the application of selected behavioral science theories and concepts in health education and health promotion programs for individuals and groups. An introduction to intervention theory and methods will also be included as a part of the course content. Lecture, demonstration, and case studies are part of the pedagogical process as well as student developed interventions and research.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Prerequisites: (HHP 1301: D or better
OR PES 1301: D or better)
AND (HHP 2195: D or better
OR PES 2195: D or better)
HHP 4575: Coaching and Training Seminar (4)
Explores various methods of coaching and training, with in depth case study analysis of modern day leaders and historical figures. Leadership and communication styles will be scrutinized. Students will critically examine genuine and hypothetical situations that arise in the competitive athletic environment, and discuss and debate comprehensive resolutions.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Post-Baccalaureate, Senior students only.
Prerequisites: (HHP 1301: D or better
OR PES 1301: D or better)
AND (HHP 2195: D or better
OR PES 2195: D or better)
AND (HHP 3570: D or better
OR PES 3570: D or better)
AND (HHP 3580: D or better
OR PES 3580: D or better)
HHP 4585: Applied Exercise Science (5)
Examines the relationships between and the determinants of physical activity and fitness and develops skills in fitness testing and exercise prescription for health and human performance. This course combines exercise physiology and biomechanics to explore mechanisms of improved health and sports performance. A comprehensive approach to health screening, exercise prescription and program design is provided. Topics such as Posture, functional movement, manual muscle assessment, weight training, and research analysis will be examined so that students can observe the relationships between the determinants of physical activity and sports performance. In addition, this course explores internship and employment opportunities in the field of health and human performance.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Freshman, Sophomore students are excluded.
Prerequisites: (HHP 3570: D or better
OR PES 3570: D or better)
AND (HHP 3580: D or better
OR PES 3580: D or better)
HHP 4590: Advanced Athletic Training Techniques (3)
Describes legal liability issues in the care and prevention of sports injuries, provides students with understanding and skill in the theoretical basis and common protocols for therapeutic modalities used in sports medicine, studies principles and programs for therapeutic exercise, and introduces injury assessment techniques including manual muscle testing.
Attributes: Upper-Division, Writing "W" Course
Restrictions: Freshman, Sophomore students are excluded.
Prerequisites: BIO 2129: D or better
AND BIO 2130: D or better
AND (HHP 3590: D or better
OR PES 3590: D or better)
HHP 4595: Administration of Programs in Health and Physical Activity (3)
Explores administrative principles necessary to lead successful sport and exercise programs. Legal duties of coaches/wellness administrators will be examined, including constitutional, contract and tort law with facility risk management a central theme. Course discourse will include leadership, strategic planning, communication, time-management, team building, decision-making, and conflict resolution. This class serves as a resource for required senior colloquium. Oral presentations are a main component of the course.
Attributes: Upper-Division, Writing "W" Course
Restrictions: Freshman, Junior, Sophomore students are excluded.
Prerequisites: (HHP 1301: D or better
OR PES 1301: D or better)
AND (HHP 2195: D or better
OR PES 2195: D or better)
HHP 4899: Contemporary Issues in Health and Physical Activity (1-2)
This Senior capstone course focuses on contemporary issues in the health and fitness field. Students will be challenged to reflect on the relationship between faith and the issues confronting health and fitness professionals. Students will identify a topic of interest for further study and investigation to be presented during the Spring Quarter senior colloquium. Research techniques and writing will be presented to aid in the development of a cohesive project and presentation. Students register for the course each quarter of their senior year as 2 credits in fall, 2 credits in winter and 1 credit in spring for a total of 5 credits. May be repeated for credit up to 5 credits.
Attributes: Upper-Division, Writing "W" Course
Restrictions: Exercise Science, Health and Fitness Education, Physical Education Majors only. Post-Baccalaureate, Senior students only.
HHP 4900: Independent Study (1-5)
Allows a nonresearch approach to an approved issue. Course requirements include a defined set of objectives, a minimum of three conferences with a designated faculty member, a current topical bibliography and a term ending assessment mutually developed by faculty and student. The format may be utilized only once. May be repeated for credit up to 15 credits.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Exercise Science, Health and Fitness Education, Physical Education, Student-Designed Majors only. Freshman, Sophomore students are excluded.
HHP 4930: Exercise Science Practicum (1-5)
Provides practical experience in research, physical fitness testing and/or exercise prescription and leadership with members of the SPU community. May be repeated for credit up to 5 credits.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Prerequisites: (HHP 3570: D or better
OR PES 3570: D or better)
AND (HHP 3580: D or better
OR PES 3580: D or better)
HHP 4931: Athletic Training Practicum (1-5)
Provides practical experience in the prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of athletic injuries. Students work with intercollegiate athletes in the SPU training room and at practice and event sites. May be repeated for credit up to 12 credits.
Attributes: Upper-Division
HHP 4940: Internship (1-15)
Offers work experience with local organizations. Internships are available in all major disciplines. Position descriptions that meet student-generated objectives, work hours, calendar, remuneration and related benefits are established by the cooperating organization. A supervisor/mentor from the cooperating organization serves as the author of specific daily assignments and writes the final evaluation. May be repeated for credit up to 15 credits.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Exercise Science, Health and Fitness Education, Physical Education, Student-Designed Majors only.
HHP 4942: Internship reflection and professional development (3-15)
An integrative course designed to provide the student with the opportunity to synthesize and demonstrate knowledge and skills developed in the Health and Human Performance disciplines and through the student’s internship experience. Internship experience must be related to the student's major and have provided opportunities for the student to relate and apply principles of human movement sciences, faith, service, and leadership to a professional setting. Requirements for instructor approval: (1) An Internship Approval Form must be completed by the student and the internship site supervisor and signed by the HHP Internship Coordinator prior to the start of the internship. (2) Students must complete an approved internship (or be currently working at an approved internship) prior to enrolling in this class. Typically offered: Autumn, Spring, Winter.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Prerequisites: HHP 3942: C- or better
HHP 4950: Special Topics (1-5)
Selected Topics in Health and Human Performance. May be repeated for credit up to 5 credits.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Health and Fitness Education, Physical Education Majors only. Freshman, Sophomore students are excluded.
HHP 4960: Project (1-6)
Provides an opportunity to design and develop an original idea resulting in a tangible product, innovative curriculum, improved management system or other unique addition to the professional world. Project proposal must include a clear statement of outcome and benefits to setting, defined procedures, time table and assessment procedures. May be repeated for credit up to 6 credits.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Exercise Science, Exercise and Sports Studies, Health and Fitness Education, Physical Education, Recreation & Sports Management Majors only. Junior, Post-Baccalaureate, Senior students only.