
General Studies

GS 1000: Foundations for Academic Success (1-5)


Students who succeed in college possess or develop a requisite core set of skills, understandings, and behaviors. This course for entering freshmen focuses on five areas that impact first-year success at the university level and lay a solid foundation for future achievement: time management, goal setting, motivation, self-regulation, and awareness of campus culture. If taken for two credits, the course also includes a writing component focused on development of personal editing abilities and an understanding of college-level writing demands. May be repeated for credit up to 6 credits.

Restrictions: Freshman, Sophomore students only.

GS 1001: Success Skills for College (2)


Assists students as they develop and expand their understanding and use of time management, note-taking, textbook reading, and exam strategies in order to increase their academic performance in the university setting. Information is included on how to utilize personal learning styles and strengths.

GS 1007: Cultural Adjustment: Cross-Cultural Engagement (1)


Designed to provide support and guidance to international students who are new to the U.S. This course will guide students through their first quarter at SPU and the impact of American culture on social, emotional, faith, and academic systems in the U.S. Students will be required to interact regularly with domestic (American national) students. This course is required of all undergraduate international students who have lived in the United States one year or less and is recommended for all international students and students who have grown up in another culture (TCK). Students who are not in their first quarter at SPU should not register and will not receive credit.

GS 2000: Finding Your Vocation (2)


Being a college student raises important questions about who you are and how you sense God's call in your life. In this seminar-style class, you will come to know yourself better and learn to make good decisions by listening to what gives your life a deep sense of meaning and purpose. Learn to use reflective writing and tools for discernment and prayer in your everyday life and for your future. (FR/SO register for GS2000, JR/SR register for GS4000).

Equivalents: GS 4000

GS 2001: Major and Career Exploration (1)


Choosing a major can be stressful and confusing, especially when it is unclear how your major will translate to a satisfying career. This class will help you focus on who you are (your gifts and talents) and where you want to be (your dreams and calling). Reflect on your skills and strengths and create a working resume. Explore majors and career interests with online resources and informational interviews. Discover which key experiences to have as an undergraduate that will enhance your learning and career development. Find which majors fit and create a plan for future exploration and discovery.

Restrictions: Senior students are excluded.

GS 2306: Tutoring (1)


Tutoring May be repeated for credit 2 times.

GS 2500: Service Training for SPRINT (2)


Explores the missiological, cultural, practical and personal aspects of short-term mission through the lens of Christian Community Development. This course is required for Summer SPRINT participants.

GS 2950: Special Topics (1-5)


Explores selected topics.

Equivalents: GS 4950

GS 3001: Internship and Job Search Strategies: Arts & Humanities (1)


Assists students in preparing to find an internship or post-graduation job. Students will identify and learn to articulate their calling, strengths and skills, explore career options, and prepare to market themselves successfully. Students will learn to network, write a powerful résumé and cover letter, create an effective LinkedIn profile, search for a job or internship and prepare for interviews.

Attributes: Upper-Division

GS 3418: Student Leadership and Service I (2)


This course is designed to prepare Peer Advisors for their role within the Department of Residence Life for the upcoming academic year. Students will be equipped with foundational knowledge of college student development within a Christian community context and receive training on leadership styles, community development, identity development, and other relevant issues for their work with students. May be repeated for credit 3 times.

Attributes: Upper-Division

GS 3419: Student Leadership and Service II (1)


This course is designed to support Peer Advisors in their current role within the Department of Residence Life and to enhance their understanding of their role among residential students. Course content will include practical information on topics related to peer counseling, wellness, educational program management, and other relevant issues facing college students. May be repeated for credit 3 times.

Attributes: Upper-Division Prerequisites: GS 3418: D or better

GS 3421: Student Leadership: Student Ministry Coordinator (1)


Provides a required training for students in the Student Ministry Coordinator position at ɬÀï·¬. Topics include spiritual formation, team dynamics, diversity training, and program planning. Typically offered: Autumn Quarter. May be repeated for credit 3 times.

Attributes: Upper-Division

GS 3930: Practicum (1-5)


Credit for practical experience.

Attributes: Upper-Division

GS 3931: Cross Cultural Experiences in Guatemala (5)


This class explores the culture and recent history of Guatemala. The students will be living and working in a small town in central Guatemala and will work with full time professionals assisting with development and outreach activities at specific work sites. The students will learn about the recent history of Guatemala including the Civil war, race relations and disparity of income through readings and lectures. They will reflect on these learning activities in the context of their work sites and living conditions and write essays based upon these reflections.

Attributes: Upper-Division, Ways of Engaging

GS 4000: Finding Your Vocation (2)


Being a college student raises important questions about who you are and how you sense God's call in your life. In this seminar-style class, you will come to know yourself better and learn to make good decisions by listening to what gives your life a deep sense of meaning and purpose. Learn to use reflective writing and tools for discernment and prayer in your everyday life and for your future. (FR/SO register for GS2000, JR/SR register for GS4000).

Equivalents: GS 2000 Attributes: Upper-Division

GS 4900: Independent Study (1-5)


Independent Study May be repeated for credit up to 15 credits.

Attributes: Upper-Division Restrictions: Freshman, Sophomore students are excluded.

GS 4950: Special Topics (1-5)


Explores selected topics.

Equivalents: GS 2950 Attributes: Upper-Division