EDMA 3000: Math Methods I: Teaching K-8 Mathematics (2)
Examines contemporary curricula and materials for teaching K-8 mathematics, with an emphasis on research, learning theory, pedagogy, methods and the use of technology. Attention is given to the NCTM Standards and Washington State K-12 Learning Standards/Common Core State Standards.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Education, Education Certification Majors only.
Prerequisites: MAT 3562: D or better
EDMA 3357: Teaching Secondary Mathematics (3)
Overviews content methods and strategies appropriate to the teaching of secondary school mathematics. Attention is given to developing standards of mathematical practice through the NCTM standards and Washington State K-12 Learning Standards/Common Core State Standards. Emphasis is also placed on problem solving. Recommended prior to or concurrent with first-quarter internship.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Freshman, Sophomore students are excluded.
Prerequisites: EDU 2300: D or better
EDMA 4000: Math Methods II: Teaching K-8 Mathematics (2)
Seminar to examine the application of methods for teaching K-8 mathematics in a related field experience and explore contemporary issues in teaching K-8 mathematics. Special attention is given to developing instruction embedded in the Washington State K-12 Learning Standards/Common Core State Standards. There is a strong emphasis on applying questioning strategies to enhance student mathematical discourse in the classroom.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Education, Education Certification Majors only.
Prerequisites: EDMA 3000: D or better