ANT 1110: General Anthropology (5)
Provides a survey of the sub-disciplines that make up anthropology: physical anthropology, archeology, and cultural anthropology. A cross-cultural study of the physical and cultural changes experienced by humankind in response to a continuous process of adaptation, change, and development.
ANT 2250: Cultural Anthropology (5)
Focuses upon the comparative study of human cultures: technological, economical, social, political, and religious systems, with examples drawn from selected cultures of the world.
Attributes: Cultural Understand&Engagement, WK Social Sciences
ANT 3000: Introduction to Biological Anthropology (5)
Basic principles for understanding humans from a biological perspective. This course is a comprehensive introduction to the field of biological anthropology. Explores topics of human and non-human primate genetics, behavior and evolution as well as human ecology and medical anthropology.
Equivalents: BIO 3000
Attributes: Cultural Understand&Engagement, Upper-Division, Ways of Engaging
Restrictions: Freshman, Sophomore students are excluded.
Prerequisites: BIO 1101: D or better
OR BIO 1103: D or better
OR BIO 2103: D or better
OR BIO 2570: D or better
ANT 4900: Independent Study (1-5)
Student works independently with a faculty member on a mutually agreed upon topic. May be repeated for credit up to 15 credits.
Attributes: Upper-Division
ANT 4920: Readings in Selected Fields (1-5)
May be repeated for credit up to 14 credits.
Attributes: Upper-Division
ANT 4970: Independent Research (1-5)
May be repeated for credit up to 30 credits.
Attributes: Upper-Division