
Repeating a Course

Non-repeatable courses

Most courses are non-repeatable for credit, meaning a student may earn credit and grade points for the course only once. However, a student may enroll in a non-repeatable SPU course (or an SPU course noted as its equivalent) one time for the purpose of earning a higher grade.

  • Since is not possible to earn a grade higher than A, a student may not enroll a second time in a non-repeatable course in which an A grade was earned.
  • When a course is repeated at SPU, the highest grade in the repeated course (or an equivalent SPU course) will apply to both the GPA for graduation and for honors at graduation.The original and repeated course will still appear on the transcript.
  • For undergraduate students, UCOR courses, UFDN courses, and WRI courses required for the degree may be repeated more than once to earn an acceptable grade.

Students who believe they have unusual circumstances may petition to repeat a course more than once by submitting a registration petition, accompanied by a statement from the course instructor, to the Office of the Registrar.

Note that for students on academic probation, the quarterly SPU GPA that determines a student’s academic standing will take into account the entire SPU GPA from that quarter, including grades being excluded from the cumulative SPU grade point average.

Repeatable courses

A “repeatable course” is designed to allow students to enroll in the course multiple times for credit, up to a designated credit limit or number of repetitions. The course description for such a course indicates that the course is repeatable for credit. Within stated limits, credits and grades for these repeatable courses will count toward graduation requirements and the SPU GPA. 

Repeating SPU courses at other institutions

Only courses taken at SPU will be used to change final course grades. Courses taken at another institution cannot replace an equivalent SPU course for which credit has been received.