

GRK 6101: Elementary Koine Greek I (3)


Emphasizes the essentials of Koine Greek vocabulary, grammar, and syntax, enabling the student to begin reading the New Testament and with the potential to study other kinds of Greek literature, including the Septuagint. Requirements include class participation, regular homework assignments, including translation from and into Greek, a paper, and both midterm and final exams.

Equivalents: THEO 6101

GRK 6102: Elementary Koine Greek II (3)


Emphasizes the essentials of Koine Greek vocabulary, grammar, and syntax, enabling the student to continue reading the New Testament without looking up every word and with the potential to study other kinds of Greek literature, including the Septuagint. Requirements include class participation, regular homework assignments, including translation from and into Greek, a paper, and both midterm and final exams.

Equivalents: THEO 6102

GRK 6103: Elementary Koine Greek III (3)


Emphasizes the essentials of Koine Greek vocabulary, grammar, and syntax, enabling the student to read the New Testament for exegetical and homiletical purposes while knowing most of the grammar and with the potential to study other kinds of Greek literature, including the Septuagint. Requirements include class participation, regular homework assignments, including translation from and into Greek, a paper, and both midterm and final exams.

GRK 6900: Independent Study (1-10)


Student works independently with a faculty member on a mutually agreed upon topic.