Education: Reading
EDRD 6506: Literacy Assessment and Standards (3)
Develops attitudes and skills necessary to provide sound classroom assessment experiences that yield accurate, usable information for students, teachers and parents. Focuses on integrating instruction and assessment and includes analysis of teacher-made tests, informal assessment activities, the use and interpretation of standardized instruments, reporting procedures and other sources related to student growth in literacy. This course is a reading-specific section of EDU 6613.
Restrictions: Doctoral, Graduate only.
EDRD 6507: Language Development, Diversity and Literacy (3)
Examines the impact of social, linguistic, and cultural differences on children's acquisition of language and literacy. Helps students understand the role of home and community in literacy development, to communicate and collaborate with families about children's literacy needs and growth, and to plan and implement literacy instruction that addresses the strengths and needs of all students.
Restrictions: Doctoral, Graduate only.
EDRD 6508: Vocabulary Development (3)
Examines the role of vocabulary knowledge in literacy, the processes by which students learn words, principles of effective instructional practice in the area of vocabulary, and ways to communicate the skills and attitudes necessary for independent word learning.
Restrictions: Doctoral, Graduate only.
EDRD 6529: Teaching Reading: Strategies of Instruction (3)
Develops the understanding and skills necessary to select, implement, and evaluate strategies of effective literacy instruction, across all levels of reading development and a variety of text types and purposes for reading. This course is a reading-specific section of EDU 6526.
Restrictions: Doctoral, Graduate only.
EDRD 6530: Disciplinary Literacy and Language Learning (3)
Considers an array of instructional practices for improving reading and writing in content areas. Concepts include support for diverse learners, contemporary literacy research, and practical application for lesson design and evaluation. Special emphasis given to academic language and language learning in disciplinary literacy for effective work with English Language learners.
Restrictions: Doctoral, Graduate only.
EDRD 6531: Children's/Young Adult's Literature (3)
Considers a variety of literary genres appropriate for K-8 classrooms, the selection of literature appropriate for students from diverse backgrounds, and the effective utilization of this literature.
Restrictions: Doctoral, Graduate only.
EDRD 6533: Writing: Process to Product (3)
Examines current issues and research on writing, its development, and its relation to reading. Covers elements of effective writing instruction, including strategies for planning, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing student writing of different genres for a variety of purposes and audiences.
Restrictions: Doctoral, Graduate only.
EDRD 6641: Foundations of Reading Instruction (3)
Examines the theoretical and empirical bases of effective reading instruction, surveying research on key aspects of literacy including phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and reading comprehension. Students will gain an understanding of the process of reading development, the nature and causes of reading difficulties, and principles and strategies for effective literacy instruction.
Restrictions: Doctoral, Graduate only.
EDRD 6900: Independent Study (1-5)
Student works with a faculty member on a mutually agreed upon topic.
Restrictions: Doctoral, Graduate only.
EDRD 6980: Field Experience and Pedagogy Assessment (3)
Students will complete an independent field experience and a portfolio that documents impact on student learning.
Restrictions: Masters in Literacy Majors only. Graduate only.