
Academic Load

Enrollment status for graduate degree and certificate students is determined by the following:

  • Full time: 6 or more credits 
  • Three-quarter time: 4–5 credits 
  • Half time: 3 credits
  • Quarter time: 1–2 credits

No more than 15 credits of 6000–level work may be taken in one quarter without permission of the program coordinator. During the Summer Sessions, master’s students should take no more than 6 credits in any four-week period.

Students employed full time should take no more than 8 credits per quarter. Financial-aid recipients must carry a minimum of 3 regular on-campus credits to receive financial aid.

As a graduate student, you may, with prior permission, take courses concurrently elsewhere, provided your combined load does not total more than the number of credits permitted as a normal graduate load for the registration period.