

LIN 6101: Language for Specific Purposes (3)


Blended, supervised self-study format. Provides an intensive review and in-depth study of English with attention to the demands of graduate-level reading, writing and class discussion. Cultural issues will also be addressed. Appropriate for international students whose skill level in English is less than 10% below the level of proficiency required for full admission to the graduate program. May be repeated for credit 1 time.

Restrictions: Undergraduate are excluded.

LIN 6145: Phonology (3)


Prerequisite: LIN 2100 or equivalent. Provides a thorough study of sound systems and processes, with problem-solving experience in the analysis of English and other languages. This course is specifically geared to the needs of language teachers.

Restrictions: Undergraduate are excluded. Prerequisites: LIN 2100: D or better

LIN 6150: Morphology (3)


Prerequisite: LIN 2100 or equivalent. Features a thorough study of word structures and processes, with problem-solving experience in the analysis of English and other languages.

Restrictions: Undergraduate are excluded. Prerequisites: LIN 2100: D or better

LIN 6200: Second Language Acquisition (3)


Prerequisite: LIN 2100 or equivalent. Presents an intensive study of the research literature so that students will become familiar with recent findings on the acquisition of a second language and with the research process.

Equivalents: LIN 4200 Restrictions: Undergraduate are excluded. Prerequisites: LIN 2100: D or better

LIN 6250: Research Methods (3)


Prerequisite: LIN 6200. Teaches research methods in applied linguistics, emphasizing the concepts and procedures of quantitative and qualitative research. Covers descriptive statistics, issues of validity and reliability, data collection and analysis, and research designs. Prepares students to critically evaluate research articles and to develop an original research proposal.

Equivalents: LIN 4250 Restrictions: Undergraduate are excluded. Prerequisites: (LIN 6200: D or better OR LIN 4200: D or better)

LIN 6365: Methods of Foreign Language Teaching (3)


Prerequisite: LIN 2100 or equivalent. Overviews the theoretical paradigms of second language learning and teaching; definition and evaluation of communicative competence; strategies for teaching skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing; cultural awareness; and selection and development of instructional materials.

Restrictions: Undergraduate are excluded. Prerequisites: LIN 2100: D or better

LIN 6370: Intensive Grammar (3)


Provides an intensive review and in-depth study of traditional English grammar with attention to simple and complex phrase and clause structure pro-forms and discourse functions.

Restrictions: Undergraduate are excluded.

LIN 6410: Syntax (3)


Prerequisite: LIN 2100 or equivalent. Provides an intensive investigation into contemporary English sentence structures through the application of current syntactic theory. Examines basic rule-making and rule-testing in English.

Restrictions: Undergraduate are excluded. Prerequisites: LIN 2100: D or better

LIN 6430: Sociolinguistics (3)


Prerequisite: One introductory linguistics course. Explores the effect of social structure (social class, age, gender, and ethnicity) on language variation. Other topics examined include research methodology, language change, bilingualism, language attitudes, language policy, and the sociolinguistics of second language acquisition.

Restrictions: Undergraduate are excluded.

LIN 6601: History of the English Language (3)


Examines Anglo-Saxon, middle and modern forms of English in historical development and individual language systems. Includes phonology, morphology, syntax and some of the relationships of each language stage to literary expression during its era. Offered alternate years.

Restrictions: Undergraduate are excluded.

LIN 6900: Independent Study (1-5)


Student works with a faculty member on a mutually agreed upon topic.

Restrictions: Undergraduate are excluded.

LIN 6950: Special Topics (1-5)


Focuses on topics relating to linguistics. May be repeated for credit 1 time.

Restrictions: Undergraduate are excluded.