
Education (EDU)

EDU 6030: Educational Methods in Theatre (3)


Explores contemporary methods and trends in the teaching of high school theatre, emphasizing the following: management of a production program; critical response to artistic experiences; contexts of theatrical works; connections within the arts; and pedagogy. Attention is given to AATE standards and Washington State Essential Academic Learning Requirements in the Arts.

Restrictions: Master of Arts in Teaching Majors only. Graduate only.

EDU 6085: Moral Issues in Education (3)


Assists students in developing a theologically, philosophically, historically, and politically informed understanding of how religious and other moral considerations are properly addressed in schools. Specific attention is also paid to how Christian ideas and commitments can shape the theory and practice of education.

Restrictions: Doctoral, Graduate, Non-Matriculated, Post-Baccalaureate students only.

EDU 6120: American Education: Past and Present (3)


Examines historical aims and practical challenges related to popular education from the colonial period to the present. Democratic citizenship, equality of educational opportunity, and other major ideals of the common school will be discussed, with specific attention to how these ideals relate to present-day issues in education.

Restrictions: Doctoral, Graduate, Non-Matriculated, Post-Baccalaureate students only.

EDU 6125: Philosophy of Education (3)


Presents a critical examination of selected readings in educational philosophy.

Restrictions: Doctoral, Graduate, Non-Matriculated, Post-Baccalaureate students only.

EDU 6130: Classroom Management (3)


Presents classroom management in the context of educational philosophy, law and adolescent psychology. Provides an opportunity for pre- and in-service teachers to develop a coherent classroom management plan for use in their classrooms.

Restrictions: Master of Arts in Teaching Majors only.

EDU 6132: Learners in Context (3)


Studies developmental psychology, sociology, morality, spirituality, developmental domains, and learning theory as they apply to students in the context of the classroom, school, family, neighborhood, and the greater contextual community. Implications for teaching are explored.

Restrictions: Master of Arts in Teaching Majors only.

EDU 6133: Diversity in America (3)


Explores the diversity found in American classrooms. Discusses theoretical bases related to diversity and methods for dealing with this diversity in a positive and practical manner.

Restrictions: Master of Arts in Teaching Majors only.

EDU 6134: Professional Issues/Abuse (2)


Considers an array of professional issues, from trouble areas for new teachers, to professional conduct. Emphasis on identifying signs of abuse, youth violence, and emotional distress. Covers procedures for mandatory reporting and teaching students about prevention.

Restrictions: Master of Arts in Teaching Majors only.

EDU 6136: Content Methods (3)


Provides specific content methods pertaining to instructional theory, lesson planning, classroom management and related topics designed to enhance and to be applied in an actual classroom setting.

EDU 6139: Internship Seminar (2)


A capstone experience that provides students with an opportunity to analyze their growth as emerging professionals in comparison to internship experiences, coursework, and program assessments. Students also interpret their roles as teacher leaders as they participate in state and national education initiatives. Employment related activities such as resume writing, interviewing, and applying are also covered.

Restrictions: Master of Arts in Teaching Majors only.

EDU 6150: General Inquiry, Teaching and Assessment Methods (3)


The first of a two-course sequence addressing general instructional inquiry, teaching methods, and standards-based assessment common to all classrooms. Develops attitudes and skills necessary to provide sound classroom instructional experiences that positively impact student learning. Assists teachers as they develop the skills and judgment needed to integrate inquiry and assessment into instruction. Includes microteaching.

Restrictions: Master of Arts in Teaching Majors only.

EDU 6160: Applied Inquiry, Teaching and Assessment Methods (3)


The second of a two-course sequence addressing applied instructional inquiry, teaching methods, and standards-based assessment in the classroom. Focuses on integrating inquiry approaches with instruction and assessment. Includes analysis of formal and informal assessment activities, reflective assessment, the use and interpretation of standardized instruments, the analysis of student work and structured classroom observations.

Restrictions: Graduate only.

EDU 6170: Inquiry, Teaching and Assessment Methods for Math and Science (3)


This first of a four-course sequence addressing general and content-specific teaching methods, standards-based assessment, and professional issues for math and science teachers. Focuses on planning for instruction, inquiry-based teaching strategies; and introduction to state and national math and science standards. Includes microteaching.

Restrictions: Teaching Math and Science Majors only. Master Teaching Math/Science only.

EDU 6171: Inquiry, Teaching and Assessment Methods for Math and Science II (3)


The second of a four-course sequence addressing general and content-specific teaching methods, standards-based assessment, and professional issues for math and science teachers. Focuses on content-specific instructional strategies; formative assessment, including analysis of student work; structured classroom observations; and introduction to professional organizations.

Restrictions: Teaching Math and Science Majors only. Master Teaching Math/Science only.

EDU 6172: Inquiry, Teaching and Assessment Methods for Math and Science III (3)


The third of a four-course sequence addressing general and content-specific teaching methods, standards-based assessment, and professional issues for math and science teachers. Focuses on assessment, particularly development of skills and judgment needed to integrate assessment into instruction; and analysis of teaching practice.

Restrictions: Teaching Math and Science Majors only. Master Teaching Math/Science only.

EDU 6173: Inquiry, Teaching & Assessment Methods for Math and Science IV (3)


The fourth of a four-course sequence addressing general and content-specific teaching methods, standards-based assessment, and professional issues for math and science teachers. Focuses on research in improving teaching, including choice of effective instructional strategies; reflection on the relationship between theory and practice; planning for ongoing professional development, and other professional issues.

Restrictions: Teaching Math and Science Majors only. Master Teaching Math/Science only.

EDU 6361: Secondary English Methods (3)


Provides a foundation for teaching in the language arts classroom. Explores appropriate methods for secondary education and examines recent trends in the field.

Restrictions: Master of Arts in Teaching Majors only. Graduate only.

EDU 6362: Science/Health/Math Integrated Methods - Elementary/Middle School (3)


Prerequisite: EDMA 6432. Provides an introduction to interdisciplinary methods for elementary and middle level instruction in science, health, and social studies. Integrated approaches to science and mathematics are encouraged as well as development of research and experience-based principles of effective practice for encouraging the intellectual, social, and personal development of students. Coursework will focus on inquiry-based instruction.

Restrictions: Master of Arts in Teaching Majors only. Prerequisites: EDMA 6432: D or better

EDU 6363: Language Arts/Social Studies/ Humanities Integrated Methods - Elementary/Middle School (3)


Prerequisite: EDRD 6529. Presents an overview of interdisciplinary methods for elementary and middle level instruction in language arts, social studies, and humanities instruction. Provides a functional approach to content-centered instruction for teaching reading and writing skills simultaneously with an emphasis on skills needed by elementary and middle level students to learn content from a variety of sources and materials.

Restrictions: Master of Arts in Teaching Majors only. Prerequisites: EDRD 6529: D or better

EDU 6364: Teaching Secondary Social Studies (3)


Examines recent trends, practices and educational objectives of social studies programs in secondary education. Attention will be given to planning, teaching and evaluation in social science courses.

Restrictions: Master of Arts in Teaching Majors only. Graduate only.

EDU 6365: Methodology for Foreign Language Teaching (3)


Overviews the theoretical paradigms of second language learning and teaching; definition and evaluation of communicative competence; strategies for teaching skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing; and selection and development of instructional materials, including new technology.

Restrictions: Master of Arts in Teaching Majors only. Graduate only.

EDU 6503: General Music Methods (3)


A survey of methods for instruction in elementary classroom music and secondary general music programs. Includes exposure to current materials available for instruction in those settings and preparation of materials appropriate to age levels.

Equivalents: MUS 3503 Restrictions: Master of Arts in Teaching Majors only. Education only.

EDU 6504: Choral Music Methods (3)


A survey of the teaching methods, rehearsal techniques, and choral organization from the elementary school chorus through the adult choir. Emphasis is on development of diagnostic rehearsal skills through special class projects and survival skills for the beginning choral director.

Equivalents: MUS 3504 Restrictions: Master of Arts in Teaching Majors only. Education only.

EDU 6505: Instrumental Music Methods (3)


A survey of the instrumental music program, grades 5-12. Emphasis is on examination of appropriate teaching materials, teaching methods for various program levels, program planning and development, and evaluation of learner progress. Experience in planning and presenting model learning experiences in instrumental music is provided.

Equivalents: MUS 3505 Restrictions: Master of Arts in Teaching Majors only. Education only.

EDU 6514: Aspects of Career and Technology Education for Family and Consumer Sciences (3)


Explores methods and strategies for teaching family and consumer science concepts. Provides opportunity for skill development in teaching presentation techniques that utilize the lecture/demonstration method. Emphasizes a critical understanding, development, and organization of the subject content that promotes student learning and meets national and state standards.

Equivalents: FCS 4512 Restrictions: Master of Arts in Teaching Majors only. Education only.

EDU 6524: Curriculum Design (3)


Addresses theoretical and practical issues including philosophies of curriculum, curricular goals and objectives, alternate conceptions and designs of curriculum, process and content possibilities, planning with respect to scope and sequence, and the role of educators in the selection and development of curriculum materials. Students who successfully complete the course will be able to articulate the relationships between theoretical and practical models and will be able to critically assess, implement, and design developmentally appropriate curricular experiences for school and school-related environments.

Restrictions: Doctoral, Graduate, Non-Matriculated, Post-Baccalaureate students only.

EDU 6525: Culturally Responsive Teaching (3)


Provides an overview of the theoretical bases and practical implications of multicultural education. Examines cultural pluralism in our society and emphasizes strategies to reduce prejudice and bias in our schools. Assist students in understanding and becoming aware of working with and teaching diverse groups within the educational setting. Examines the complex issues facing educational environments which include issues of race, class, gender, religion, ethnicity, and exceptionality.

Restrictions: Doctoral, Graduate, Non-Matriculated, Post-Baccalaureate students only.

EDU 6526: Survey of Instructional Strategies (3)


Examines research in improving teaching including the selection, implementation and evaluation of instructional strategies.

Restrictions: Doctoral, Graduate, Non-Matriculated, Post-Baccalaureate students only.

EDU 6528: Accomplished Teaching (3)


This course will contrast views of teaching and provide experience in reflective practices of lesson analysis through the review of written documents and video-taped lesson segments. Aiming to build professional capacity and skill in collaboration with other teachers in school settings, this lab course will be available to practicing teachers in school settings.

Restrictions: Teacher Leadership Majors, Minors, Concentrations only.

EDU 6546: Art Education Methods (3)


Discusses the principles and elements of art as related to a variety of media with direct application for the classroom. Special emphasis is placed on the role of art in the curriculum and understanding the perceptual development of children. Studio periods will be augmented with lectures and discussion.

Equivalents: ART 3546 Restrictions: Master of Arts in Teaching Majors only. Education only. Fees: Art Course Fee (refundable)

EDU 6600: Communication and Collaboration: Parents, Colleagues and Community (3)


This course addresses the responsibilities of professional educators beyond the classroom, including communication with parents, colleagues and external agencies within the community; and collaboration with peers, administration, district and state personnel. Teacher leadership and school improvement processes provide the framework for these explorations of effective collaboration.

Restrictions: Doctoral, Graduate, Non-Matriculated, Post-Baccalaureate students only.

EDU 6613: Standards-based Assessment (3)


Develops attitudes and skills necessary to provide sound classroom assessment experiences that yield accurate, usable information for students, teachers and parents. Assists teachers as they develop the skills and judgment needed to integrate assessment into instruction. Focuses on integrating instruction and assessment and includes analysis of teacher-made tests, informal assessment activities, the use and interpretation of standardized instruments, reporting procedures and other sources related to student growth in academic, social and psychomotor areas.

Restrictions: Doctoral, Graduate, Non-Matriculated students only.

EDU 6655: Human Development and Principles of Learning (3)


Examines research in the social, psychological and biological dimensions of learning, cognition and motivation that are relevant to the educational process.

Restrictions: Doctoral, Graduate, Non-Matriculated, Post-Baccalaureate students only.

EDU 6858: Interdisciplinary Curriculum Studies (3)


The problems of today are interrelated and complex. They require increased capacity for synthesizing knowledge from multiple perspectives and disciplines. These problems transcend social, political, economic, and scientific fields of study. Effective solutions are multi-faceted, and often address numerous domains such as justice, human rights, sustainability, and technology. Interdisciplinary inquiry provides an approach for examining complex problems, and devising possible solutions, while promoting a deeper sense of meaning and connection to others and the world. Interdisciplinary curriculum studies is a model of curriculum design predicated on integration, discovery, problem- and place-based learning, and the combination of disciplines to inspire curiosity, intellectual depth, and personal fulfillment.

Restrictions: Master of Arts in Teaching Majors only.

EDU 6882: Positive Psychology and Spirituality in the Schools (3)


Explores the linkages between human spirituality and positive psychology. The usefulness and appropriateness of utilizing the students' expressions of spirituality in the educational setting to further their personal-social and educational development are also discussed. The course examines the major theories, research, ethical concerns, and best practices relating to spirituality-positive psychology connections. Through course activities and readings, participants will gain a richer understanding of their own spirituality and learn to dialogue effectively about others' spiritual formulation. Participants are asked to articulate their own spiritual lens and how it might influence their work with school-age children. Various approaches and materials that can assist counselors/educators in matters of student spirituality are explored.

Equivalents: EDCO 6882

EDU 6899: Curriculum and Instruction Capstone (2)


Enables students to collect work related to Curriculum and Instruction program standards created in their various developmental efolio(s), collectively reflect on the implications of this work, and prepare and share a presentation portfolio. Also addresses the Comprehensive Examination questions that relate to the Curriculum and Instruction program standards.

EDU 6900: Independent Study (1-6)


Independent study of approved topics with periodic conferences. May be repeated for credit up to 24 credits.

Restrictions: Doctoral, Graduate students only.

EDU 6918: Introduction to Teaching (2)


Introduces the critical elements leading to successful teaching. Provides opportunities to become familiar with the changing standards and expectations that result from Washington state's educational reform movement.

Restrictions: Master of Arts in Teaching Majors only. Fees: Camp Casey Retreat Fee (non-refundable)

EDU 6942: Autumn Field Experience (2)


Prerequisite: Admission to the School of Education. A field experience which requires at least 20 hours of observation and assistance at the opening of a school year in a program that reflects the level and subject matter preferred by the teacher candidate. Observations include faculty meetings, preparation days and in-service workshops that take place prior to student arrival. The course also includes content dealing with child abuse. Considers the impact of abuse on student learning. Informs educators of their professional responsibilities in reporting abuse, and teaching students about prevention.

Restrictions: Graduate only.

EDU 6945: Alternative Residency Certification Internship (1-20)


A full-time, 180 day, clinical practice experience in a supervised classroom setting where teacher candidates practice the knowledge and skills of a professional educator including observation, planning, instruction, assessment and reflection. May be repeated for credit up to 20 credits.

Restrictions: Master of Arts in Teaching-ARC only. Fees: ARC Internship Fee (refundable)

EDU 6946: TESOL Internship (1-15)


Provides an opportunity for observation and daily teaching in public or approved private schools under the direction of a master teacher. May be repeated for credit up to 15 credits.

Restrictions: TESOL Majors only. Graduate only. Fees: Grad Education Intern Fee (non-refundable)

EDU 6949: Master of Arts in Teaching Internship (1-15)


A fulltime, 70 day, clinical practice experience in a supervised classroom setting where teacher candidates practice the knowledge and skills of a professional educator including observation, planning, instruction, assessment and reflection. May be repeated for credit up to 15 credits.

Restrictions: Master of Arts in Teaching Majors only. Fees: Grad Education Intern Fee (non-refundable)

EDU 6950: Topics in Education (1-6)


Examination of a current topic or issue. May be repeated for credit up to 24 credits.

Restrictions: Doctoral, Graduate, Non-Matriculated students only.

EDU 6960: Master's Project (3)


Prerequisites: EDU 6975, 6976; approval of application and proposal by supporting professor and director of graduate studies. Involves the practical application of knowledge and skills which results in a product useable in the individual's professional or potential role. This is approved and supervised by a faculty member with expertise in the selected area of study. May be repeated for credit 2 times.

Restrictions: Graduate only. Prerequisites: EDU 6976: D or better OR EDU 6975: D or better

EDU 6975: Interpreting and Applying Educational Research I (3)


The first of a two-course sequence on research methods in education, emphasizing the concepts, procedures, and vocabulary of quantitative research. Covers descriptive statistics, probability and the normal distribution, educational measurement, and research designs. Prepares students to critically evaluate research articles and to develop an original research proposal.

Restrictions: Doctoral, Graduate, Non-Matriculated students only.

EDU 6976: Interpreting and Applying Educational Research II (3)


Prerequisite: EDU 6975. Teaches students to apply statistical concepts in a research setting and experience the excitement associated with research. Emphasizes understanding the use and interpretation of inferential statistics techniques. Prepares students to become aware of the relationship between statistics and research methodology and develop skills to critically analyze research in the behaviorial sciences.

Restrictions: Doctoral, Graduate, Non-Matriculated students only. Prerequisites: EDU 6975: D or better

EDU 6978: Introduction to Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Education Research (3)


Investigates research methods and findings in math and science education, including research into student thinking and how ɬÀï·¬ learn, curriculum design, instructional strategies, and assessment methods.

Restrictions: Teaching Math and Science Majors only. Master Teaching Math/Science only.

EDU 6979: Action Research in School Settings (3)


This course provides foundations in educational research aimed at school settings as well as the needed support during the design and implementation of an action research project.

Restrictions: Teacher Leadership Majors, Minors, Concentrations only.

EDU 6980: Applying Research in School Settings (3)


This course seeks to enable students to be more informed about, and better equipped to deal with educational research, including data literacy, data-driven decision making, and research-based practice. Students will be able to analyze, interpret, and explain data, understand research articles, and critically evaluate claims based on research.

Restrictions: Teacher Leadership Majors, Minors, Concentrations only.

EDU 6989: Spring Field Experience/Professional Issues (3)


An initial field experience which requires at least 40 hours of observation and assistance to survey classroom procedures, teaching methods and learner needs. The course includes a seminar for examining professional ethics, legal rights and responsibilities of teachers, professional organizations, and extracurricular responsibilities.

Restrictions: Master of Arts in Teaching Majors only.

EDU 6990: Teacher Leadership Capstone (3)


A capstone experience that provides students the opportunity to collect work related to the Teacher Leadership program standards created in various development efolio(s), reflect on the implications of this work, and prepare and share a presentation portfolio.

Restrictions: Teacher Leadership Majors, Minors, Concentrations only.

EDU 6995: Master's Thesis (3,6)


Prerequisites: EDU 6975, 6976. Makes formal investigation, under the direction of a committee assigned by the director of graduate studies, into a research question that involves original data and primary sources and results in a scholarly manuscript suitable for binding and possible publication. Requires demonstrated, acceptable progress on thesis study; and periodic conferences with major advisor. May be repeated for credit up to 9 credits.

Restrictions: Graduate only. Prerequisites: EDU 6975: D or better AND EDU 6976: D or better

EDU 7101: Instructional Theory (3)


Studies teaching/learning theories with applications to instructional settings. Examines constructivism, developmentalism, behaviorism, cognitive science and information processing. Students will be expected to articulate strengths and weaknesses of various theories and to make specific applications to their area of emphasis.

Restrictions: Doctoral only.

EDU 7102: Curriculum Theory (3)


Examines curriculum design based on an advanced study of theoretical constructs of the curriculum. Discusses the academic centered, society centered and learner centered models. Students will be expected to develop a curriculum design appropriate to their areas of emphasis that includes significant research findings as well as specific curricular applications.

Restrictions: Doctoral only.

EDU 7105: Issues in Education (3)


Prerequisites: EDU 6120, 6085. Studies emerging and controversial issues in education. Issues will be chosen on the basis of their present significance and their potential for fundamental change in the educational system. Students will be expected to study the issues in depth and to develop written and oral positions.

Restrictions: Doctoral only. Prerequisites: EDU 6120: D or better AND EDU 6085: D or better

EDU 7106: Trends and Research in Global Education (3-6)


The course provides students with an overview of past developments, emerging trends, relevant research findings, teaching and learning methods, and prominent ideas in global education. The nature and quality of research in global, comparative, and international education represent a particular focus of the course. Students will be expected to participate interactively and to show evidence of reflection on the purposes and design of education as it is organized in societies around the world. A key question organizing the seminar is, how do different approaches to educational theory, practice, and research inform our perspectives on teaching and learning, educational policies and requirements, and expectations of teachers and students in an increasingly interconnected, global society? May be repeated for credit up to 6 credits.

Restrictions: Doctoral only.

EDU 7107: Program Evaluation (3)


Examines the method and role of evaluation research in conducting formative and summative evaluations of educational programs. Emphasizes the use of evaluation results in the decision making process.

Restrictions: Doctoral only.

EDU 7110: Advances in Educational Assessment (3)


Prerequisite: EDU 7973 is recommended. This course is designed to extend students' knowledge of psychoeducational techniques, with strong focus on processes underlying the development of interventions to support student learning. Planning and implementing curriculum that corresponds with the findings of student assessment as well as current accountability assessment systems are examined. Advanced methods of scale development are presented, including, e.g. confirmatory factor analysis and item response theory.

Restrictions: Doctoral only.

EDU 7115: Advances in Educational Psychology (3)


This graduate level course examines research and applications of current learning and development theories. Building upon prior coursework, students will more intensely focus on selected theories. Topics may include, but are not limited to, cognitive development, information processing, moral and spiritual development, social psychology, and motivation.

Restrictions: Doctoral, Graduate only.

EDU 7120: Educational Organizations and Systems (3)


The course content provides students an understanding of complex organizations in their historical context, the development of major frames, metaphors, images, and theories of complex organization, and the implications these present for organizational design, change, management, and leadership.

Restrictions: Doctoral only.

EDU 7300: Introduction to Educational Research and Statistics (3)


This optional seminar (may be used as elective credits) serves as a "bridge" course for those new education doctoral students and is designed to review as well as introduce basic and advanced quantitative research methods and statistical analyses skills and concepts. Discussion of SPSS is also included. This course takes a conceptual rather than mathematical approach to learning the topics under discussion.

Restrictions: Doctoral only.

EDU 7900: Independent Study (1-6)


Student works with a faculty member on a mutually agreed upon topic. May be repeated for credit up to 24 credits.

EDU 7910: Seminar in Educational Values (3)


Prerequisite: EDU 6085. Studies ethics and values as they affect educational decision making and policy.

Restrictions: Doctoral only. Prerequisites: EDU 6085: D or better

EDU 7930: University Teaching Practicum Seminar (1-3)


Students will instruct a graduate level course in their area of doctoral specialization with close supervision from a School of Education professor. Students will plan the course, write the syllabus, and serve as the primary instructor and evaluator. May be repeated for credit up to 6 credits.

Restrictions: Doctoral only.

EDU 7971: Advanced Qualitative Research (3)


Prerequisite: EDU 7974 or an equivalent doctoral-level introductory qualitative research course or experience. This course addresses theory and practice of qualitative research fieldwork and data gathering. Complementing the foundation of qualitative research design provided in EDU 7974, this course will focus is on the practical, hands-on considerations associated with writing research proposals, entering the field, coordinating fieldwork, techniques of data collection, and data management. A review of the primary methods including Grounded Theory, Narrative, Case Study, Ethnography, and Phenomenology will be presented and additional approaches will be introduced. Students will participate in the IRB approval process and engage in a qualitative research project throughout the term resulting in a manuscript for publication consideration.

Restrictions: Doctoral only. Prerequisites: EDU 7974: D or better

EDU 7972: Doctoral Research Design and Analysis I (3)


Prerequisite: EDU 7300. Focuses on social science research methodology including quantitative and qualitative research designs, descriptive statistics, and univariate and multivariate statistical analyses. The first in a sequence of three courses; the course must be taken in sequence and is designed to prepare the student for the production of a dissertation.

Restrictions: Doctoral only. Prerequisites: EDU 7300: D or better

EDU 7973: Doctoral Research Design and Analysis II (3)


Prerequisite: EDU 7972 or equivalent within the last two years. Focuses on social science research methodology including quantitative and qualitative research designs, descriptive statistics, and univariate and multivariate statistical analyses. The second in a sequence of three courses; the course must be taken in sequence and is designed to prepare the student for the production of a dissertation.

Restrictions: Doctoral only. Prerequisites: EDU 7972: D or better

EDU 7974: Doctoral Research Design and Analysis III (3)


Prerequisite: EDU 7973. Focuses on qualitative research designs. The third in a sequence of three courses; the course must be taken in sequence and is designed to prepare the student for the production of a dissertation.

Restrictions: Doctoral only. Prerequisites: EDU 7973: D or better

EDU 7976: Advanced Quantitative Research (3)


Prerequisites: EDU 7972 and 7973. The intent of this doctoral research seminar is to provide students with a conceptual and practical understanding of advanced quantitative statistical procedures, focusing on certain approaches not covered in EDU 7972 and 7973. The course includes a discussion of the advanced research processes involved in these areas, such as, design, data collection and multivariate analyses, and the interpretation of research findings. The primary focus in the course is to explore and apply advanced research and statistical methodologies that may be used in the development and implementation of an empirically based dissertation and research studies.

Restrictions: Doctoral only. Prerequisites: EDU 7972: D or better AND EDU 7973: D or better

EDU 7977: Seminar: Research Methods and Statistics Review (3)


Prerequisites: EDU 7972, 7973, and 7974. This seminar is designed to review basic and advanced statistical analyses skills and concepts. The course should assist students with preparation for their research comprehensive examinations.

Restrictions: Doctoral only. Prerequisites: EDU 7972: D or better AND EDU 7973: D or better AND EDU 7974: D or better

EDU 7978: Seminar: Review of Theory and Research in Curriculum and Instruction/Foundations (3)


Prerequisites: EDU 7101, 7102. This seminar is designed to review current theories and research in Curriculum and Instruction and in the foundations of education. The course should assist doctoral students with preparation for their research comprehensive examinations.

Restrictions: Doctoral only. Prerequisites: EDU 7101: D or better AND EDU 7102: D or better

EDU 7990: Leadership Colloquium (3)


Prerequisites: EDU 7101. 7102, 7972, and 7973, can be taken concurrently. Students write a scholarly paper and present it to the educational community. Evaluation of the scholarship and colloquium is conducted by the graduate faculty in the School of Education.

Restrictions: Doctoral only. Prerequisites: EDU 7101 can be taken concurrently: D or better AND EDU 7102 can be taken concurrently: D or better AND EDU 7972 can be taken concurrently: D or better AND EDU 7973 can be taken concurrently: D or better

EDU 7991: Dissertation Orientation (1)


Prerequisites: (EDU 7972 and 7973), or EDU 7107. Focuses on the dissertation process and includes topics such as writing the proposal and the dissertation.

Restrictions: Doctoral only. Prerequisites: (EDU 7972: D or better AND EDU 7973: D or better) OR EDU 7107: D or better

EDU 7995: Doctoral Dissertation (1-20)


Prerequisites: EDU 7972 and 7973. Requires original research conducted under the guidance of a faculty advisor. Includes a dissertation orientation class. May be repeated for credit up to 20 credits.

Restrictions: Doctoral only. Prerequisites: EDU 7972: D or better AND EDU 7973: D or better