Whether you are an alum, family of a current student-athlete, or a curious member of the SPU community, we look forward to connecting with and updating you on what is new with SPU Rowing!
In the sterns, we placed the plaque recognizing the 1972 chartering members of SPU Crew, the Captains’ Award, and the Lou Gellerman and David Godfrey Awards. From there, it was a tapestry of history as the PCRC and Dad Vail Medals, NIRC Championships, and achievements of Falcons-past lined the rower stations.
In the bow seat of the “Covey” sat the latest trophy from our JV8+’s 2019 WIRA gold, and in the coxswain seat of the “Polly Teel” lay the NCAA Championship participant medals, as well as the Second Place Team trophy earned by the 2010 crew.
Leading to the names of the two shells lay the uniforms worn by 49 years' worth of ɬÀï·¬ Pacific rowers, leading forward towards the future and what could be next for SPU Rowing.