Nominate a world-changer for GOLD Alum of the Year
Do you know a GOLD alum who is out there engaging the culture and changing the world? Nominate that person for SPU’s Young Alum of the Year award.
Meet the GOLD Council
ɬ’s GOLD Council seeks to keep young alumni involved in the SPU community during the first 10 years after college graduation.
Your GOLD Council seeks to keep you and other young alumni involved in SPU to provide friendship, support, and a way together to help answer the fundamental question at SPU: “Can a university change the world?”
Want to volunteer to serve on the GOLD Council? We’d love to hear from you!
Support a fellow Falcon
Did you know that there’s a GOLD Scholarship Endowment — a scholarship for a current SPU student funded by recent grads just like you?
Help a current student gain all the benefits of an SPU education, and join with other GOLD alumni so that together, your dollars make a difference in someone’s life.