
Campus Contacts

ɬÀï·¬ Pacific faculty and staff are here to support veterans and dependents of veterans during their academic journeys. Here are offices where you can find answers to your specific questions.

Vet Corps Navigator. For resources available at SPU to veterans and their dependents, and for help navigating services available through WDVA or other organizations. Sign up for newsletter and event invitations. 
Contact: veteranNavigator@spu.edu

Student Financial Services Coordinator. For help calculating SPU costs, including VA benefits. Also help on how to receive VA checks, and other financial information.
Contact: sfs-veterans@spu.edu
Location: 10

Veterans Certifying Official. Certifies and monitors your enrollment and academic process. Provides other academic-related information.
Contact: Kay Knierim, kknierim@spu.edu
Location: 151

for Veterans.  about credit transfers, leave policy when called to active military service, and more.

Student Veterans Association. Over the years, students have organized and participated in a local SVA chapter on SPU’s campus. For information on how to get involved, contact