
Quick Stats — Autumn Enrollment

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Autumn Headcounts by Student Level

Data Source: Prior to 2005, data provided by the OIR Situational Analysis report. Since 2005, data is from OIR autumn Census data.

2005 Total: 3,873

  • UG majors: 54
  • UG minors: 42
  • Master's and post-master’s programs: 12
  • Doctoral programs: 3

2015 Total: 4,175

  • UG majors: 60
  • UG minors: 53
  • Master's and post-master’s programs: 24
  • Doctoral programs: 5

2022 Total:  3,114

  • UG majors:70
  • UG minors: 67
  • Master's and post-master’s programs: 21
  • Doctoral programs: 5

Student Diversity by Gender and Ethnicity: All Student Levels

Autumn 1975-Current Fall Term

Data Source: Prior to 2005, data provided by the OIR Situational Analysis report. Since 2005, data is from OIR Fall Census data.

Fall Student Diversity

Full-Time Equivalencies (FTE) by Student Level

Data Source: Data is from quarterly registration statistics.

FTE is a calculation of the total undergraduate student credits divided by 15 and graduate credits divided by 9.

Fall Quarter Student FTE

Percentage of Students Attending Full Time

Data Source: Prior to 2005, data provided by the OIR Situational Analysis report. Since 2005, data is from OIR autumn Census data.

Full-time status for undergraduate students is defined as those taking 12 credits or more. For graduate students, full-time status is based on students taking 6 or more credits.

Since 2000, over 90 percent of the undergraduate students enroll full time (15 or more credits).

Data prior to 2005 not currently available for students enrolled in graduate programs.