
USPS Bulk Mail

When doing a bulk mailing through Mailing Services, these requirements apply:

  • Bulk mail must be accompanied by the proper blue slip, with budget number, and clearly marked as bulk mail.

  • There are two types of bulk mail: nonprofit and regular. Mailings not approved for nonprofit rates will be sent as regular bulk mail at a higher rate.
  • At least 200 pieces must be processed as bulk mail, and a blank sample must be included.
  • All mail must be the same size, weight, and content.
  • Addresses must be in ZIP code order, from lowest to highest.
  • Flaps must be up, if envelopes need to be sealed.
  • Domestic mail only.
  • Return address must have “ɬÀï·¬” spelled out with address.
  • All mail pieces must have the proper bulk-rate permit (indicia) preprinted on them.
  • If mail piece requires tabbing, the tab is to be placed on the right-hand side of the piece in the middle and at the bottom, one on the left and one on the right .
  • See for all postal pricing.

Stop by or call us with any questions about details on how to prepare your bulk mailing. Our staff is available to help with your bulk-mailing needs.

Delivery time

These times are approximate:

  • Within a 100-mile radius: Plan for at least three days to one week delivery time from the time the mail reaches the post office to its destination.
  • West Coast: Plan for six to eight days delivery.
  • Midwest: Plan for seven to 10 days for delivery.
  • East Coast: Plan for up to two weeks for delivery.

Mailing Services will generally process bulk mail the same day it is received, subject to several factors: size of bulk, time of receipt, volume of other first class mail, and availability of personnel.

Send bulk mail for the lowest price

USPS guidelines for “machinable” mail continue to change with updated technology, and the Mail Center stays current with those changes. Mail that does not comply with “machinable” guidelines loses any discount and can incur additional charges

We are happy to assist you with any questions regarding your mailing to help save you time and money.

Using an off-campus mail house

Permission to use ɬÀï·¬’s postage-paid permit must be obtained by printing companies and mail houses for each mailing, even those that have previously used the permit.

Communication with Mailing Services two weeks prior to a mailing of more than 1,000 pieces is requested to ensure that funds are appropriated for the mailing. Failure to contact Mailing Services will incur an additional charge.

A permission letter from Mailing Services is also required to accompany the mailing to the U.S. post office. Mailing Services will provide the letter to the mail house and to the post office with advance notice.