
Reporting Responsibilities

discriminatory, harassing, or other inappropriate conduct is key to stopping the behavior, remedying its effects, and preventing its recurrence. Reporting can help individuals access support services and resources that are available and help University administrators understand and address campus climate. In some cases, reporting is required by SPU policy or applicable law, and failure to report could potentially expose an employee or the University to liability.

Although any person my report a concern of discriminatory conduct, some SPU employees, volunteers, and student leaders are subject to specific expectations regarding the reporting of crimes and sexual misconduct, as described on the  policy. 

In addition, all supervisors are expected to immediately report any unlawful discrimination or harassment that they observe or learn about in their areas. 


Title IX Reporting Guidelines

SPU faculty and staff must promptly report known or suspected incidents of sexual harassment, sexual assault, intimate partner violence and stalking (or "VAWA Offense") to the Title IX Coordinator or the Response Team when it involves university students and/or employees. This reporting requirement applies to all faculty and staff who are not confidential resource providers.

All students are encouraged report known or suspected sexual harassment or VAWA Offenses to the Title IX Coordinator/Response Team. All members of the SPU community are encouraged to make these reports as soon as possible.

Confidential resource providers are generally not obligated to report harassment or discrimination when acting in within the scope of their employment. Confidential resources at SPU include confidential counselors, pastoral counselors, and health care providers.

You can learn more about campus, local, and national confidential resource providers by visiting the Resources & Support webpage.

Reports can be directed to the Title IX Coordinator, either in person, by phone or by email, or to the Response Team by submitting the online Report a Concern form. Third party reporters are strongly encouraged to leave contact information. Anonymous submissions may limit SPU’s ability to aid and/or investigate the incident.

After assessing the immediate needs of the affected individual, a third-party reporter may, as appropriate, provide relevant details about the sexual harassment or VAWA Offense that was voluntarily disclosed, including:

  • The name of the alleged perpetrator of the conduct (respondent).
  • The name of the alleged victim or target of the conduct (complainant).
  • Any other individuals involved in the situation (e.g., witnesses).
  • Relevant facts, including the date, time, and location of the incident.

Having full details of the incident is not necessary to make a report. Third-party reporters should be careful to not investigate the situation or make determinations as to what happened; rather, they should simply relay the information that is known to them.

If an individual shares information about sexual harassment or VAWA Offense the reporting party should:

  • Respond with care and concern. Thank the individual for trusting you with this information.
  • Disclose your obligation to report the information to University Officials.
  • Listen for relevant information without trying to investigate or make judgments. Avoid victim blaming.
  • Note the availability of support resources and complaint process (SPU's Title IX Coordinator can explain in more detail).
  • Report the information promptly to a member of the Response Team (call the Office of Safety and Security immediately if there immediate safety concerns).

After receiving a report, the Title IX Coordinator or other member of the Response Team will reach out to the affected individual(s) to provide information about University resources, internal and external complaint processes, and related matters. The affected individual(s) may choose whether they wish to speak with the Response Team about what happened. 

Reporting an incident of sexual harassment or VAWA Offense does not automatically trigger the filing of a formal complaint. The formal complaint process is separate.