
Residence Hall Features

  Arnett Ashton Emerson Hill Moyer
Floors 4 6 5 6 3
Capacity 150 418 341 345 127
Single rooms 8 0 28 0 0
Double rooms 62 197 116 142 47
Triple rooms 6 12 28 23 12
Quad rooms 0 0 2 0 0
Traditional hall, community floor bathrooms    
Suites, private or shared bathrooms      
Community lounges
Secure wireless access
Wired ethernet ports
Kitchen on floor
Laundry (fee for use)
Live-in professional and student staff
Mini-blind window treatment
Movable furniture+      
Recreation/exercise center  
Residence hall council
Single-gender floors
Study rooms
TV room
Vending machines
Wheelchair-accessible rooms    

*Students living in residence halls are provided with an extra-long twin bed, dresser, desk, chair, and closet or wardrobe.

+Furniture may be reconfigured, but it may not be removed from the room.