
Faculty Servant Award


The kind of recipient the faculty wish to honor with the Early Career and Senior Faculty Servant Awards is a person once called “a model of unselfish service.”

Faculty Council selects the honorees, and the awards are announced at the Faculty Governance and Award Luncheon in June. The honorees names are added to plaques that are displayed on the wall outside the Faculty Life Office.

Formal criteria

  • The individual is a member of the SPU faculty.
  • The Senior Servant Award recognizes a pattern of ongoing service to the SPU faculty and University community as a whole over a period of years (typically 10 or more). The Early Career Servant Award recognizes a pattern of service prior to tenure. 

Although it is often the case that a specific service event might inspire the selection of a particular individual at a given moment, the goal of the creators of this award was that it look at a faculty member’s body of service within and to the SPU community over time.

The award at times has been a type of  “unsung hero” award, since a great deal of University service goes, if not unnoticed, at least unrecognized.

Though well over half of the senior recipients have served as faculty chair — some more than once — this was never intended as a requirement. A faculty servant is one who has willingly served on faculty committees and task forces, has performed diligent work within his or her department and school, and has contributed in various other ways toward making SPU a better place.

Work, even exemplary work, performed by a faculty member serving in some administrative role, such as department chair or dean, is not by itself enough to qualify him or her for this award, but it may be included in the assessment of his or her total body of service to the faculty and the University.

Faculty Servant Award Criteria (.doc)