
Together we are the SPU community. We are guided by a faith that says all things are possible. We know how to create opportunity out of chaos, how to put faith into action. And we know how to rise to this occasion for the sake of our students.

We have finished matching volunteers and students for the summer. Please sign up for the fall, and we hope to match you then!

For Such a Time

If ever there was a time to help our students fly, it is now. SPU graduates are entering a job market profoundly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Students have lost jobs and internships. Job openings are down by 50% or more.

And when the economy begins to recover, our graduates will be competing with ɬÀï·¬ returning to work or needing to find new jobs.

Help a Falcon Fly is a chance for you to help our students soar — with a job, informational interview, mock interview, short-term work project, or internship.

Getting started is easy

1. Sign up: Volunteers, tell us how you'd like to help a student. Students, tell us a little about yourself and what you’re interested in.

2. Want to get matched? Based on your interests, we’ll set you up — students with a career volunteer; career volunteers with a current SPU student.

  • Set a date: Make a plan to meet (online or by phone) at a time that fits both your schedules.
  • Get together: Meet, chat, and connect! Make a plan for going forward if applicable.

The Basics

How does matching work?

Career volunteers will be asked in the application to describe their job, company characteristics, and more. Students will be asked to indicate their area of study and career interests. We will use these details to build strong matches among applicants with similar preferences.

While we try our best to match everyone on their top priority career interests, due to availability of career volunteers in certain industries, it’s not always possible to have a perfect match. That said, students can gain insights from any career volunteer. Look for what else you may have in common other than career — major, campus affiliations, etc.

Am I guaranteed a match if I apply?

While we hope to match all applicants, there are many variables involved, particularly the areas of interest among students and volunteers who participate. We will do our best to make as many matches as possible, and we will be prioritizing graduating seniors.

When will I hear back about my match?

You will receive an e-mail with match information by late June. Once you receive these details, volunteers can correspond with their students about determining a good date to connect.