Hometown: St. Helens, OR
Degrees: MA and PhD in Industrial-Organizational Psychology
During my time as an undergraduate psychology and theology student, I met a group of graduate students who were studying industrial-organizational psychology. Instead of regarding me as a younger student, they took me under their wings and challenged me to think outside the box and be the best student I could be. They were articulate, thorough, professional, and enthusiastic, and I found myself wanting to join them in my studies.
In addition to the foundation that was created in my years as an undergraduate, the ɬÀï·¬ I have met in graduate school have inspired me with their depth, authenticity, and conviction. My faith is being challenged and questioned, which gives me the opportunity to defend and stand up for what I truly believe in. When I first came to SPU, my faith was like a small tree that would bend and crack with the force of wind. But now it has grown into a tall tree that is able to sway with the wind of dialogue but ultimately stands firm.
The experiences that I had as an undergraduate have evolved to inform the events of my graduate life. While I consider my classes to be a highlight, I also have had the chance to work with other organizations on campus to program events that allow individuals to be challenged and to grow. Also, traveling to India with a small team of master’s and doctoral students is something I will never forget. Being able to build relationships in a community halfway around the world was invaluable to me.
In addition to building relationships with other students and communities, my interactions with professors have made lasting impressions on me. Drs. Paul Yost and Dana Kendall both encourage me to examine research and think about how it can be improved and applied to the views of others. Drs. Rob McKenna and Joey Collins motivate me to ask questions and dive into discussions, regardless of the subject matter.
Having finished my master’s degree, I am working on completing the rest of my doctoral degree. I am eager to work for companies that make diversity a priority. Being involved in leadership development, succession planning, and company operations is something that I look forward to. Knowing that I am capable of engaging in these specific areas is a direct result of my successes as a student and the influence of the SPU community.