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Course Sequence: Master of Arts in Teaching

Candidates receive a specific course sequence, depending on endorsement, as they begin the program. The following shows an example sequence for a candidate endorsing in Elementary Education.


Year One

EDU 6120 American Education: Past and Present (3)*
EDU 6133  Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Education
EDU 6918 Introduction to Teaching (2)
EDMA 6431 Math Content and Processes for Elementary Teachers (3)
EDU 6526 Survey of Instructional Strategies (3)*
EDU 6130 Classroom Management (3)
EDU 6989 Spring Field Experience (3)
EDU 6150 Planning, Instruction, and Assessment (3)
EDU 6363 Language Arts/Social Studies/Arts Methods (3)
EDU 6524 Curriculum Design (3)

Year Two

EDRD 6529 Teaching Reading: Strategies of Instruction (3)
EDU 6362 Science/Health/Math Methods (3)
EDU 6942 Autumn Field Experience & Professional Issues (2)
EDMA 6432 Math Methods for Elementary Teachers (3)
EDU 6949 Student Teaching Internship (6)
EDU 6139 Internship Seminar (2)
EDU 6949 Student Teaching Internship (6)
EDSP 6644  Educating Exceptional Students (3)*
EDU 6085  Moral and Theological Issues in Education (3)*
EDTC  Any 6000-level EDTC course*

*indicates a master's component course. Most can be taken in any quarter, with the exception of EDU 6526, which is only offered Winter.

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