Education: BA, Western Washington University, 1972; MEd, University of Washington 1976; EdD, ɬÀï·¬, 2003. At SPU 2008–2022. Emeritus since 2022.
John Bond was a professor in the Educational Leadership Department. Prior to joining the SPU faculty in 2008, Dr. Bond was a public school administrator for over 25 years. He has served as a principal at both elementary and secondary levels, as well as an assistant superintendent in a large suburban school district.
At SPU, Dr. Bond taught courses in principal, program administration, and executive leadership certification programs. He also supervised the field experiences of administrative interns.
Selected Publications
- Bond, J.B. (2011, November 19). “Thinking on Your Feet: Principals’ Reflection-in-Action.” International Journal of Educational Leadership Preparation, 6(4). Retrieved from .
- Bond, J.B., Evans, L., & Ellis, A.K. (2011, February). “Reflective Assessment.” Principal Leadership, 32–34.
- Bond, J B. (2010). “Informative Assessment: Teacher and Student Together.” Washington State Kappan, 4(1), 8–10.
- Bond, J.B. (2008). “Reflective Assessment: Including Students in the Assessment Process.” Forum on Public Policy. Retrieved from .
Please view Dr. Bond’s CV (PDF) for additional publications.