
Dean's List

Spring 2006

Last Name
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Talbot, Elizabeth - Bellingham, WA
Talbott, Travis - ɬÀï·¬, WA
Taylor, Ivy - Oceanside, CA
Taylor, Kye - Powell River, BC
Taylor, Lisa - Mill Creek, WA
Taylor, Mollie - Westlake Village, CA
Teague, Melinda - Bellevue, WA
Teel, Caroline - ɬÀï·¬, WA
Teeter, Amy - Lynnwood, WA
Teeter, Carrie - Roraima, BRAZIL
Telford, Erin - Trout Lake, WA
Temple, Alicia - Clackamas, OR
Temporada, Fe Gail - Shoreline, WA
Terrill, Alberta - ɬÀï·¬, WA
Terry, Heather - ɬÀï·¬, WA
Thamthavornvanich, Sorapob - Issaquah, WA
Thatcher, Marianne - Anacortes, WA
Thiessen, Scott - ɬÀï·¬, WA
Thomas, Alexis - Snohomish, WA
Thomas, Melissa - Shawnee, KS
Thomas, Michael - ɬÀï·¬, WA
Thomas, Tara - Ammon, ID
Thompson, Alison - Pendleton, OR
Thompson, Crystal - Arlington, WA
Thompson, Elizabeth - Portland, OR
Thompson, Kendra - Hope, ID
Thomson, Joseph - ɬÀï·¬, WA
Thorsen, Shannon - Centennial, CO
Tibbils, Jessica - ɬÀï·¬, WA
Tiedeman, Sarah - Sonoma, CA
Tillery, Emily - ɬÀï·¬, WA
Timm, Megan - Seabeck, WA
Toliver, Nathan - Carlsborg, WA
Tollefsen, Kristen - Lynnwood, WA
Tolles, Alyssa - Silverdale, WA
Tomeo, Micaline -
Tompkins, Sarah - Tacoma, WA
Torres, Alejandro - Renton, WA
Townsend, Suzanne - ɬÀï·¬, WA
Tran, Albert - Everett, WA
Troop, Benjamin - Lewistown, MT
Tushar, Kelsey - Sammamish, WA
Tyberg, Kathryn - Long Beach, CA

Academic Offerings

ɬÀï·¬ offers 58 undergraduate majors and 49 minors. Find the program right for you.