
Dean's List

Winter 2010

Last Name
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Paez, Shianne - Bellingham, WA
Pahlke, Paige - ɬÀï·¬, WA
Palmen, Kelsey - Eugene, OR
Panotes, Amanda - Tacoma, WA
Parducci, Avery - ɬÀï·¬, WA
Paredes, Natalia - ɬÀï·¬, WA
Parker, Sydney - ,
Pearsall, Jamie - Bellingham, WA
Pechacek, Molly - Auburn, WA
Pencheva, Mirela - Tukwila, WA
Penzar, Esther - Redmond, WA
Perez, Rachel - ɬÀï·¬, WA
Perisho, Timothy - Nashville, TN
Perry, Jamie - Sammamish, WA
Perry, Natalie - Hillsboro, OR
Peter, Cara - Edmonds, WA
Peter, Elias - Edmonds, WA
Peters, Caitlin - Redding, CA
Peterson, Corissa -
Peterson, Emily - Auburn, WA
Peterson, Lisette - Alhambra, CA
Peterson, Megan - Sacramento, CA
Peterson, Melissa - Kent, WA
Phelps, Benjamin - ɬÀï·¬, WA
Phipps, Michael - Enumclaw, WA
Piehler, Timothy - Renton, WA
Pierce, Christa - Hillsboro, OR
Pietila, Hannah - White Bear Lake, MN
Pike, Jennifer - Vancouver, WA
Pinho, Christine - ɬÀï·¬, WA
Piper, Brittney - Anchorage, AK
Piper, Michael - Anchorage, AK
Pitt, Kathrin - ɬÀï·¬, WA
Pitzlin, Joshua - ɬÀï·¬, WA
Pixler, Jessica - ɬÀï·¬, WA
Platt, Theresa - Rogue River, OR
Platter, Annie - Issaquah, WA
Plinke, Wesley - Hillsboro, OR
Pliskin, Benjamin - Dallas, TX
Plunkett, Natty - ɬÀï·¬, WA
Poltz, Heather - Burien, WA
Pomeroy, Krista - Arlington, WA
Porter, Ashley - Woodinville, WA
Powell, Katie - Woodinville, WA
Pratt, Charlotte - Camano Island, WA
Prentiss, Amanda - Denver, CO
Priddy, Stephen - Boise, ID
Prince, Chad - Washington, DC
Probert, Jessica - Riverside, CA
Prouty, Ryan - Albany, OR
Pullium, DeHeavalyn - Dorchester, MA
Pulver, Lucas - Carbondale, CO
Pulver, Theodore - ɬÀï·¬, WA
Purcell, Molly - Renton, WA

Academic Offerings

ɬÀï·¬ offers 58 undergraduate majors and 49 minors. Find the program right for you.