
Dean's List

Winter 2003

Last Name
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Kalso, Jason - ɬÀï·¬, WA
Kam, Jiun - Edmonds, WA
Kamin, Jessica - Shelton, WA
Kane, Melinda - Carlsbad, CA
Kanehen, Nicholas - Lake Stevens, WA
Karnofski, Rachal - Leavenworth, WA
Kattenhorn, Christopher - Kirkland, WA
Kazikiewicz, Lael - Lorton, VA
Kearney, Alisa - Renton, WA
Kellogg, Lynessa - Missoula, MT
Kennedy, Anne - ɬÀï·¬, WA
Kernan, Jessica - Auburn, WA
Keverkamp, Amanda - Issaquah, WA
Keyes, Edward - Orlando, FL
Kiehne, Jenae - ɬÀï·¬, WA
Kikuta, Bethany - Auburn, WA
Kingma, Kyle - ɬÀï·¬, WA
Kingsley, Elisabeth - ɬÀï·¬, WA
Kirchoff, Mary - Portland, OR
Kitson, Michael - ɬÀï·¬, WA
Kjosness, Melissa - Redmond, WA
Klauber, Scott - Bothell, WA
Klug, Kathryn - Bellevue, WA
Knaff, Alisha - ɬÀï·¬, WA
Knapp, Andrew - Ada, MI
Knipper, Emily - Yakima, WA
Knox, Rebecca - Springfield, MA
Knudson, Jeffrey - Santa Barbara, CA
Koch, Aaron - Orlando, FL
Koenigs, Leanne - Snohomish, WA
Kohl, Holly - Lake Stevens, WA
Kondelis, Sabrina - Everett, WA
Kopp, Katherine - San Diego, CA
Koth, Jennifer - Hixson, TN
Kotton, Laura - Fort Worth, TX
Kravitz, Katy - Federal Way, WA
Kraybill, Sarah - ɬÀï·¬, WA
Kreun, Jesse - Puyallup, WA
Krohn, Lisa - Shoreline, WA
Krombein, Katherine - ɬÀï·¬, WA
Kropf, Barnabas - Harrisburg, OR
Kuemerle, Laurell - Snohomish, WA
Kuhnau, Ruth - Aberdeen, WA
Kurniawati, Abie - ɬÀï·¬, WA
Kutrich, Adam - Pequot Lakes, MN
Kuzaro, Amber - Renton, WA
Kwak, Jessie - Portland, OR
Kyler, Katie - ɬÀï·¬, WA
Kypreos, Kelsie - Gold Bar, WA

Academic Offerings

ɬÀï·¬ offers 58 undergraduate majors and 49 minors. Find the program right for you.