
Dean's List

Spring 2004

Last Name
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Haak, Lissa - Outlook, WA
Hadden, Kari - Lynnwood, WA
Hadden, Kenna - Kent, WA
Halcomb, Brian - Longmont, CO
Halko, Cherylee - ɬÀï·¬, WA
Hall, Chelsea - Snohomish, WA
Hall, Chris - Sammamish, WA
Hall, Mychal - The Dalles, OR
Hamilton, Erin - ɬÀï·¬, WA
Hamilton, Megan - Aurora, OR
Hammann, Angela - Puyallup, WA
Hammer, Rachel - New Orleans, LA
Hanauer, Shelby - Lakewood, CO
Hanley, Michael - Issaquah, WA
Hannah, Anelecia - ɬÀï·¬, WA
Hanson, Carly - Kenmore, WA
Hanson, Erica - ɬÀï·¬, WA
Hanson, Laura - Portland, OR
Hanson, Mary - Nampa, ID
Harbaugh, Ruth - ɬÀï·¬, WA
Harding, Rachelle - Stanwood, WA
Harlow, Candice - Mount Vernon, WA
Harmon, Letitia - Kansas City, MO
Harper-Smith, Sarah - Burien, WA
Harris, Amy - Bend, OR
Harris, Darcie - Boise, ID
Harris, Rachel - Tacoma, WA
Harris, Sarah - ɬÀï·¬, WA
Hart, Jenna - Puyallup, WA
Hart, Michelle - San Diego, CA
Hathaway, Joelle - Durham, NC
Hays, Andrew - Rapid City, SD
Hays, Lindsey - Rapid City, SD
Hazen, Stephanie - Renton, WA
Head, Kelly - ɬÀï·¬, WA
Hegarty, Christina - Burien, WA
Helfrick, Amanda - Leavenworth, WA
Hell, Rebecca - Tacoma, WA
Hellman, Elisabeth - Modesto, CA
Helm, Teresa - Coopersburg, PA
Hendrickson, Mark - ɬÀï·¬, WA
Henning, Lindsey - San Jose, CA
Henricksen, Lauren - Longview, WA
Henricksen, Wes - Longview, WA
Henson, Jessica - Washington, DC
Herley, Caroline - ɬÀï·¬, WA
Hiebert, Jared - Edmond, OK
Higgins, Victoria - Capitola, CA
Hill, Austin - Fort Dodge, IA
Hill, Carli - Wenatchee, WA
Hilliard, Brandon - Puyallup, WA
Hilliard, Leslie - ɬÀï·¬, WA
Hills, Brooke - Auburn, IN
Himes, Brant - La Verne, CA
Himes, Jacquelyn - La Verne, CA
Hinds, Jason - Everett, WA
Hinrichsen, Adam - Colorado Spgs, CO
Hodges, Keith - Brier, WA
Hodgson, Lisa - ɬÀï·¬, WA
Hoefel, Martha - Kent, WA
Hoekstra, Allison - Holland, MI
Hoff, Eric - Fresno, CA
Hoffer, Alicia - Ravensdale, WA
Hogle, Whitney - Monroe, WA
Holder, Ashley - San Francisco, CA
Holsman, Amy - Auburn, WA
Hong, Shaun - Las Angeles, CA
Hopkins, David - Anchorage, AK
Hopkins, Trevor - ɬÀï·¬, WA
Horner, Ian - Puyallup, WA
Hornor, Virginia - Colorado Springs, CO
House, Ashley - Maple Valley, WA
Hua, Crystal - ɬÀï·¬, WA
Huber, Cambria - ɬÀï·¬, WA
Hudson, Jamie - Pasco, WA
Huff, Charissa - Long Beach, CA
Hull, Jennifer - Beaverton, OR
Hunter, Jeffrey - Port Orchard, WA
Hunter, Justin - ɬÀï·¬, WA
Hunter, Kathleen - Bellevue, WA
Huskamp, Rebekah - Sidney, MT

Academic Offerings

ɬÀï·¬ offers 58 undergraduate majors and 49 minors. Find the program right for you.