
2012-13 Undergraduate Catalog
2008-09 Catalog
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How to Read Catalog Course Information

The following information is provided to help you understand course listings:

Subject Code: This contains the abbreviation of the discipline of the class, (e.g., MAT for mathematics).

Subject Number: This is the course number that accompanies the discipline. Courses numbered 0001–0999 are used to designate continuing education units or courses offered for credit that are not applicable toward a degree. Courses numbered 1000–2999 are designed primarily for freshmen and sophomores, and courses numbered 3000–3999 are designed primarily for juniors. Courses numbered 4000–4999 are primarily for seniors, but may also be suitable for fifth-year and other post-baccalaureate students. Courses numbered 5000–5999 are considered primarily for professional development and cannot be applied toward fulfillment of an undergraduate degree. Courses numbered 6000–6999 are designed for master’s degree programs and 7000–7999 for doctoral degree programs. Note: 3000- and 4000-level courses fulfill upper-division degree requirements.

Title: Title of the course.

Credit: Lists the number of quarter credit hours granted for the class. Variable credit classes will be listed with a hyphen or comma, e.g., 3–5 (3 to 5); 3,5 (3 or 5). Students need to determine the number of credits they wish to earn for the class at the time of registration.

Description: A statement that provides information about the course. Some courses will contain additional information related to prerequisites or course fees. Prerequisites need to be fulfilled prior to registering for the listed course.

Repeat Limits: Courses that may be repeated for credit state the number of times the course may be repeated or the maximum number of repeatable credits. Courses that have been identified as repeatable will appear multiple times on a transcript and will have the credits and GPAs calculated into the quarterly and cumulative grade point information until the limit has been reached. Once reached, the repeat rules in Repeat/Substitute Courses will be applied.

Corequisite: Classes noted as corequisites require concurrent registration with the original listing. Students must enroll during the same quarter for all courses listed as corequisites.

Course Equivalent: Classes noted as equivalent mean the courses are the same and that students will not receive credit toward graduation if they enroll in both courses. However, equivalent courses may substitute for one another during the degree audit process or when repeating a class (see Repeat/Substitute Courses).

Attributes: This information details how the course will be applied when conducting a graduation evaluation (degree audit).

Registration Restrictions: Registration restrictions have been designated for certain courses. The phrase "Class open to" identifies who may register for the course. The phrase "Class not open to" identifies who may not enroll in the course. The registration restrictions may be based on student level, student classification, or declared major.

Fees: Any class fees will be assessed at the time of registration. Fees may be charged at a flat rate (e.g., $10) or per credit rate (e.g., $10/credit). Fees are noted by the statement "Extra Fees."

Sample Catalog Description
(For illustration purposes only.)

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