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M.B.A. Finance Emphasis
M.B.A. Human Resource Management Emphasis
M.B.A. Information Systems Management Emphasis
M.B.A. International Business Emphasis
M.B.A. Management Emphasis
M.B.A. Social & Sustainable Enterprise Emphasis
M.B.A. Technology Management Emphasis
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Business & Economics Department Faculty
Baker, Bruce.  Assistant Professor of Business Ethics;  B.S. California Institute of Tech 1978;  Master of Bus Administration Stanford University 1981;  Master of Divinity Fuller Theological Seminary 2001;  Doctor of Philosophy University of St. Andrews 2010;  At SPU since 2010. ()
Beavers, Randy.  Assistant Professor of Finance;  B.S. University of Alabama 2010;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Alabama 2015;  At SPU since 2015. ()
Daniels, Denise.  Professor of Management; Associate Dean, Undergraduate Studies;  B.A. Wheaton College 1991;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Washington 1997;  At SPU since 1996. ()
Downing, Doug.  Associate Professor of Economics;  B.S. Yale University 1979;  Master of Arts Yale University 1982;  Doctor of Philosophy Yale University 1987;  At SPU since 1983. ()
Erisman, Al.  Executive in Residence;  B.S. Northern Illinois University 1962;  Master of Science Iowa State University 1967;  Doctor of Philosophy Iowa State University 1969;  At SPU since 2001. ()
Eveland, Vicki.  Assistant Professor of Marketing; Director of MA-Social and Sustainable Management;  Bachelor of Business Admin Mississippi State University 1982;  Master of Bus Administration Mississippi State University 1983;  Doctor of Business Admin Mississippi State University 1988;  At SPU since 2011. ()
Franz, Randy.  Professor of Management;  B.A. California State University Sacramen 1982;  Master of Arts Stanford University 1988;  Doctor of Philosophy Stanford University 1991;  At SPU since 1991. ()
Godek, John.  Assistant Professor of Management;  B.S. United States Coast Guard Acad 1987;  Master of Bus Administration University of Houston 1993;  Master of Science University of Michigan 2000;  Doctorate Degree University of Michigan 2003;  At SPU since 2014. ()
Hess, Dan.  Professor of Finance;  B.A. Wheaton College 1971;  Master of Bus Administration University of Washington 1975;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Arizona 1982;  At SPU since 1977. ()
Karns, Gary.  Professor of Marketing; Associate Dean, Graduate Studies; Graduate Director;  Master of Bus Administration University of Oklahoma 1977;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Washington 1987;  At SPU since 1979. ()
Kauppila, Bill.  Executive in Residence;  B.S. Northern Michigan University 1967;  Master of Bus Administration Western Michigan University 1968;  At SPU since 2006. ()
LaBrie, Ryan.  Associate Professor of Management and Information Systems;  B.A. É¬Àï·¬ 1993;  B.S. É¬Àï·¬ 1993;  Master of Science É¬Àï·¬ 1997;  Doctor of Philosophy Arizona State University 2004;  Doctorate Degree Arizona State University 2004;  At SPU since 2004. ()
Lee, Don.  Associate Professor of Management;  B.A. Seoul National University 2002;  Master of Arts Seoul National University 2004;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Pittsburgh 2010;  At SPU since 2010. ()
Mason, Geri.  Assistant Professor of Economics;  B.A. Whitworth University 2002;  Master of Arts University of Hawaii at Manoa 2010;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Hawaii at Manoa 2010;  At SPU since 2010. ()
Meredith, Jen.  Assistant Professor of Economics;  B.A. Westmont College 2007;  Master of Arts University of San Francisco 2009;  Master of Arts University of Washington 2012;  At SPU since 2014. ()
Osborn, Charity.  Assistant Professor of Business Law;  Associate in Arts Sauk Valley Community College 1995;  B.A. University of Illinois Urbana- 1997;  Juris Doctorate University of Michigan 2002;  At SPU since 2013. ()
Poznanska, Joanna.  Professor of International Business;  Master of Arts University of Warsaw 1970;  Doctor of Philosophy Warsaw University of Technology 1976;  At SPU since 1988. ()
Rand, Jim.  Executive in Residence;  B.S. Marquette University 1963;  Bachelor of Laws La Salle Extension University 1972;  At SPU since 1993. ()
Sawers, Kim.  Associate Professor of Accounting; C. Hope Professor of Leadership and Ethics;  B.S. Southern Oregon University 1985;  Master of Bus Administration É¬Àï·¬ 1994;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Washington 2002;  At SPU since 2006. ()
Schlee, Regina.  Professor of Marketing; Associate Dean, Accreditation, Assessment and Faculty Development;  B.A. University of Nevada: Las Vega 1976;  Master of Arts Washington State University 1978;  Doctor of Philosophy Washington State University 1981;  At SPU since 1984. ()
Steinke, Gerhard.  Professor of Management and Information Systems;  B.S. University of Alberta 1975;  Master of Bus Administration Ball State University 1984;  Master of Divinity Anderson University 1985;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Passau 1992;  At SPU since 1992. ()
Stewart, Ross.  Professor of Accounting;  B.Com. University of Auckland 1977;  M.Com. University of Auckland 1979;  Master of Science Regent College 1983;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Glasgow 1987;  At SPU since 1986. ()
Wong, Kenman.  Professor of Business Ethics;  B.S. Biola University 1986;  Master of Bus Administration University of Washington 1987;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Southern Califor 1996;  At SPU since 1997. ()

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