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Industrial-Organizational Psychology (M.A.)
Industrial-Organizational Psychology (Ph.D.)
Time Schedule
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Organizational Psychology Department Faculty
Collins, Joey.  Assistant Professor of Industrial/Organizational Psychology;  Associate in Arts Whatcom Community College 1988;  B.A. Western Washington University 1989;  Master of Science Western Washington University 1996;  Master of Arts Biola University 1998;  Doctor of Psychology Biola University 2001;  At SPU since 2005. ()
Diddams, Margaret.  Director of the Center for Scholarship and Faculty Development;  B.A. Wheaton College 1982;  Master of Arts New York University 1988;  Doctor of Philosophy New York University 1994;  At SPU since 2000. ()
Kendall, Dana.  Assistant Professor of Industrial/Organizational Psychology; Director of Research;  B.S. Andrews University 1999;  Master of Science Florida International Universi 2002;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Central Florida 2007;  At SPU since 2010. ()
McKenna, Rob.  Department Chair of Graduate, Organizational Psychology / Associate Professor and Chair of Industrial/Organizational Psychology;  B.A. É¬Àï·¬ 1990;  Master of Bus Administration É¬Àï·¬ 1992;  Doctor of Philosophy Claremont Graduate University 1998;  At SPU since 1999. ()
Yost, Paul.  Associate Professor of Industrial/Organizational Psychology; Director of Applied Learning and Development;  B.S. É¬Àï·¬ 1987;  B.A. É¬Àï·¬ 1987;  Master of Arts University of Maryland: Colleg 1993;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Maryland: Colleg 1996;  At SPU since 2005. ()
Psychology Department Faculty
Brown, Margaret.  Associate Professor and Chair of Psychology;  B.S. University of Washington 1998;  Master of Science University of Washington 2001;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Washington 2002;  At SPU since 2002. ()
Craft, Baine.  Associate Professor of Psychology and Biology; Director of Research;  B.S. Mississippi College 2001;  Master of Arts University of Montana-Missoula 2004;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Montana-Missoula 2005;  At SPU since 2006. ()
Erickson, Thane.  Associate Professor of Psychology; Director of Internships;  B.A. Point Loma Nazarene University 1999;  Master of Science Pennsylvania State University 2003;  Doctor of Philosophy Pennsylvania State University 2006;  At SPU since 2008. ()
Kim, Paul.  Assistant Professor of Psychology;  B.A. Calvin University 2004;  Master of Arts University of Notre Dame 2007;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Notre Dame 2010;  At SPU since 2010. ()
Krentz, Ursula.  Assistant Professor of Psychology;  B.A. University of Chicago 1996;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Washington 2003;  At SPU since 2004. ()
Lustyk, Kathy.  Professor of Psychology;  B.S. University of Washington 1988;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Washington 1992;  At SPU since 1996. ()
Parrott, Les.  Professor of Psychology;  B.A. Olivet Nazarene University 1984;  Master of Arts Fuller Theological Seminary 1988;  Doctor of Philosophy Fuller Theological Seminary 1990;  At SPU since 1989. ()
Roe, Micheal.  Dean, School of Psychology, Family and Community;  B.A. University of California San Diego 1973;  Master of Education University of Washington 1975;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Washington 1981;  At SPU since 1988. ()

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