
Travis Swallow

travis swallowWhat is your major?
I am double majoring in Accounting and Business Administration with an emphasis in finance.

What is something you wish everyone knew about your major?
I wish everyone knew that there are a lot of other career paths somebody studying accounting can take rather than becoming a CPA and joining a ‘Big 4’ accounting firm. My personal reasons for majoring in accounting were so that I could understand financial statements better for investing purposes, and so that I wouldn’t have to hire an accountant right away if I ever decide to start my own business.

What was your most impactful class?
The most impactful class that I took at SPU was Managerial Accounting taught by Professor Ipino. Managerial Accounting was impactful because it gave me a better understanding of the importance of a company’s cost structure, and the nuances within a company’s cost structure that can have a big impact on their bottom line. One of my areas of investment interest is in the beverage industry which is a very capital-intensive industry with a lot of different cost structures from co-packing to manufacturing, so Professor Ipino’s class was very applicable to my personal interests.

What are some of your career goals?
My career goals are to become an entrepreneur in the consumer-packaged goods (CPG) industry and to continue to be an active investor in both public and private companies. I want to move back to my hometown of Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, and join my family in helping the community grow while continuing to embrace our town’s history and culture.

What advice do you have for incoming students?
My advice to incoming students, especially incoming business students, is to always remember that there are different ways to define success. It is okay to have differing opinions on important topics; that is what drives innovation and creates opportunity beyond school. The most important thing that I think a college student can do is use this time to mature and find your passion.