
Emma Burke

emma burkeWhat is your major?

What is something you wish everyone knew about your major?
Psychology isn’t just working in a lab or being a therapist; it is a lot of personal growth and learning in a way that brings your closer to yourself. It is also a major that is applicable really anywhere in life.

What was your most impactful class?
I took a vocational class my junior year where I was first introduced to the idea of being a “multipotentialite,” a person who has many different interests and creative pursuits; this helped me to finally feel as though it was okay to want to do more than one thing with my life and to live into each of my passions.

What are some of your career goals?
I’m passionate about so many things and know I’ll go on to have multiple careers, but my staring place is in the outdoor industry where I plan to become and Interpretive national park ranger. I would also love to be a life coach, run a small business, become an author, work as a professional landscape/wildlife photographer, and cultivate a not-for-profit community produce and flower farm.

What advice do you have for incoming students?
The subject you major in doesn’t predetermine what you’ll do in a career. It’s normal to want to have multiple careers and not “fit in one box.” College is simply an entry ticket to the rest of your life and you can make it all up as you go. Remember that school is about personal growth too, not just progressing toward a career.