
Aseda Bekoe-Sakyi

aseda bekoe sakyiWhat is your major?
My major is Music: Composition and Production. I decided to do a double emphasis to get a more holistic picture of what it might look like to compose music for film, as well as how to produce my own music in the future!

What is something you wish everyone knew about your major?
I wish that everyone knew how much hard work goes into composing well. It is more than just knowing how to write songs, or how to digitally edit music. It is a delicate and intricate art that has so many details and little aspects that can make a project something incredible.

What was your most impactful class?
I had so many impactful classes during my time in the music program. One of them was my “Music of the Classical and Romantic Periods,” as well as my composition class. These classes opened my mind to the ways that music compositions of the past could impact and inform the ones in the future. I felt like through these classes I was able to learn so much about how I could write well, and how I could write in an effective way while also being creative and unique.

What are some of your career goals?
One of my biggest goals is to be a film composer! I love film music, and I love seeing how music and visual art come together as one. I also would love to perform and record music that I write, or to write songs for others as well. It started out as a hobby for me, but in my time at SPU it has become something that I realize that I am talented in and would like to continue doing.

What advice do you have for incoming students?
My advice for incoming students is to try new things, and do not be afraid! Nothing incredible can happen on the sidelines, it’s when you step out into the game and give it your all that the best things come forth. You will make it; you just have to keep on getting up and keep on taking small steps forward.