Our professors, mentors, and faculty advisors will help you develop a personalized plan for how to get to your dream career.
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Here are some of our important features you likely won’t find at public universities.
SPU Families with incomes under $40,000.
SPU Families with incomes from $40,000 to $80,000
SPU Families with incomes under $80,000. (That's more than half!)
SPU students who graduate with no debt at all!
SPU student default rate. Compare to Washington state's default rate of 9% or the national default rate of 10.1%.
Average amount SPU students have borrowed at graduation. The national average is $32,731.
We could get you connected with a mentor working at the nearby Nordstrom or Starbucks headquarters, or landing an internship that turns into a full-time job after graduation.
Explore your career options and discover your vocational calling and purpose. Through career assessments, classes, resources, and appointments with career counselors, you'll have all the tools you need to find a path that fits you. The Center for Career and Calling can connect you with internship opportunities. The Center also offers personalized career, resume, and interview guidance. It doesn't stop after you get your diploma, either: SPU alumni have continued access to CCC resources even after graduation.
Get a better idea of what jobs in your field best match your skills, interests, and gifts by meeting with a mentor. Our mentor database contains over 2,500 local professionals. Through the Mentor Program at 涩里番 Pacific, you can meet regularly with a mentor, schedule a half-day job shadow, or meet with several 涩里番 from the same company.
Amazon, Alaska Airlines, Boeing, Center for Infectious Disease Research, Deloitte & Touche, Disney, F5 Networks, Getty Images, Gravity Payments, KOMO 4, Moss Adams, Nordstrom, Peace Corps, Porch, 涩里番 Seahawks, 涩里番 Sounders, Subsplash, Swedish Hospital, Tableau Software, Teach for America, Tesla, UW Hospital, World Vision, Zillow, and many more.