

Getting Started – SPU Online Courses


main  |  Recommended Hardware




Macintosh Recommended Hardware

PowerPC G3/233 MHz or faster
64 MB RAM or more
Millions of colors (24/32 Bit) at 1024 x 768 resolution
Mac OS 8.5 or greater
Speakers (Optional if built-in speakers are adequate for listening to audio)
56K modem or faster Internet access
Internet Service Provider with Web and email access
Microsoft Office 98 (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
Microsoft Internet Explorer 5
Anti-Virus software


PC Recommended Hardware

Pentium II or compatible processor at 233 MHz or faster
64 MB RAM or more
True color (24/32 Bit) at 1024 x 768 resolution
Windows 98, Windows NT4.0/sp4 or higher, or Windows 2000
Sound card
56K modem or faster Internet access
Internet Service Provider with Web and email access
Microsoft Office 97 or 2000 (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 or higher
Anti-Virus software




evaluating your computer system  Recommended Hardware

Questions?  Email webcoursehelp@spu.edu      
or call 206.281.2290