

Getting Started – SPU Online Courses


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Navigation Buttons

Recent Pages: Use this button to list recently viewed pages.

Find: Use this button to search for a word/phrase in the text of the presentation.

First Page: Use this button to return to the beginning of the presentation.

Previous Page: Use this button to go to the previous slide. You can also use the left arrow key to go to the previous slide.

Next Page: Use this button to go to the next slide. You can also use the right arrow key to go to the next slide.

Last Page: Use this button to go to the end of the presentation.


Note: Each page may take a short time to download depending on your   modem speed. It is best to wait until each page is finished downloading before going to the next page.  

At the end of a presentation:

PC – close the current presentation by clicking on the "X" in the upper right hand corner of the window.

Mac – close the current presentation window by pressing "Command + Q" (Open apple + Q). Then return to Course Documents to view another presentation.  Module and Segment names are listed here.  Current page number out of total number of pages Navigation buttons.




download instructions for authorware web player  |  navigating within a presentation Navigation Buttons

Questions?  Email webcoursehelp@spu.edu       
or call 206.281.2290