
Graduate Summer Class List

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Instructional Method

CRN Course Method Course Title Credits Instructor Open
Summer 2025 Education: Reading Courses
60419 EDRD 6507 Online Language Development, Diversity and Literacy 3 Kris Mensonides Gritter 22 open seats
60371 EDRD 6530 Online Disciplinary Literacy and Language Learning 3 Robin Henrikson 22 open seats
60372 EDRD 6530 Online Disciplinary Literacy and Language Learning 3 Robin Henrikson 22 open seats
60373 EDRD 6533 Online Writing: Process to Product 3 Scott Beers 22 open seats
60374 EDRD 6980 Traditional Field Experience and Pedagogy Assessment 1-3 Kris Mensonides Gritter 5 open seats