
President's View

"The Focus is Outward, Always"Feature
Following the Board of Trustees' official endorsement of the Comprehensive Plan for the 21st Century, President Philip Eaton provides examples of SPU's vision for "engagement" in the world. A summary of the plan is included in this issue of Response.


Taking the HeatFeature
After working on such big projects as the Kingdome and the Convention Center, Alumnus of the Year Robert Wallace remains undaunted by the challenges of civic leadership.

A Big "STEP" ForwardFeature
SPU's G-STEP program was created to help meet the desperate need for minority teachers in this region. Four graduates describe how G-STEP made their dream possible.

The University SeminarFeature
It's the first freshman class of the new Common Curriculum. It's also a unique and effective entrée into learning at a Christian university.

Into the WorldFeature
With a focus on addressing the "crisis of meaning" in our culture, SPU's Comprehensive Plan for the 21st Century is now in place. Response reveals the plan's innovative ideas.

Faith Has Its ReasonsFeature
Why do Christians believe? Professor of Philosophy Steve Layman tackles the provocative question he explored with 20 freshmen in a University Seminar this fall.

Campus News

Truth or Vaudeville?Feature
Optimism in the face of disaster is at the heart of Thornton Wilder's offbeat comedy The Skin of Our Teeth. The Homecoming play is also an "SPU Canon" selection.

SPU's Downtown Breakfast to Feature International News Commentator

Vice President for Campus Life Leaves SPU

Mission Accomplished: Phonathon '98 Surpasses the Goal

SPU Assists Victims of Hurricane Mitch

Pastors' Luncheon to Feature Gary Collins on Balanced Living

Date Set for Fellows Event

The Family That Learns Together

Gallery Showing Features Thirteen Caldwell Landscapes

Bovy Selected WAFCS State Professional of the Year

Religion and Science Profs Confront Difficult Questions

New Faculty Book: Rethinking Wesley's Theology for Contemporary Methodism

The Home AdvantageFeature
They're college students, varsity athletes - and married. What are the difficulties and rewards of building a family life while playing on a nationally competitive sports team?

Final Four Soccer Season a Series of Comebacks

Volleyball and Cross Country Teams Rate as Favorites for 1999

Both Basketball Teams Nationally Ranked

Taking the HeatFeature
After working on such big projects as the Kingdome and the Convention Center, Alumnus of the Year Robert Wallace remains undaunted by the challenges of civic leadership.

Homecoming 1999 Will Close a Millennium in Style

Paget and Others End Longtime Service as Trustees

Special Section: News From This Year's Reunion Classes




In Memoriam

Please read our . Send any questions, comments or correspondence about
Response to jgilnett@spu.edu or call 206-281-2051.
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